965 C3 - AC Freezer 64 Pro vs Scythe Mugen 2

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Limp Gawd
Jun 15, 2004
The Mugen 2 will arrive on Wednesday, and I will update the thread then with results, but for now, the before:

As you can see, with the Freezer I am right at the limit of what most of you consider safe for 24/7 use, which won't surprise anyone I'm sure. The only real surprise for me so far has been being able to keep VCore so low. The low VCore is probably the only thing keeping the Freezer usable.

The Mugen should allow me some temp headroom to push it a good deal further. I do have the Enzotech MST-88 MOSFET cooler installed, which should help.

4Ghz or Sandy Bridge ! :D
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Yeah that's probably close to the limit for stock voltage. My prev 965 C3 needed 1.5v to run stable at 4Ghz but with some better cooling that should be no problem.
OK, so installation took about 15 minutes, wasn't too bad at all, although youtube certainly helped.

Initial results:

So, about a 10C drop in temps at same settings. Certainly worth the $40 IMO.

Now to see how far it can go.
10 runs IBT pass at 4Ghz/1.475v CPU and 2500Mhz/1.3v NB. Temps right back where I started at ~55C.

Next up, an exciting Prime/memtest run this weekend :rolleyes:
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