9800 SE overclock possible?

Dec 24, 2004
I have an 256 BIT 9800 SE (stock core = 325 Memory = 290 (Effective 580 MHz)) It only has 4 pipelines because it artifacts with all pipes enabled. So I wanted to gain some preformance by overclocking. So I ordered an VGA Silencer Rev 3 from newegg
,coopper ram sinks and a new case and more fans. My question is with all this new cooling is it possible for me to overclock enough to make up for nearly all the preformance for not being able to softmod?Or atleast a lot, Iv head people getting 100-160 MHz core overclocks with the VGA Silencer Rev 3. Right now i score 3850 on 3dmark 2003 (with softmod i get 5800), with full overclock what can i get? I also have a 3.8 GHz P4.
Are you sure you have 256bit? As far as I know, 256bit 9800SE's has default freq Core/Ram 380/340 (680ddr).

Edit: Well since you get that much score, i guess you have 256bit, but still frequencys bother me a bit.
Its 256 bit, this model is now discontinued and so it the 380/680. This is 325/580 because its based of the Radeon 9700 pro im pretty sure. (which was also 325/580) So much of an overclock do you think i can get?

Right now i have it softmoded, but i will go back to normal drivers after i get my new fans and ram sinks.
Well.. hm. The last post of yours is funny, I hardly understand nething :D

Neway, of course you can clock it. Depends on the GPU itself, how big OC you will get though. Try clocking it. Higher frequencys for 10MHz, and test everystep in 3DMArk03, 05 and some games, like D3, HL2, CSS, FarCry, UT2k4 etc. When oyu will see lag, or artifacts, you need to lower frequencys a bit.

Though dont expect big boost from the clock.
damn...i guess im stuck getting a new card then huh? Iv been looking at the 6600 GT, looks really good for the price. Does ATI have anycards for a good price right now? I was looking into the X800XL until i found it was PCI Express only part :( . Anyway im gonna first try overclocking..
OMG, i got everything and set everything, than when I tried to overclock i couldnt go above 398 MHz....how and my memory couldnt go above 350 (700) I got 18 mhz more on the core and 12 mhz more on the memory (24 effective) :( this sucks, i guess im stuck with getting a new card...:( . My 3dmark score went up from 3833 to 4030....hardly worth paying 35 bucks for..
So what new card should i look at?
azzkicker4907 said:
OMG, i got everything and set everything, than when I tried to overclock i couldnt go above 398 MHz....how and my memory couldnt go above 350 (700) I got 18 mhz more on the core and 12 mhz more on the memory (24 effective) :( this sucks, i guess im stuck with getting a new card...:( . My 3dmark score went up from 3833 to 4030....hardly worth paying 35 bucks for..
So what new card should i look at?

I can't get higher than 410/350 with my 9800 Pro, so there's not much to gain. The 6600GT/6800nu cards are getting hearty appraisals all over the forum, so get one of those.
No but the card only has 4 pipes enabled...it runs much much cooler than cards with 8. Anyway screw this 6600 GT here i come :), or should i look into something else?
9800 SEs aren't really worth it if you can't softmod. My 9800 SE could overclock pretty far, but it still didn't perform that well since it didn't have the extra 4 pipes. Personnaly, I would get a 6800NU, as you can maybe get the extra pipes opened with the rivatuner trick.
wuuuuuttt?!?!?! :confused: so you overclocked your card from.. 325/580-----> 398/700

that's a good overclock if ya ask me... or maybe i am reading your post wrong hmm...
Azn, your not reading my post wrong, :) thats what my OC is. I guess im expecting too much from a 9800 SE which cost like a 100.
Yea, I looked at the 6800 NU but cheapest is 270, and I cant spend that much :(. Im think im gonna go with either the Leadtek 6600 GT for 220 or XFX 6600 GT for 225, which one do you guys think I should i get?
As much as I read on forums, both, as Leadtek as XFX, are well "worshiped". All owners say it OC @least to 560/1150ddr, many of them have 590/1200ddr on stock. Though XFX have loud(er) fans on it, they cool a bit better then Leadtek. But Leadtek has a big silent fan, but its still damn good. Bassicly choose what you want.

Here is some test of Leadtek's

I will post my friend's ORB with XFX, he got 38xx with 6600GT overclocked on stock in 3DMark05
hehe... my 9800SE (Powercolor 256-bit) modded perfectly to 8 pipes, and does 450/720 with the stock HSF and a extra heatsink on the back with a fan on and ramsinks too.

Guess I got lucky.
Yea, BTW i dont care about how loud it is, because i have 2 tornado fans in my case and i can survive in that, nothing is louder, lol.
6600GT sounds like a good choice. They do perform well and are at the right price range. Good luck with your new card and overclock. :)
I was about to go with a leadtek 6600 GT until i saw this review on newegg....

"Got mine in the mail today -- pretty happy with it. Easy to install, quick to setup. Was disappointed to see that the memory speed was set to 900 mhz (versus the 1000 mhz that Newegg lists in the specs), but that's only a minor issue. From what i've seen in reviews, this card should perform solidly. Time to try some 3DMark runs and play with the overclocker utility (included in software bundle)... "

900 MHz memory? I know I can overclock it beyond stock speeds, but if it started at 1000 mhz couldnt i go farther? Or is this all the same memory?
Bullderdash. Just thing of it as they downclocked it. You can OC to same speed as other 6600GT's, cos they have 2.0ns RAM which is 1000ms/2.0ns = 500.000.000/s = 500M/s = 500MHz (1000MHz ddr). If you clock it to 1000MHz ddr, that basicly wouldn't be any clock :p
Not all 6600gt's HAVE to have 2.0 ns ram (some places sell out-of-spec cards).

No, not for sure 1k mhz.

It's very rare but some of them do give ram that's seriously out of spec. Such as >2.0ns ram in this case. Such has been my experience.
