A little annoying problem with windows 7.


May 25, 2005

Today I installed windows 7 on a new SSD and everything went smooth untill the finish where after I finished everything and set the boot priority back to hard drive....it still asks for my windows cd every boot, it gives me this error.


Maybe I did something wrong with installing the OS on the ssd?
Install with just the SSD hooked up. It likly put the boot loader on the other hardrive.

Or just remove the second drive and run the startup repair, that should fix it
you sure you set your SSD as the boot drive?

do you have any other drives?

did you set the harddrive order properly if you have more then 1 drive in the system
I do have 2 other SATA drives but I'm pretty sure I set it up as it should be.
The windows runs fine but it just asks for my win cd every time i boot.

In my bios the SSD drive is set as the first hard drive from the 3
I do have 2 other SATA drives but I'm pretty sure I set it up as it should be.
The windows runs fine but it just asks for my win cd every time i boot.

In my bios the SSD drive is set as the first hard drive from the 3

Right, because windows put the BOOT LOADER on a different physical drive than the OS installed on

This happens all the time, disconnect the other drives and repair the boot loader fixmbr

the boot loader gets installed on the First HDD in the bios
Right, because windows put the BOOT LOADER on a different physical drive than the OS installed on

This happens all the time, disconnect the other drives and repair the boot loader fixmbr

the boot loader gets installed on the First HDD in the bios

hasnt done that to me, but i also delete and create new partitions on my windows installs for windows 7 and it always uses the drive and only the drive i choose to install it on.
hasnt done that to me, but i also delete and create new partitions on my windows installs for windows 7 and it always uses the drive and only the drive i choose to install it on.

Consider yourself luck, seems to do it randomly. If your installing on the first drive in the BIOS, your fine no matter what
Install with just the SSD hooked up. It likly put the boot loader on the other hardrive.

Or just remove the second drive and run the startup repair, that should fix it


From now on, whenever installing windows, you had to pull the plug or disable the drives in your BIOS and ONLY have the one you are trying to install to connected. Windows is a real PITA now with the boot record where you don't want it.
^^ again, i have installed windows 7 on various systems, upto about 13 now, my home rig has 4 drives, my OS drive is on port 1, with another drive on port 0 - didnt have this problem and also removed the port 0 drive a WD640 to a 1.5 drive.

at work 3 of the systems i did had 2 drives, a IDE and an SATA, i installed it on the SATA, again no problems with the OS only being done on the drive i choose.

perhaps because i do delete partitions and create them it does the 100mb partition on the drive i choose.

So i guess my advice is delete all partitions, use the installer partition manager to make yours and go from there.