8800GT fan @100% = jet engine haha!


Supreme [H]ardness
May 31, 2000
Well, suffice to say, I was impressed (err....?) by how loud this thing is at full tilt!!! Compared to the gentle "whoosh" of my old GTS at 100%, this 8800GT is like a jet turbine screaming to get off the ground.

I played an hour or more of the Crysis demo last night, and this card, at stock speeds, with the fan locked at 29%, ran at a whopping 107c max, averaged ~105c.:eek: I forgot to unstick Rivatuner and the fan was locked...oops. It never crashed, never a hiccup. I played around with fan speeds, and 55% is where it starts to become audible over my case. So I left it set there, and game temps have not broken 82c since. Acceptable. Problem solved.

Other than that, did I mention how LOUD this thing is at 100% :p Thanks to God I don't have to run it higher than 55% to get reasonable temps.
Well, suffice to say, I was impressed (err....?) by how loud this thing is at full tilt!!! Compared to the gentle "whoosh" of my old GTS at 100%, this 8800GT is like a jet turbine screaming to get off the ground.

I played an hour or more of the Crysis demo last night, and this card, at stock speeds, with the fan locked at 29%, ran at a whopping 107c max, averaged ~105c.:eek: I forgot to unstick Rivatuner and the fan was locked...oops. It never crashed, never a hiccup. I played around with fan speeds, and 55% is where it starts to become audible over my case. So I left it set there, and game temps have not broken 82c since. Acceptable. Problem solved.

Other than that, did I mention how LOUD this thing is at 100% :p Thanks to God I don't have to run it higher than 55% to get reasonable temps.

I loved hearing it on start up :D

Got my S1 now though :( I miss the whirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
too bad the cooling is a little crappy on the gt cards compared to the gts ones, but what would anyone expect for a cheaper card anyways.
It's like NVidia took a page from ATi, but they took the least desirable page. :p

ATi's had nasty, noisy cooling since the X1800 series. Ugh.
Well, suffice to say, I was impressed (err....?) by how loud this thing is at full tilt!!! Compared to the gentle "whoosh" of my old GTS at 100%, this 8800GT is like a jet turbine screaming to get off the ground.

I played an hour or more of the Crysis demo last night, and this card, at stock speeds, with the fan locked at 29%, ran at a whopping 107c max, averaged ~105c.:eek: I forgot to unstick Rivatuner and the fan was locked...oops. It never crashed, never a hiccup. I played around with fan speeds, and 55% is where it starts to become audible over my case. So I left it set there, and game temps have not broken 82c since. Acceptable. Problem solved.

Other than that, did I mention how LOUD this thing is at 100% :p Thanks to God I don't have to run it higher than 55% to get reasonable temps.

See my sig, I agree!

100% fan speeds are not an option for me. Way too loud. 46% is where I can hear it above the other fans. I have a very quiet system and the gfx card fan is the loudest component by far. Worst fan I've ever heard, Nvidia should be ashamed.

I'll put on a Zalman when I can be bothered.
Long as the card runs cool enough I wouldnt care about the noise, sometimes I think people are way too picky on that stuff.
This thing is crazy loud. I am trying to figure out what coolers are compatible with the 8800 GT. I had the big zalman on my 7800. While playing CoD4 my temps topped out around 94c. Need something better, any suggestions?
It might be loud, but considering it's popularity and reference fan, we can all compare sound tolerance levels in our cases. @ 35% it becomes audible.

Crysis hits 92c load according to Rivatuner w/ 700/2000 clocks.

As screwed up as it sounds, I agree w/ Hazaro. It sounds "mini-me" tough on power up. :p
Pabuchok said:
This thing is crazy loud. I am trying to figure out what coolers are compatible with the 8800 GT. I had the big zalman on my 7800. While playing CoD4 my temps topped out around 94c. Need something better, any suggestions?

As far as I've read, the Artic Cooling Accelero S1, does a pretty good job (passive cooling), for about $20-25.
I wonder how loud really is. Some people are more sensitive than others. Personally fan noise rarely bothers me. The X1800XT, X1900XTX's bothered me but the X1950XTX and 8800GTS/GTX's never did. So I'm curious where the 8800GT ranks in terms of fan noise.
I wonder how loud really is. Some people are more sensitive than others. Personally fan noise rarely bothers me. The X1800XT, X1900XTX's bothered me but the X1950XTX and 8800GTS/GTX's never did. So I'm curious where the 8800GT ranks in terms of fan noise.

Subjectively to my ears, the 8800GT is like the old 60mm screamers they put on the "high end" cpu coolers of the time.

The 8800GTS even at full speed, was a soft "whooshing" sound. In other words, not high pitched. It's really the PITCH of the fan, more so than the actual LEVEL of the noise.
Subjectively to my ears, the 8800GT is like the old 60mm screamers they put on the "high end" cpu coolers of the time.

The 8800GTS even at full speed, was a soft "whooshing" sound. In other words, not high pitched. It's really the PITCH of the fan, more so than the actual LEVEL of the noise.

I can see your point there. The pitch of those 60mm fans drove me nuts.
I wonder how loud really is. Some people are more sensitive than others. Personally fan noise rarely bothers me. The X1800XT, X1900XTX's bothered me but the X1950XTX and 8800GTS/GTX's never did. So I'm curious where the 8800GT ranks in terms of fan noise.

It is a high pitched annoying kind of loud (but not as bad as the X1800), but thankfully it never spun up to that speed during my testing, after hours of gaming.
Well, suffice to say, I was impressed (err....?) by how loud this thing is at full tilt!!! Compared to the gentle "whoosh" of my old GTS at 100%, this 8800GT is like a jet turbine screaming to get off the ground.

I played an hour or more of the Crysis demo last night, and this card, at stock speeds, with the fan locked at 29%, ran at a whopping 107c max, averaged ~105c.:eek: I forgot to unstick Rivatuner and the fan was locked...oops. It never crashed, never a hiccup. I played around with fan speeds, and 55% is where it starts to become audible over my case. So I left it set there, and game temps have not broken 82c since. Acceptable. Problem solved.

Other than that, did I mention how LOUD this thing is at 100% :p Thanks to God I don't have to run it higher than 55% to get reasonable temps.
Well I got my GTS up to 109 once...

I just like to get the thermal paste set in ya know:eek:
At what temperature does damage start to occur to these cards?

There is no thermal specs released. It is "believed" the cores are rated to around 130C which has been indicated on the GTX/GTS (higher micron however). With the core up around 80C+ the entire card is cooking a bit, so the core is not the only concern of course.

The truth is no one really knows, we "assume" 80C is perfectly fine as Nvidia probably does not like warranty. Add to this we have seen a year of GTS and GTX's running at over 80C+(actually 100C not uncommon) with little problems.

Hardly overly reassuring but its all we have.
I was wondering whether it would be better to put my front 120mm fan on the side? I have one on the back, and one on my Ninja. I ask is because my temps for my BFG OC 8800GT are idleing around 61C on only 29% fan speed. Is that normal? Should I increase it to 50%?

Load temps get around 80C, thats bad right?
Well I got my GTS up to 109 once...

I just like to get the thermal paste set in ya know:eek:

Highest yet on my GTS that I have seen so far,was with the Crysis demo,after about 20 minutes it was loading around 103c.This with the fan locked @ 75% and a healthy oc.
I was wondering whether it would be better to put my front 120mm fan on the side? I have one on the back, and one on my Ninja. I ask is because my temps for my BFG OC 8800GT are idleing around 61C on only 29% fan speed. Is that normal? Should I increase it to 50%?

Load temps get around 80C, thats bad right?

A bit hotter than mine. I idle at 50C at 29% fan speeds. Temps do not exceed 53C after being on for 24hrs. Mind you mine is a non OC version and it's at stock.

I would increase the fan speed to 50% for gaming and leave it at 29% for general use.

80C should be okay, I've seen much higher.
Wow, I just got mine today and hells yea it sound slikea jet engine. Alot of people think the cooler is bad, but I disagree, I think the cooler is alright but the fan is just bad, you can tell its going to be noisy when you look at the way the blades are designed, moves alot more air than the G80 fan did though.
Cooling is perfectly acceptable at fan speeds from 50% and up, but it gets LOUD once 60% is reached. 55% is all I can stand for normal operation. At a lan party, it won't matter, I can leave it at 100% and never notice it :cool:
At a lan party, it won't matter, I can leave it at 100% and never notice it :cool:
So true. $1 question...pick up 2nd GT from BB and install 680i + Vista 64 (1st time w/ x64 os) OR beers w/ neighbors and finish Episode Two.

Critical factor: Lan Party tomorrow
So true. $1 question...pick up 2nd GT from BB and install 680i + Vista 64 (1st time w/ x64 os) OR beers w/ neighbors and finish Episode Two.

Critical factor: Lan Party tomorrow

Get pc parts, build, then drink. Or drink while building, always a great option!