9600GT to a GTX260? Worth it?


Aug 5, 2004
I have a Palit 9600GT and I recently switched to a bigger monitor so I am running most games, if I can, at 1920x1200. Fry's currently has an EVGA 260 on sale (http://shop2.frys.com/product/5636781) and I am wondering if you all think it would be worth the money and will I see a difference. I currently play WoW and TF2, but am planning on L4D and SC2 when it comes out.

Definitely, especially at those resolutions. Nothing like the feel of having everything maxed out, and still getting 60+ fps in your favorite games :)
Oh yes, it's definitely worth it. Keep in mind that is the original GTX 260, not the Core 216 version which is better.
Very worth it. A 9600GT is really too weak for 1920x1200. It'll work, but you are hitting it too hard so you are gonna get slowdown. I'm betting that you can't do WotLK at full detail and rez without some dragging frame rates in Dalarn.

Well that won't be a problem with a GTX 260. That card will chew up WoW, no problem. I've a GTX 280, which is a bit faster but not much, and I can run WoW at 1920x1200 with all details up with 4x AA and still rarely drop under 60 FPS.

You'll really want the 260 if you start getting newer games. WoW scales down pretty well but some games don't. However there's nothing on the market now that the 260 won't handle well.
Worth it to me...


And I'm upgrading from a 8800GTX or a 9800GTX, not too sure which one to replace.
Well that won't be a problem with a GTX 260. That card will chew up WoW, no problem. I've a GTX 280, which is a bit faster but not much, and I can run WoW at 1920x1200 with all details up with 4x AA and still rarely drop under 60 FPS.

Unfortunately during my short WoW period, I was affected by the still unacknowledged-by-Blizzard graphics bug, which caused fairly bad framerates even with a stellar system :(
i think the 8800 would run a bit slower than the 9800gtx, maybe you should try out some benches and see?
In my experience in COD:W@W my 8800GTX runs it with 4xAA, my 9800GTX runs it at 2xAA,
though I have had this bothersome thought that something may be amiss with my Server 2008 setup.
On top of that my setup is hovered around 2 computers.
Lan rig - C2 ES E6700 w/8800GTX
Main rig - C2 ES Q6700 w/9800GTX - stuffed in an Antec Super Lanboy


Of course the [H] way to go is to install the 260 in my main rig, and when I go to lans, take it out and install it on the lan rig, then switch it back to the main rig when I get home.
A solution that would entail a huge amount of teardown and build up. An effort that I dont think I'm [H] enough for yet.

keep the 8800 because its old school.

I plan on keeping both of my 8800GTX's, the 9800GTX and my S3 S27.
Unfortunately during my short WoW period, I was affected by the still unacknowledged-by-Blizzard graphics bug, which caused fairly bad framerates even with a stellar system :(

i think they fixed it i have the evga 260 core 216 and did the wow trail since i dont play anymore. for 60fps all maxxed at 1440x900 in a city with lots of people.
I have a Palit 9600GT and I recently switched to a bigger monitor so I am running most games, if I can, at 1920x1200. Fry's currently has an EVGA 260 on sale (http://shop2.frys.com/product/5636781) and I am wondering if you all think it would be worth the money and will I see a difference. I currently play WoW and TF2, but am planning on L4D and SC2 when it comes out.


Wish I could afford a BFG 260 216sp for my new comp. To your question: Yes, it's totally worth it.
I have a Palit 9600GT and I recently switched to a bigger monitor so I am running most games, if I can, at 1920x1200. Fry's currently has an EVGA 260 on sale (http://shop2.frys.com/product/5636781) and I am wondering if you all think it would be worth the money and will I see a difference. I currently play WoW and TF2, but am planning on L4D and SC2 when it comes out.

I upgraded from an 8800GTS 512 SLI to GTX260 55nm and noticed a 10FPS boost in fallout 3.
I upgraded from a 20% overclocked 8800GT and got a very nice performance boost at 1080p.
Some games need a bit extra if you like high gfx detail so any overclock will get you that useful extra framerate boost.

Coming from a 9600GT, the performance difference will be substantial.
Remember to compare to a 9600GT at 1920 res though for a fair appraisal.
I recently put in a 9600GT instead of my GTX280 while I step up, and for CS:S @ 2560x1600 the 9600GT runs fine ! :D

really depends on what games you play to be honest.
In your case, the 260 would show some substantial gains in the newer games you want to play =)

but why not grab a 280? they're dirt cheap right now!
My son had two 8800 GTs in SLI, and one took a dive.

I got an EVGA GTX 260 SC (65nm I think) to replace them, same everything else; and that card cooks. It was on some kind of sale or rebate when I bought it for him, so it was a great deal as well.

He can play everything he likes, at 1920 x 1200 with no problems.

Reminds me of the 6800 GT a bit, that card was excellent and was priced well below the 6800 Ultra and nearly out performed it..................(looks through a drawer of old parts.....)
Worth it to me...


And I'm upgrading from a 8800GTX or a 9800GTX, not too sure which one to replace.

What video card are you talking about?! I don't see any video card in that picture you posted, sir.

I just upgraded from an 8800GT 512 to the GTX 260 896(one on sale @ frys this week) today and it's a major upgrade to me. It has been my video card that's bottle necking my system(in the sig).
What video card are you talking about?! I don't see any video card in that picture you posted, sir.

lol, the VERY LARGE picture (that you quoted :D) of the brand new gfx card box - unopened - doesnt qualify then?
strange thread to me in a way.i now have a gtx260,and my previous card was a 9600gt.let me tell you the difference is huge.it will definetly be worth it for the gaming performance.
I recently put in a 9600GT instead of my GTX280 while I step up, and for CS:S @ 2560x1600 the 9600GT runs fine ! :D

really depends on what games you play to be honest.
In your case, the 260 would show some substantial gains in the newer games you want to play =)

but why not grab a 280? they're dirt cheap right now!

where are they dirt cheap? I haven't seen a gtx 280 that hasn't been 20-30 bucks cheaper than a gtx 285.. and its worth it to spend that extra for the 285.. I want your knowledge, please!
where are they dirt cheap? I haven't seen a gtx 280 that hasn't been 20-30 bucks cheaper than a gtx 285.. and its worth it to spend that extra for the 285.. I want your knowledge, please!

Difference of $20-$30 of a 280 vs a 285? What about $11.81 between a 260 vs 280?



A little off topic but I too am sort of in the same situation. I currently have a BFG 9600GT OC and was wondering if it would be better to either (A) upgrade to a GTX 260 or (B) add another 9600 in SLI. Adding another 9600 would benefit me financially due to other expenses right now but would it be better in the long run if i just wait a couple of months and save up enough to buy the GTX 260? Any comments/suggestions greatly appreciated.

BTW sorry to the OP for any "thread jacking" :)
I made this same decision last september and have been very happy with my 260. It's a huge performance difference and totally worth the money.

I currently have a BFG 9600GT OC and was wondering if it would be better to either (A) upgrade to a GTX 260 or (B) add another 9600 in SLI.

This was my situation and I went for the 260 and its 192SPs (missed my step-up!) 896MB VRAM and 448-bit bus and it crushes every game on the market maxed out @ 1680x1050--with AA at 8x I'd say Warhead is the only game that isn't so smooth.

The 9600s combined have only 128SPs, 512MB VRAM and it's choked by a 256-bit bus. If money is tight I'd look into offloading your 9600 on craigslist or some such before you decide--but the 260 is, imo, a much better option.

The best advice I ever got about buying a GPU was "always buy the single fastest card you can afford".
I was running on an 8800 GT and got a 260 and then a 55nm 260 and i couldn't be happier! :D (it helps that i got Mirror's Edge with my 55nm 260) I say if you can, go for it!