a few easy firefox extension questions.


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 18, 2004
I want to remove the "home" icon from the toolbar and was wondering if theres an extension that lets you double click on a tab to close it?
thanks. i had the 0.2.3 version. the beta doesnt work for me, so iam sticking with the 0.2.3 version.

I cant seem to find the "hide the homepage icon"

and the double clicking on a tab to close it doesnt work. only shift+click does. do u know what might be causing that?
you don't need an extension to remove the home icon. just right click anywhere on the toolbar, go to customize, and drag-n-drop the 'home icon' into the "customize toolbar" box.

Also, i prefer tabbrowser extensions for my tabbed browsing needs... has more options than anything i've ever seen.
and the double clicking on a tab to close it doesnt work. only shift+click does. do u know what might be causing that?

Double-check your TMP configuration, and make sure it's not conflicting with anything else: the tab configuration in the Options menu, for example. As for removing/reconfiguring toolbar icons, right-click anywhere in the toolbar and hit Customize.

berky said:
Also, i prefer tabbrowser extensions for my tabbed browsing needs... has more options than anything i've ever seen.

Tabbrowser Extensions is so bloated and buggy that the Firefox developers actually recommend against installing it. So far, that's the only extension they've ever come out against.

Tab Mix Plus is intended to be a non-bloated, non-sucky TBE replacement. It does the job pretty well. I can't think of a reason not to use TMP.
^^^I'm in total agreement there. For me, TBE was buggy as hell & caused many issues. Since I switched to TMP, I've had zero issues, & I find TMP to be very configurable. I'm looking forward to the next update version.
Terpfen said:
Double-check your TMP configuration, and make sure it's not conflicting with anything else: the tab configuration in the Options menu, for example. As for removing/reconfiguring toolbar icons, right-click anywhere in the toolbar and hit Customize.

Tabbrowser Extensions is so bloated and buggy that the Firefox developers actually recommend against installing it. So far, that's the only extension they've ever come out against.

Tab Mix Plus is intended to be a non-bloated, non-sucky TBE replacement. It does the job pretty well. I can't think of a reason not to use TMP.

Interesting... I haven't really had any problems... ever. I guess if i run into any, i'll check out this tmp.