

Feb 25, 2007
Im looking at buying a 8800GTS and what I cant decide is whether I should get the 320MB or 640MB version. One thing I do know however, is that it will be a EVGA Super Clocked so im wondering if the the 100$ difference is worth it when the Evga SC out performs a normal 640Mb version in benchies. I also intend on using my step-up to upgrade to a 8900 GTS when they are released.

Do a search..I believe there is already a few threads going on that exact subject.
Do a search..I believe there is already a few threads going on that exact subject.

Indeed there is, but none that match my particular situation. Added considerations include my future upgrade path and version of the product in question.
your particular situation? they are all the same "which card will perform better, which one is more worth the money, etc..." what resolution do you plan on gaming at? if you play at higher resolution i would recommend getting the 640mb version if you want to be able to play with higher levels of AA/AF. if you play at resolutions over 1600x1200, i would drop both and just get the GTX. Since you will be stepping up anyways, i recommend going with that for the long run since you will have to pay less out of pocket when step up time comes, you will get better performance, and it will overall just last you longer.
I have considered the same idea, and I appreciate your input, but I doubt I'll be able to front the cash straight up for a 8800GTX. This is why I find myself leaning towards the spending 300$ now, another 200$ later to get the 8900GTX/GTS when I step up.

I play at 1680x1050. Currently this makes my little 7800GT crap it's self in games like C&C3 and SupCom.
hmmm.. there are multiple threads that discuss what brand, regular vs superclock, 320 or 640 here, here, and here (incl a link with an entire review on this site), just to name a few..

so what exactly is your particular 'consideration' that none of these cover?

Because I'm not going to ask for an opinion relevent to my situation over an array of threads when I can do it from this single thread. If you will notice you posted a total of 5 threads. You seem to miss the point that I am asking for my peers opinion on my considered upgrade path.

One poster has already proven helpful, yet you still have not. If you seek argument I suggest you post elsewhere.
why would you have to ask? your questions have been asked and answered multiple times.

even in those threads, the information often overlaps; i provided some (very good) links that should give you a good insight into the questions you asked in your initial post.. unless there was something else? or do you dislike what others have already stated?

again, is there something particular to your situation that hasn't been asked/answered? if so, then ask; i'm sure someone will offer an opinon.
I've already stated I will not be drawn into an argument over this.
If this thread seriously makes your eye twitch like it seems, then by all means, have it deleted.
Apoxi pretty much nailed it technically. Follow his advice. If above 16*12 or using widescreen resolutions get the 640MB version or better yet go with a GTX just to be sure to futureproof a little bit.
Just get the GTS 640 version, its worth the extra money over the 320 because u will probaby upgrade monitors when the prices drop on 24 inchers.
You are saying that you don't know if you can front the cash right now for the GTX, but if you get the 8800gtx now, lets say you find it for ~580. Then the 8900GTX comes out and you may only have to pay ~50 out of pocket to cover extra cost/shipping. Lets say though you decide to get the 320mb gts now instead of taking my advice. That's about 320 after all is done and then say the 8900gtx comes out and it's the same price the 8800gtx's were when they initially released. So you're looking at about a 300 dollar deficit at least if you look to step up. Instead of having to front 320 now, and possibly 350+ in the future to step up, wouldn't you rather just front the 580 now *or if you can find a better price* and then drop another 50 when step up time comes? Worst case scenario, you wait until April and save up the cash and just go big for the 8900gtx then instead of buying now and then upgrading again. There are no games right now that are OMG OMG OMG must play. Supreme Commander, as "great" as some say it is, is not a game i would consider spending 600 dollars on to play well. Wait it out then, turn down the settings a little bit for the time being, upgrade to the 8900gtx when it's released and when you have the money.
one thing i dont see anyone talking about much is the fact that DX10 games are going to allow the developer to throw more, larger textures at the video subsystem. I honestly dont know why the 320 is even going out the door. Well I do, they are preying on markerting hype. however if you buy the 320 you may be sadly disappointed when you go to play DX10 games IF you are purchasing it for DX10 titles.

If you just want a fast card today and will be upgrading soon, play at mid range resolutions and have money to burn go with the 320.

If you want to utilize step up then go with the most that you can afford today because you can only step up once.

If you plan on making use of the step up program you may also want to know that the window is only 90 days from purcahse. So you might want to make sure that the 8900 will be out within 90 days of your purchase.
I have the evga 8800gts 640 Superclocked. I play SupComm at 1900x1200 with all settings maxed (except possibly shadows--either this game or Medieval2 Total War have a shadow setting that is basically impossible to play at with any card, and I don't use that setting) smooth as butter with no visible slowdowns.

Haven't played C&C 3, but I'd be absolutely astounded if you couldn't play everything at full graphics settings on any RTS with an 8800gts 640mb.
How does one make sure that 8900 comes out in 90 days from now? Personally, I wouldn't bet on it. It may be end of April-early May or it may be the end of June-early July... who knows for sure? I'm pretty sure we won't know the definite date until it's like 1-2 weeks prior to the release...

Now, as for the OPs question - 640mb no doubt... 320 is really a marketing gimmick, IMHO. I went for 8800gts 640mb because I don't think I'll need 8800GTX performance for at least 6 months or so... and then we'll have more options - 8900s and R600s :)

SupCom is really a CPU-intensive game me thinks, at least more so than a graphics intensive one like Crysis or the like...
Well I had read in an article that unfortunately im unable to find now, that the 8900's would be out in late March early April.
I've already stated I will not be drawn into an argument over this.
If this thread seriously makes your eye twitch like it seems, then by all means, have it deleted.

who's arguing? i only asked you to clarify your quesion, but your inability to resond to it is answer enough, i suppose...
How does one make sure that 8900 comes out in 90 days from now? Personally, I wouldn't bet on it. It may be end of April-early May or it may be the end of June-early July... who knows for sure? I'm pretty sure we won't know the definite date until it's like 1-2 weeks prior to the release...

Now, as for the OPs question - 640mb no doubt... 320 is really a marketing gimmick, IMHO. I went for 8800gts 640mb because I don't think I'll need 8800GTX performance for at least 6 months or so... and then we'll have more options - 8900s and R600s :)

SupCom is really a CPU-intensive game me thinks, at least more so than a graphics intensive one like Crysis or the like...

You are correct you will not know the official release dates of a next gen product until quite close to the release. You will however start getting some ideas from several sources like recent drivers, review sites the press...

I think it was mentioned recently that in a driver file or game patch, someone found that the 86XX or 87XX cards were in an .ini file, but no 89XX. I also read that 89XX was on hold pending no competition from ATI. The longer you can keep your product under wraps and clean up development or add features you were going to cut because you got extra time.. the better. I wouldnt look for an 89XX until the ATI product hit the shelves. If the ATi product can best the 8800 you will see a responce quickly from NVIDIA. If the ATI product blows goats, dont expect any major action from NVIDIA. Why cut yourself out of margins, or potential sales on a known product with an active and stable production process for something new? It simply doesnt make fiscal sense.
If it helps you any -- I just was in the same spot as you and just bought the 320 MB version from EVGA for the step-up program.

Got 8900 3d marks. Not too bad for a 6600 and 2 GB of memory. WoW and BF2 run flawless at 1920x1080 with everything on :)
Im going to revive this topic real fast. I get paid today and it looks like I MAY be ordering the 8800GTS 640. I'm on a very tight budget so I cant afford to drop all that $ on a GTX in one sitting.

But before I go through with this, I wanted some opinions. Looking at my system in my signature, would it be safe to assume the bottle neck is my GPU and not my CPU?
I think yes, but after you get the 8800GTS ur cpu will be bottleneck :p This is a never ending cycle :(
your CPU will be fine with an 8800gts 640mb. enjoy whatever you end up purchasing!
You are correct you will not know the official release dates of a next gen product until quite close to the release. You will however start getting some ideas from several sources like recent drivers, review sites the press...

I think it was mentioned recently that in a driver file or game patch, someone found that the 86XX or 87XX cards were in an .ini file, but no 89XX. I also read that 89XX was on hold pending no competition from ATI. The longer you can keep your product under wraps and clean up development or add features you were going to cut because you got extra time.. the better. I wouldnt look for an 89XX until the ATI product hit the shelves. If the ATi product can best the 8800 you will see a responce quickly from NVIDIA. If the ATI product blows goats, dont expect any major action from NVIDIA. Why cut yourself out of margins, or potential sales on a known product with an active and stable production process for something new? It simply doesnt make fiscal sense.

the official release date for the 89xx cards has been set at never. aside from a very short inq article about 1 month ago, and some forum posts based on this article, there is no hard data anywhere regarding anything about this/these card(s). and with the 9xxx series supposedly dropping early q4, and the chances of any significant amount of r600 cards available before mid summer being slim, why would nvidia bother?

also - gts 640mb ftw.
To the OP:

I game at 1920x1200, and with my current rig, using a 640mb GTS, I am VERY happy.

Yes, the GTX is faster, but is quite a bit more as well. Is it worth the extra $150-$200 ? Only you can answer that, for me, it wasn't.

And if you have a fast dual core already then even the cpu matters very little. I noticed a small gain in minimum framerates when I went from an X2 @2.6ghz, to my C2D @3.2ghz. Nothing to fret over for sure, and I would not have even had the C2D rig had I not "ran into" a good custom build for a good family friend.

Anyways, good luck.
I think yes, but after you get the 8800GTS ur cpu will be bottleneck :p This is a never ending cycle :(

That X2 is NOT a bottleneck if he is gaming at 1680x1050 with lots of eye candy....and I speak from personal experience.
The 320MB version has a quicker clocks.. and beats the 640MB version is practically all games released at the moment. Almost no current games benefit from the extra texture memory... but the future will.
Can you step up twice?

8800 320 -> 8800 640 -> 8900

That would get you more than 90 days.
Can you step up twice?

8800 320 -> 8800 640 -> 8900

That would get you more than 90 days.

No you can only step up once. After that you will need to buy another card retail before being able to participate in the step-up program again.

I didnt get to order like I hoped today so I could have it tomorrow. *Sigh* oh well. Now I have all weekend to back out of my decision, lol. Probably going to get the Evga 8800GTS 320MB SC. From what I can tell in the benchies the OC will help make up for the lack of ram and save me some very needed buckaroos.
The 320MB version has a quicker clocks.. and beats the 640MB version is practically all games released at the moment. Almost no current games benefit from the extra texture memory... but the future will.

That's a weird statement. I gaurantee that the 320MB version won't hang with a 640MB version at the higher resolutions. Also, I seriously doubt that it beats the 640 version in practically all games released at the moment as you say. If both cards are clocked the same with core speed, memory speed and shader clock, I don't agree with your statement.

I did some pretty heavy research before I bought my 640, and I didn't see anything like what you are talking about. Whenever I did see a 320 perform better than the 640 at a lower resolution, the 320 was an overclockedversion where the 640 was at stock speed.
i heard that the 320 is a bit slower than the 640. the 640 will run dx10 games better than the 320. and also if u have the $ get the gtx.