8800GT vs. 9600GT SLI


May 27, 2008
Good day all [H]'s, I'm about to purchase two cards for SLI (which is why I purchased a eVGA FTW). I play my games at 1680 x 1050, with medium eye candy at the moment (only have a 7600GT). As the title states, I'm a bit torn between a 9600GT vs. 8800GT SLI setup. I don't have any needs to high AA/AF, but like to have the normal eye candy on. I would like to have a setup that will be the most "future proof" (as future proof as budget can get). Opinions?:) (Thanks)

Pertinent Info
E8400 @ Stock Speed
2GB Corsair XMS PC6400 (5-5-5-18)
Corsair HX520 PSU
eVGA 750i FTW
What games do you play?

I just recently purchased a 9600gt with plans to sli it. With just the single card I can max every game out that I own at 1680x1050.

Crysis is the only game I can't fully max out. I can put everything on high at 1680x1050 without feeling any stuttering, but when you stick a bit of AA on it lags.

The 9600gt and 8800gt are within 5% performance range of each other. There isn't a huge difference in the two. I went ahead for the 9600gt dual slot cooler version and am satisfied so far. It idles around 40 degrees which is as cool as is possible in the room my computer is at :D
You're looking at least $300 or maybe a bit more, so I'd get an 8800GT setup. 9600GT is almost as fast but the GT has more shader power that will be worth more later on.
thanks for the replies (and reminder about important info I left out!)

mostly FPS's(CoD4-multi, Bioshock, FEAR etc) with a touch of Action/Adventure RPG's (Oblivion) and straight up adventures (which is a moot point for this discussion)

upcoming/current games I'll probably be purchasing, Fallout 3, Far Cry 2, Cryostasis: The Sleep of Reason, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect
Well I'm only speaking from what I know....

The games you listed that you play now I have. Every one of them will play flawlessly with a single 9600gt or 8800gt.

Maybe you should just get the cheapest 9600gt you can find and wait until games start coming out that you can't run. Whenever this happens you can do a step-up to upgrade your video card?

Just throwing suggestions out there.
I was in the same situation except I play at 1280x768 with plans of a 22inch within the next year.
I got a 8800gt single slot pny from BB when they were $149.
I play cod4 maxx everything.SP on cod4 I get 100fps average MP i get between 60-90 mostly 90 until I hit alot of smoke and big firefight.
If you have room get a dual slot.My pny hits around 80c sometimes under load but idle it is around 50-60c.I have a matx case with only 1 fan so I expect heat to be an issue with me but with a good case heat shouldn't be that bad.I don't know if you'll need sli at your res or not,probably not.I would think tho if games start to be made like crysis then sli would definetly be a idea instead of dropping $600 at once on a card when you can buy 1 at a time.