9800 GX2 noob question


Apr 11, 2001
I have started folding with one as of today. Do I need to enter it as two separate boards with all the BS, or just one?
Ah....... nuts... Well, I will try to shoehorn the other 9800 GX2 sometime today. I have some work ahead of me.

Thank you for the info.
Ah....... nuts... Well, I will try to shoehorn the other 9800 GX2 sometime today. I have some work ahead of me.

Thank you for the info.

so im guessing you have 2 9800GX2's? you can fold on both of them as long as you disable SLI.. so you would have to run 4 gpu clients.. and like amd_gamer said.. if you are on vista.. you need to run dummy plugs on each DVI port.. then extend your desktop across all 4 displays.. and each card will fold.. if you are on xp then you dont have to worry about it..
If you have any problems let us know, there are a few of us have/have had rigs like yours.

There are a few tricks to getting it working and getting rid of all the heat.
so im guessing you have 2 9800GX2's? you can fold on both of them as long as you disable SLI.. so you would have to run 4 gpu clients.. and like amd_gamer said.. if you are on vista.. you need to run dummy plugs on each DVI port.. then extend your desktop across all 4 displays.. and each card will fold.. if you are on xp then you dont have to worry about it..

I do, however the length of these cards cover the sata ports. I might be limited to one 9800 GX2 and a 8800GTS-512.

I made up some vga dummy plugs, which work well on my at work computer (two 4870's).

I am still having fits regarding SMP with my dual opty 8346 rig. Instructions followed, but it refuses to work with my domain\computer entry.
If you have any problems let us know, there are a few of us have/have had rigs like yours.

There are a few tricks to getting it working and getting rid of all the heat.

Will do and thanks again, everybody, for your assistance.

I am still having fits regarding SMP with my dual opty 8346 rig. Instructions followed, but it refuses to work with my domain\computer entry.

Honestly, the windows SMP client is garbage, if you can you'd get much higher PPD running a couple Linux VM's and the Linux SMP client. The Linux SMP client is also many many times more stable than the windows SMP client in my experience.
Have to agree that the Linux SMP client is just plain rock solid. I gave up on the Windows SMP client almost after I started using it :)

There are several guides on using VMWare for Linux SMP (native) or you can go the notfred's route on VM as well.

Linux and GPU folding is not an option so, should I just run multiple FAH cpu instances, like the good old days?
Try this guide as it has helped a few people maximize their PpD with little to no effort.

You can certainly run Dual SMP clients (problamatic at best) or run 4 Classic Clients (stable, but much much lower in PpD).
Linux and GPU folding is not an option so, should I just run multiple FAH cpu instances, like the good old days?

If you want stability, yes.

I've heard things in the wind that we might see a SMP2 in the not so distant future (maybe before the end of the year) and they should have (most) things fixed for windows.

This may or may not come to pass, so run the standard ones for now.
Try this guide as it has helped a few people maximize their PpD with little to no effort.

You can certainly run Dual SMP clients (problamatic at best) or run 4 Classic Clients (stable, but much much lower in PpD).

Thank you for the help.

The system is my main at home system. It has Vista64 ultimate for its OS, and frankly, I am content with it. If it were possible to squeeze a bit from the 8 cores while the machine is idle, it would be nice.... For now, 9800GX2 and a 8800GTS will do just fine!
If you want stability, yes.

I've heard things in the wind that we might see a SMP2 in the not so distant future (maybe before the end of the year) and they should have (most) things fixed for windows.

This may or may not come to pass, so run the standard ones for now.

Eight instances plus the 3 gpus.... whoah....
Linux and GPU folding is not an option so, should I just run multiple FAH cpu instances, like the good old days?
They were referring to running the Linux SMP client within virtual machines, not within a native Linux installation. That's definitely worth a shot considering it'll give you much more PPD compared to the WinSMP client, especially on an 8-core machine.
They were referring to running the Linux SMP client within virtual machines, not within a native Linux installation. That's definitely worth a shot considering it'll give you much more PPD compared to the WinSMP client, especially on an 8-core machine.

I tried to elaborate in a later post. I would prefer to keep this a wholly Vista machine (It is my "do everything" machine. The wife permits me but one box..... and she must be able to use it as well. :)
I tried to elaborate in a later post. I would prefer to keep this a wholly Vista machine (It is my "do everything" machine. The wife permits me but one box..... and she must be able to use it as well. :)
My point is that you can run the Linux SMP client within VMs while running Vista and not interfering with Windows at all. I use Vista on my main PC exclusively, but at the same time I run two Linux VMs in the background for F@H.
My point is that you can run the Linux SMP client within VMs while running Vista and not interfering with Windows at all. I use Vista on my main PC exclusively, but at the same time I run two Linux VMs in the background for F@H.

Fair enough, however it is bit beyond my present skill set. All in good time.
Definitely take your time. But give the guide a read as the guide was written to assume no skills what so ever.
Fair enough, however it is bit beyond my present skill set. All in good time.
I'm just putting it out there so you're aware of the possibility. If you ever do decide to give it a shot, capreppy's guide is very straightforward and easy to follow as he's already pointed out :).
I'm just putting it out there so you're aware of the possibility. If you ever do decide to give it a shot, capreppy's guide is very straightforward and easy to follow as he's already pointed out :).

Honestly, I had not read his link. I assumed the reference full VMWare. My mistake.
The 9800 GX2's do not like the dummy plugs (They worked with the 4870 just fine.). Hmmm.. I cannot get the system running proper.

It is the dual opty mentioned in my sig.
Did you extend your desktop? Or were you not able to?

It was a booting issue. I have the one card up, split and fully folding... Now for the other.

86 degree C with 100% fan..... yeesh. I might have to down clock.

Second 9800GX2 is in, though I am not sure it is being recognized by the system.
Hehe my server's 8800GT is running at 91C and holding at 100% fan, I to am going to have to slap another fan in the area.
OK... I have the second card in and running, however.... Now it will not permit extending the desktop onto the other monitors (VGA dummies)
It was a booting issue. I have the one card up, split and fully folding... Now for the other.

86 degree C with 100% fan..... yeesh. I might have to down clock.

Take the case off. It's good for a couple of degrees. Plus, if you've got it in a case, you really need an exhaust fan on your side panel.
/me loves his 8800GT @ 44C.. yall enjoy your nice personal heaters.. :p lol jk.. 86C full load on both cores really isnt that bad for a 9800GX2..
I had to drop the cores down.... damn. The temps were in the mid 90's C and locking up. It is in an open sided case, though the case is enclosed in a wooden cabinet (dolled up for the missus) with two 12cm exhaust fans. Placing a fan directly above the cards did little. I will try to port outside air to the card fans.

I would appreciate any practical help!
You mention 2 x 12cm fans for exhaust, but what about intake? Getting good relatively cool airflow in is equally as important as getting the hot air out....
Also, a small plastic spacer shoved between the cards makes a world of difference. 1/8 of an inch, or less.