9600 Pro OC Help


[H]F Junkie
Dec 14, 2002
So, I've got my spiffy new 9600 pro. Well it isnt that great but it beats the GeForce2 GTSx I used to have. Now, nVidia overclocking was my thing for a while but when it comes to ATI I have no idea what I am doing.

SO...are there any decent overclocking utilities like for nVIDIA cars (i.e. CoolBits) for the Radeon series? If so, what are some safe and simple speeds that will squeeze a little bit more perfromance out of this card?
I have a 9600 pro and use Radlinker for OCing my card which you can find here: http://www28.brinkster.com/chrisww1942/

As for the OC, I have a Sapphire 9600 pro and I get 470 totally stable on the core, no artifacts or anything. But if I set it to 480 it just locks up. I haven't OC'd the RAM much, mine is rated for 300mhz and I've left it about that.
I've been using Powerstrip, but I only got my card a few days ago so I haven't had much chance to try anything else. I can get the mem up to ~320 before I get artifacts (it's rated at 300MHz) but I haven't bothered with the core yet. Summer isn't good for overclocking :(
Try W1zzard's utility. It works quite well and finds your max settings for you.
I got a 9600 pro and used W1zzard's utility and have mine running totally stable at 460/350.

Its a Transcend 9600pro 128Mb
i'm currently using radlinker for my ocing. i've got a stable core at 499mhz and a memory clock of 711 mhz(default at 600). what it shows in the utility is actually the speed of the memory divided by 2.
Those RAM setting seem awful slow, considering my 9600 pro is 400/400 stock. It's a PowerColor by the way.
Liquid_Table...is yours a 256MB 9600 Pro? If so, that's 400 effective, 200 DDR. I have a 256MB 9600 Pro, and it came clocked at 400/200(400). 128's come clocked at 400/300(600). They're talking the lower, non doubled number. FWIW, I got my 256 to overclock to 500/225(450). I run it at 490/220.
I have been running 538/350 (700) for about a week now with no problems on my homemade HSF. I've been using the Rage 3D tweaker, but will be trying out the RadLinker utility to see if I can get the clock speeds up a bit. I was running the memory at 355 (710) but started getting artifacts so I backed it down a bit. Once I get heatsinks on to the ram I will see about getting my ram speeds up :)

You can see my 9600 Pro HSF project at http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=713215