
CCCprev.exe is labeled as a virus by MS Security Essentials? It had me submit it as a possible virus just then.
Speaking of Catalyst 9.12, has anyone had any performance decreases? Going from 9.9 to 9.12 on my 4870, Oblivion performance dropped markedly; at 1920x080, I used to be able to have mid-high settings with 2xAA, but after switching to 9.12, I've had to sacrifice the AA, Bloom, and tone everything down to middle-of-the-road to get a playable frame-rate. I haven't reinstalled 9.9, so I haven't done an objective comparison, but I wanted to know if anyone else had similar troubles?
Speaking of Catalyst 9.12, has anyone had any performance decreases? Going from 9.9 to 9.12 on my 4870, Oblivion performance dropped markedly; at 1920x080, I used to be able to have mid-high settings with 2xAA, but after switching to 9.12, I've had to sacrifice the AA, Bloom, and tone everything down to middle-of-the-road to get a playable frame-rate. I haven't reinstalled 9.9, so I haven't done an objective comparison, but I wanted to know if anyone else had similar troubles?

I had a drop in 3dMark06 from around 24,900 to 24,000. Not too big of a difference (plus I know not the best way to test), but it's still worth noting.
Speaking of Catalyst 9.12, has anyone had any performance decreases? Going from 9.9 to 9.12 on my 4870, Oblivion performance dropped markedly; at 1920x080, I used to be able to have mid-high settings with 2xAA, but after switching to 9.12, I've had to sacrifice the AA, Bloom, and tone everything down to middle-of-the-road to get a playable frame-rate. I haven't reinstalled 9.9, so I haven't done an objective comparison, but I wanted to know if anyone else had similar troubles?

You have some kind of problem because I can fully max that game with 4xAA, my 8800gt could do it too.
So my 5870 should be here in a few days.. is the hot fix something I layer over the base install of the 9.12 package or do I just install the hot fix drivers and that's all? or just forget the hot fix drivers? looks like they caused issues with everest and possibly other things?
Hmmm not sure whats up, but ever since I put in the 9.12 hotfix drivers, my PC below has started to randomly reboot. I'm talking about being idle at home, while im at work rebooting....

Not sure whats up....ill research it more when I get a chance....
Odd. With my 4890 on Win XP, my furmark performance dropped by nearly half when going from my previous driver to 9.12. Haven't installed the hotfix yet, though.
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So my 5870 should be here in a few days.. is the hot fix something I layer over the base install of the 9.12 package or do I just install the hot fix drivers and that's all? or just forget the hot fix drivers? looks like they caused issues with everest and possibly other things?

The "hotfix" is merely a "beta" driver release.
I'm not sure why ATI insists on calling them that, because to me it implys that they are "fixing" something in the current driver release and you "add" the hotfix in.

In fact, this is a full driver release.....it is complete and ready to install.
You merely download the "hotfix" and install it.
You DO NOT need to install the WHQL 9.12 first.

I cannot use the MSI Afterburner program with the hotfix drivers, unfortunately......this may be an issue strictly with hotfix + CrossfireX......but there are some folks with one card experiencing this as well.
In my case, when I enable Afterburner, the system immediately blue screens.

I do not think this is an issue with the regular 9.12 drivers, but since I haven't tried them I am not certain.
What do you mean by "game overlays"????

Say ur in a Left 4 D/2 Or MW2 game and the over lay tell u when
friends log on or join a game or people add u to thier friends list.
(No one ever adds me but I heard that is what it does lol)

Like for Steam U hit Shift and Backspace at the same time
It brings up friends community and stuff so u can talk and do shit
The "hotfix" is merely a "beta" driver release.
I'm not sure why ATI insists on calling them that, because to me it implys that they are "fixing" something in the current driver release and you "add" the hotfix in.

In fact, this is a full driver release.....it is complete and ready to install.
You merely download the "hotfix" and install it.
You DO NOT need to install the WHQL 9.12 first.

I cannot use the MSI Afterburner program with the hotfix drivers, unfortunately......this may be an issue strictly with hotfix + CrossfireX......but there are some folks with one card experiencing this as well.
In my case, when I enable Afterburner, the system immediately blue screens.

I do not think this is an issue with the regular 9.12 drivers, but since I haven't tried them I am not certain.

Thanks.. yeah, I read this later last night when poking around on guru3d's afterburner section.. well, I am not sure I want to OC right out of the gate, but having fan control would be nice... I might just roll with the 9.12 officials first... I mostly play l4d2 these days.. hopefully 9.12 official works well with that game.
9.12 and 9.12 hotfix both have one serious issue. When I play 3d games or 3d apps there is a terrible screen artifacts at 1980x1080. But if I back off the resolution to 1680x1050 this goes away. What is the deal here though? I'll upload some images in a bit.

Here we go pics. It's a very annoying flickering type of artifact that only happens at max monitor resolution. I'm not sure what's causing it.


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What I'm the ONLY ONE who has problems with 9.12 and 9.12 hotfix? I semi-successfully installed 9.12 but now I have this error message.

I used driver sweeper to clean up previous ati installs. But I still get this annoying message after installing 9.12. 9.12 hotfix was a disaster that didn't even install properly.

Yea, I'm looking for my copy of my old drivers now. I play Aion and even if you disable the Catalyst AI, it still "works". I tried to pvp in the Abyss and the opposing players are invisible to me until they get really close. By that time I'm dead and never knew wtf happened. It used to do that when I had the A.I. on before so I assume it's that again. But in the 9.12 hotfix version you turn it off but it's still enabled. So these drivers are worthless for me.

Also, my computer has restarted 11 times since I installed them. Funny thing is I can play Aion for 13 hours straight and 0 restarts but if I surf the web on a page with nice graphics it restarts. And these haven't fixed the font in Aion (looks like someone shot each letter with a shotgun). The same text under my old 9800 GTX was perfect.

Hopefully the next set of drivers will be more mature.

Hmm... What's the proper way to go from 9.12 hotfix to 9.11's? I went to control panel and uninstalled the drivers. After it uninstalled it said that it needed to restart. Restarted and installed the 9.11's. Catalyst icon showed in the taskbar for a split second to tell me that my system doesn't have an ATI graphics card in it. I was trying to avoid what Vcjsmoke is going through if it's at all possible.


What I'm the ONLY ONE who has problems with 9.12 and 9.12 hotfix? I semi-successfully installed 9.12 but now I have this error message.

I used driver sweeper to clean up previous ati installs. But I still get this annoying message after installing 9.12. 9.12 hotfix was a disaster that didn't even install properly.


vjc I went thru the exact hell you are going thru now. I am using Vista 64 ultimate and Vista is a nightmare with uninstalliing the catalyst control center, plus my vista is corrupted and has a problem finishing file deletion tasks. Long story short, it does not uninstall CCC correctly so you have to go in an remove CCC manually. For me, I had to go to control panel and uninstall it there, but that did not work correctly, ie the mom error you are getting now. So I reinstall the CCC with the 9.12 (stay away from 9.12hotfix). And then I uninstalled it from the same 9.12 driver remove program.

Once you have removed CCC (and uninstalled all the other ati stuff), run driver sweeper (you can get that from guru3d) and then reboot. Then go to windows explorer and Delete all ATi Folders from your harddrive and program files, by right clicking on them and select Delete. MAKE SURE YOU FIND AND DELETE ALL ATI AND AMD FOLDERS including the ones in program files and program files 86.

Then go to control panel, classic view, -> Device Manager - select Display Adapters -> Right click on ATI Radeon HD 5800/5900 series or Standard VGA G. Adapter (whatever your panel shows) select properties, then click the driver tap and select "Uninstall" and make sure you check the box that says delete the driver software for this device.

THEN and this is where the mom error originates and you need to do this next step to get it all to work right:

Go to Start, left click on it -> Run and type in there : regedit
(it may pop up with a dialog box that says a mom path does not exist anymore, if it does than that is paydirt and make sure you tell it to terminate that path, or whatever sounds like it would disable that path cause I dont remember the exact language)

Then follow this traks and delete all ATi related. (HKEY current and local are all the way at bottom)

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ATI Technologies Inc. (DELETE EVERYTHING ATI including ati technologies folder)

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ATI Technologies (DELETE EVERYTHING ATI including ati technlogies folder)

Reboot and then try and load the 9.12s again and cross your fingers.
FWIW I had lots of problems installing and uninstalling the Beta 5 hotfix for Dirt 2, and I locked up constantly trying to get everything copacetic again. Had more of the same with the 9.12s now and I'm currently back on the Beta 5 hotfix drivers just because I'm out of steam until after the holiday.
Hey vjcsmoke..........

I had similar artifacting with the 9.12 hotfix, mine also had lines of bright dots, and very bland colors. But I had no problem loading or uninstalling them.

I don't know what the hell was up at ATI with this beta driver, but it plain sucks.:mad::mad:
Reminds me of the 4870 X2 release.

I'm just going to stick with the 9.10 for now and wait until mid-January.
I have tested my new ASUS 5970 with this..

so far I am disappointing on my 5970.

not quite sure why, I only have very small bump of fps compare to 5870..

there is driver problem somewhere I couldn't figure it out, going to try reformat the whole thing and get rid of every single nVidia driver and old ATI driver first...
I have tested my new ASUS 5970 with this..

so far I am disappointing on my 5970.

not quite sure why, I only have very small bump of fps compare to 5870..

there is driver problem somewhere I couldn't figure it out, going to try reformat the whole thing and get rid of every single nVidia driver and old ATI driver first...

What res are you gaming at? usually going from single to mutli gpu helps in the ability to up the IQ with increased AA and AF, larger textures, extreme shadow detail, etc without a hit in performance... or keeping the same performance but much higher resolutions..(ala eyefinity).. So you're not always going to get dramatic fps increases.. My guess is that the 5970 isn't really going to stretch it's legs until you push an eyefinity setup with it... but I could be off base here.. just rambling..
What res are you gaming at? usually going from single to mutli gpu helps in the ability to up the IQ with increased AA and AF, larger textures, extreme shadow detail, etc without a hit in performance... or keeping the same performance but much higher resolutions..(ala eyefinity).. So you're not always going to get dramatic fps increases.. My guess is that the 5970 isn't really going to stretch it's legs until you push an eyefinity setup with it... but I could be off base here.. just rambling..

well, I used a 5870CF before, and the performance increase is very large.

but with 5970 even on 5870 stock clock still can't reach to what it should be.

I guess its driver issue.... getting really annoy by it now..
ahh.. gotcha.. well, it might just be a driver thing then.

well, at least its a lot better than 4870X2 launch, which the driver was a complete crap to begin with, but they eventually fix everything with large performance boost later on.
Thanks.. yeah, I read this later last night when poking around on guru3d's afterburner section.. well, I am not sure I want to OC right out of the gate, but having fan control would be nice... I might just roll with the 9.12 officials first... I mostly play l4d2 these days.. hopefully 9.12 official works well with that game.


Dave Baumann
ATI Community Rep
Post subject: Re: Catalyst 9.12 / 9.12 Hotfix - Eyefinity and Crossfire!!
PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 6:40 am
FYI - we have implemented a new Crossfire X power mechanism in one of the recent drivers, whereby the "slave" boards in a Crossfire setup exist in a deeper ACPI sleep state at the desktop in order to save power; they only "wake up" when a.) Crossfire X is actually enabled and b.) when a game comes on a Crosfire X is actually needed.

This will result in the seeming loss of fan control for the slave boards, because at the desktop its not actually "awake". I'm not sure what this will do to 3rd party apps - they probably need to be aware of this and at present they probably aren't.
after few more testing on 5970..

I find out that both GPU are not using full power in Crysis.

the GPU usage running around 60-70% on both core, and I doubt my Q6600 @ 3.6G is going to bottleneck it... not quite sure what happen here.

also, I am having the exact fps when I turn on 8xAA compare to 0xAA... that is something even more odd to me... and some custom map like "Photorealistic" have like 20fps compare to 25-30fps I got on single 5870... uh.
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vjc I went thru the exact hell you are going thru now. I am using Vista 64 ultimate and Vista is a nightmare with uninstalliing the catalyst control center, plus my vista is corrupted and has a problem finishing file deletion tasks. Long story short, it does not uninstall CCC correctly so you have to go in an remove CCC manually. For me, I had to go to control panel and uninstall it there, but that did not work correctly, ie the mom error you are getting now. So I reinstall the CCC with the 9.12 (stay away from 9.12hotfix).

Thank you for the detailed walkthrough. Well my new SSD arrived today so I did a fresh install of Windows 7 followed by Antivirus, followed by 9.12 hotfix. The Hotfix worked with the fresh install of windows 7, Thank goodness for that.

However here is the annoying remaining issue. When I use my Displayport Out and full 1080p on the 5970 I get SERIOUS artifacting issues like the screenshots I posted earlier.

However when I switched to DVI output, image became just fine again! WEIRD! And Umm is this gonna put a BIG glitch in my Eyefinity plans? Cos I NEED the DP port to get 3 monitors working!

Well, the good news is that Left4Dead now allows me to use 8xMSAA and 16xAF now and looks SMOOTH doing it. I'm going to try Borderlands next and see if ATI fixed some more games for me. =)
Thank you for the detailed walkthrough. Well my new SSD arrived today so I did a fresh install of Windows 7 followed by Antivirus, followed by 9.12 hotfix. The Hotfix worked with the fresh install of windows 7, Thank goodness for that.

However here is the annoying remaining issue. When I use my Displayport Out and full 1080p on the 5970 I get SERIOUS artifacting issues like the screenshots I posted earlier.

However when I switched to DVI output, image became just fine again! WEIRD! And Umm is this gonna put a BIG glitch in my Eyefinity plans? Cos I NEED the DP port to get 3 monitors working!

Well, the good news is that Left4Dead now allows me to use 8xMSAA and 16xAF now and looks SMOOTH doing it. I'm going to try Borderlands next and see if ATI fixed some more games for me. =)

when you lunch a game, then close it and lunch the other one....

right when you lunch the second game, do you get the image flash back from the last 3D application for about 0.1 sec?

I had that problem and its annoying me :mad:
i do feel for the guys with hd 5970, I have seen reviews where it performs very shitty in some games compared to hd 5870 crossfire even lower than hd 5850 crossfire, and there is no way it should perform slower than hd 5850 crossfire simply put, hope they get a proper driver out for 5970 if they really want it to be the king.
i do feel for the guys with hd 5970, I have seen reviews where it performs very shitty in some games compared to hd 5870 crossfire even lower than hd 5850 crossfire, and there is no way it should perform slower than hd 5850 crossfire simply put, hope they get a proper driver out for 5970 if they really want it to be the king.

right now, I really want to sell my 5870 and buy a pair of 5870 instead... :(

but a good news is, ATI somehow manage to fix the stutter issue in Crysis warhead for Ice Tunnel level on 5970... which is very surprising when nVidia have the same exact issue but never fix..
I have the WORST STUTTERING issue ever with 4 gpus enabled under 9.12 hotfix driver. :( I really don't know what to do short of pulling one of the 5970s or rolling back to the beta 5s...
You should be disappointed with your cpu.

It's holden back your gpu, even a 4870x2.

if Q6600 @ 3.6G is holding it back, then even a i7 2.8-3.2G is holding it back as well..

not quite sure where you pull that smoke from..

I had 4870x2/GTX 295 awhile back with my Q9450 @ 4.2G, and I can tell you there is no fps difference at all since around 2.8G on max setting in Crysis
ATI Community Rep
Post subject: Re: Catalyst 9.12 / 9.12 Hotfix - Eyefinity and Crossfire!!
PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 6:40 am
FYI - we have implemented a new Crossfire X power mechanism in one of the recent drivers, whereby the "slave" boards in a Crossfire setup exist in a deeper ACPI sleep state at the desktop in order to save power; they only "wake up" when a.) Crossfire X is actually enabled and b.) when a game comes on a Crosfire X is actually needed.

This will result in the seeming loss of fan control for the slave boards, because at the desktop its not actually "awake". I'm not sure what this will do to 3rd party apps - they probably need to be aware of this and at present they probably aren't.

Unwinder mentioned this over at Guru3D.....he thought it was some power-saving deal in the drivers that was crashing the system when Afterburner was enabled.
Guess we'll have to wait for all this to get sorted out.
I was wondering why even the ATI Overdrive was showing my second card's fan and GPU clocks very low when I installed the 9.12 Hotfix.

It sure would be nice of ATI to give us a head's up when they do shit like this.:mad:
However here is the annoying remaining issue. When I use my Displayport Out and full 1080p on the 5970 I get SERIOUS artifacting issues like the screenshots I posted earlier.

However when I switched to DVI output, image became just fine again! WEIRD! And Umm is this gonna put a BIG glitch in my Eyefinity plans? Cos I NEED the DP port to get 3 monitors working!

It certainly will!

I'm having the same issue. Dirt 2 is running like a dream on the DVI monitors in single panel mode. 60fps minimum and average with everything on maximum, DX11, 1920x1080. Perfect on both DVI screens. Then trying the Displayport screen and it's glitches just like the ones you showed. It also means that Eyefinity isn't working either, giving stupidly low frames and glitching all over the place.