A challenge for the network gods...


Limp Gawd
Nov 1, 2001
I can't see why this can't be done. I don't see a hardware limitation here, but I could be wrong. I also don't see any software that will allow for this, but here is what I want to do:

I would like to take my Blackberry and tether it to my laptop using bluetooth. No problem there, that's easy enough. I do it all the time to allow my laptop internet access when I'm on the road.

The next step I would like to do is somehow use my laptop at that point as a wifi hotspot so to speak. In other words, use my bb's data plan, route it through my laptop, and have my laptop act as a router, transmit wifi to allow other devices to connect to it for internet access.

Any ideas?
If the the Bluetooth connection, or the modem connection or w/e that it ends up really showing shows up in your Network Connections then I don't really see why Internet Connection Sharing wouldn't work.

Pretty damn expensive though?
expensive? I have unlimited data on my bb plan for $20, which I use anyway. All I want to do is connect my IPOD Touch to the network when I'm at work. They don't have wifi at work, so I'm trying to think of a way to bring my own.
Have they found a way to unlock the bluetooth on the touch yet? you could connect directly to the blackberry over bluetooth if so. I believe I read an article a while back saying that the nike wireless headphones that apple was selling connected over bluetooth even though the touch never claimed to have it.
Yup, ICS is what you'd want.

I'd personally, if this is something you want recurring and they trust you enough to bring your own internet in anyway, just get a wireless router and make it into an access point.
Aaronearles, this was actually my first approach to solving this issue. I did some research and the last I heard about the Touch's BT, and I have a 2G Touch, was that it still needed to be jailbreaked in order for the OS to work with BT fully. As far as I know, they have not released Jailbreak for 2G Touches. Also, they seem to think that the only BT profile for that chip is for earphones, not file xfer or data connections. That's why I'm going this direction.

That won't work. Only Broadband Connection I have access to in the building is my cell phone (Blackberry) No wifi, no LAN, bla bla bla. It's a secure network. I would be fired in a second if I connected a wireless router to their network, lol.
Only Broadband Connection I have access to in the building is my cell phone (Blackberry) No wifi, no LAN, bla bla bla. It's a secure network. I would be fired in a second if I connected a wireless router to their network, lol.

I take it your laptop is not plugged into the business network?
Nope, cant do that either. I can bring one in, and connect via my Cell phone provider, which I do, but that's it.
I run my laptop (Vista) through my Crackleberry Pearl via Bluetooth, but there is not "Sharing" tab/checkbox for the bluesnaggletooth connection to share it with (which ICW would require). However, if you tether it via the USB cable, via the broadband access dialer, it should be able to.
hmmm, I'm gonna have to try that....give me a few min, I'll let you know what happens.

Oh wait, I'll have to try it at home tonight, as I don't have all the hardware with me at work.
actually I might find a lappytop here that's not company owned... I'll keep you informed.
I know you can configure a computer with a bunch of nics to be a router so why can't you do the same within options inside windows with wireless?
I'm not brushed up on my network engineering skillz, and have not found the answer to your question in any of my research.

But really, how do you get the laptop to pretend it's a wifi router, handing out static or even DHCP addresses, with ssid numbers, and all that?
I know you can configure a computer with a bunch of nics to be a router so why can't you do the same within options inside windows with wireless?

It's the unusual "network connection" that the phone creates in Windows which is the first obstacle. Regular standard NICs have the Windows ICS service bound to them, but oddball ones such as for cellphones, or as I noticed above...the Bluetooth..do not.

Should be a fun project, much as I don't like ICS, just to get it done for the sake of doing it.
You can't use it as a hotspot to provide more than one other user wi-fi access. In ad-hoc mode, your wireless NIC will only connect to one other wireless NIC at a time.

If you have a wired network connection, you may be able to bridge the connection, and connect a physical wireless router via its WAN port to your laptop, and provide multiple wi-fi connections that way...
run a sox5 proxy on the notebook, as long as it can access the internet another computer can share it using the proxy server.
Then the advise above for the wireless side applies.
Cool, it looks like I have enough info here to keep me busy for a while. I'll let you all know how the project works out.

nessus, I kinda figured I would have to do an ad-hoc network, which is fine, really.
You can always run to BestBuy and buy a cellular router, they are designed to plug in via USB to your phone and share internet just like any other wireless router.
First thing that came to mind when I read this post was something I read about some time ago. I dug up a link for you. Not sure if it will help in your situation and according to the above poster you can get a router that connects to your phone no mods needed. Though modding one might be more fun and cost less. Anyway here is the link and good luck.

http://devices.natetrue.com/mobileap/ [/url Oh what Blackberry do you have anyway?
TGA: I have a TMO 8320.

I'll check that out. I have been searching for devices that can do this with no luck, but your link is something I have yet to see....

Ockie: Great device, but doesn't work with T-Mobile.
I like those solutions Ockie, much better than dragging my laptop around. I especially like the battery powered ones that I could take with me in a car. Here is what I have found so far:

Call accepted by Wes - CP Support. Currently in room: Wes - CP Support.

Wes - CP Support:
hi sir how can i help you today?
Drew Bishop:
hi, yes
Drew Bishop:
I'm looking for a product that you might have available that supports T-Mobile's EDGE network. I found this link, and it says it does support it, however when I go to cradlepoint's official website, they say it doesn't.
Drew Bishop:
Here is the link: http://www.rfwel.com/shop/product.php?productid=1158&cat=105&page=1
Wes - CP Support:
ok let me go talk with our sales engineer and verify that this is correct, can you hold on just a min?
Drew Bishop:
Wes - CP Support:
ok so he tells me that there are certain retailers such as RfWel that claim to support certain networks, however we do not. If they say it works then in order to support it if something goes wrong with the connection you will have to go through them. We can help if something is wrong with the router but since we have not brought in the Tmobile products and verified that they work on our routers we cannot guarantee that they will work, but there are several customers that use products that are not on our list and have no problems. He also told me that Tmobiles current network is a bit slow compared to the others but they are rolling out a new 3g network soon.
Wes - CP Support:
so will it work, probably, but we cannot verify it and support it.
Drew Bishop:
okay, that's very interesting. I'm aware that the EDGE network is much slower, and that's fine for what I'm doing. So it's my understanding that RfWel uses a different firmware, or is it that they have tested these other networks on your firmware?
Wes - CP Support:
no they wouldn't have any software or firmware for our routers, but I assume they have had success using them with our current firmware you will have to ask them
Drew Bishop:
I will do that. Also want to make sure it works with my BB8320 too. Thanks for your help. Take Care
Wes - CP Support:
ok have a nice day good luck

I'm going to try and contact RfWel next to verify it will work with my BlackBerry.
As for the proxicast, too rich for my blood. I can handle two bills, but 600 bones..ehhh
Can't speak for BlackBerry, but the Nokia PC Suite installs a Bluetooth Modem as part of the install. I use my Nokia E71 as a bluetooth connected modem all the time. Gives my laptop 3G connectivity anywhere via bluetooth. Can't beat it for the $20/mo. unlimited data from AT&T.

Those products from RfWel, do not support T-Mobile. I just spoke with a representative, and they agree the website is misleading, and they told me they were going to remove any indication that they support TMO.

So anyway, I have been too busy to test out ICS with my phone connected to a lappytop. I'll keep you posted on how that turns out.

Those products from RfWel, do not support T-Mobile. I just spoke with a representative, and they agree the website is misleading, and they told me they were going to remove any indication that they support TMO.

So anyway, I have been too busy to test out ICS with my phone connected to a lappytop. I'll keep you posted on how that turns out.

That sucks.

Any reason to stay with T-Mobile? :D