9700pro AGP replacement...need advice


Limp Gawd
Oct 14, 2004
I need a good replacement for an AGP slot, currently the machine has a 9700pro which has more than earned its meager price when it was originaly purchased.

I want to replace it with something that is better then the 9700pro, but do not want to sell my first born for the solution either.

To narrow it down I am thinking in the $150 price range.

You could get a 6600gt for $130ish. Are you going to keep your 9700pro? You could sell it and open up your options.
If it wasn't having issues I wouldn't be replacing it. :D

For some unknown reason after all this time together it has decided it doesn't want to run my games for longer than an hour at a time.

It acts like it is overheating.

I have pulled it out replaced the Heat sink and fan pulled the case out of the stand it has been in since the machine was built, and yet it is still overheating. Well at least it acts like it is overheating. Nothing has changed, the case is the same, the computer is the same, the ambient temp is the same absolutely nothing has changed other than the card no longer likes to play a game for longer than an hour or so.

To be honest I highly suspect my wife in some sort of sabotage in an effort to keep me from playing a game for longer than an hour.

I have no proof yet but i am working on it.
Reagent said:
To be honest I highly suspect my wife in some sort of sabotage in an effort to keep me from playing a game for longer than an hour.

I have no proof yet but i am working on it.

Lol! Well, I think for AGP, the 6600gt is about the best you are going to do in your price range.
Spend the extra $ and go for a X800 XT or a X850 XT.
Used you should be able to get one for $200 or less.
$200 or less for a x800xt or x850xt in AGP? I doubt that the Microcenter deal will ever come around again.
6600 GT, 6800GS for a little more.
It looks like the 800 XT is about 200 dollars.
I dont know if the x1600 would be a good choice, but you might consider it.
A look on eBay for a 6800 GT AGP might come up ok too.
Yeah - the 6800GS is a good choice in that price range... it OC's like a beast also. :D

EDIT: whoa.. it's more than I thought.. the 6800XT is $150, but it would be worth the extra $50 or so to get the GS ... or a GT even... if you can find one... also, check the for sale for trade forums for deals on cards... you can get more for less, generally speaking, there... :)
Nuc_E said:
$200 or less for a x800xt or x850xt in AGP? I doubt that the Microcenter deal will ever come around again.

CompUSA had the X850Pro for either $189 or 199 without rebate. Not every card is guaranteed to be able to unlock the extra pipelines but some do

I would go with that or a 6800GS. A 6600gt isn't worth the upgrade (imo)
yeah - if you can find a good X850Pro that's a really nice AGP card also... if you can unlock the pipes you'll surpass the 6800GT or GS performance.. w00t.