9700 Pro with MCE 2005?


May 23, 2006
It's not listed on ATI's site as a certified MCE 2005 solution, but does it work?

ATI's site lists the 9600 and the 9800, but no 9700? The 9700 is a better GPU in all respects than the 9600 series, but it's strange that it doesn't appear in the MCE list. Anyone had any MCE 2005 experience with an All-In-Wonder 9700 Pro (available to me) or a plain 9700 pro?
No all in wonder will work with MEdia center ( atleast the TV Tuner part )

a firend of mine is running a 9700 pro and he isent having any issues thus far.
That would've been the whole point of me getting it (the dual tuner aspect) - without that, I may as well continue using my FX 5200 :p
I thought ati released a driver patch that made the newer AIW cards work with MCE. It might have been for the Xx00 and X1x00 series though. I'm sure the greenbutton or google will be able to help you find it.
some of the AIW cards can be used I beleive. I would head over to thegreenbutton forums for some more details. not a ton of MCE users over here.
as far as i have been told ( even in ther greenbutton ) Ati's Tv Tuner on the AIW's are Software based... MCE requires hardware based Tuners to work..

i could be wrong, but i do know that the 9700 IS infact a software based tuner.
the 9700 should work for the video card with directx needed but not sure the aiw for the tuner. I have a 9200 pro as my video card and it works fine with my hap 150 tuner.
AmIdYfReAk said:
as far as i have been told ( even in ther greenbutton ) Ati's Tv Tuner on the AIW's are Software based... MCE requires hardware based Tuners to work..
i could be wrong, but i do know that the 9700 IS infact a software based tuner.
The 9700 is software based, but ati released a driver/patch to make MCE accept it (ie the patch fools MCE into thinking the AIW is a hardware card.)