8800 GTX released too early??


Sep 9, 2006
There are no DX10 games out yet, nVidia could've perfected the card better instead of rushing it out... and x1900 and 7900 aren't exactly bad for DX9 games yet.
my guess is cuz for holiday rush.. and a nice leap ahead of ATI.
holiday is worth the risk that they'll get owned by ATi in almost every DX10 game?
1) Who says they wont have another video card out by the time DX10 games and Vista come out?

2) It was prefect timing for their release as they have the unchallenged, most powerful card out right now that everybody will want for the holidays

3) They are soaking up tons of money as ATi can't compete

4) New mobos are coming out specifically to do things like triple and quad SLI and these are the first cards that can do it
SX2233 said:
holiday is worth the risk that they'll get owned by ATi in almost every DX10 game?

During the holidays they will make MILLIONS of dollars. How many people will buy $650 cards for the holidays?

Biggest shopping time of the year, especially for computer parts.
It remains to be seen whether there are any real problems with the cards. It's a little early to be a doomsayer just yet.

I don't really think they rushed it at all. Sure, it's only been really big in the forums in the past few months, but that is mostly because it was nearing release time. They'be been working on G80 for a long long time.

As for getting outdone in DX10...who says they will? They have plenty of time to work on a refresh to counter R600 when it comes out. It wouldn't surprise me at all if they already have something, but are holding on to it for a refresh when R600 comes.
SX2233 said:
There are no DX10 games out yet, nVidia could've perfected the card better instead of rushing it out... and x1900 and 7900 aren't exactly bad for DX9 games yet.
Every review I have read has called the card perfect, so I don't think they rushed it. They released it when it was ready and in time for the big holiday sales push. Not to mention they one upped their competition in a big way.
SX2233 said:
There are no DX10 games out yet, nVidia could've perfected the card better instead of rushing it out... and x1900 and 7900 aren't exactly bad for DX9 games yet.

Do you have any facts, or even opinions, to back up why you think the card is not "perfected" as you put it? What is it missing in your opinion?

You made a very blanket statement without any proof to back it up.
I don't think christmas means you'll sell more $650+ video cards.

Merry Christmas Timmy, and since today is your 12th birthday we got you a new 8800GTX.
This move was very smart by nVida IMO. First-to-market with new technology is HUGE. As soon as ATi's stuff comes out, nV will counter it with a refresh, and that's fine with me. Faster cards means faster, better games. I installed my 8800GTX today and I absofriggin'lutely love it. And I'll prolly refresh it when the timing's right.

nVidia is on top of things. And no, I ain't a !!!!!!, I'll buy whatever's fastest at the time, but usually that's nVidia.

Very smart, profitable move, not to mention the 680i. Very intelligent launch if you ask me.
SX2233 said:
There are no DX10 games out yet, nVidia could've perfected the card better instead of rushing it out... and x1900 and 7900 aren't exactly bad for DX9 games yet.

Think of them as really awesome DX9 cards for now, people are reaping the benefits of using them in DX9 games. I think the release time was perfect, it wasn't too early for any problems to arise (so far) and everyone is scrambling to get one.
Brent_Justice said:
Do you have any facts, or even opinions, to back up why you think the card is not "perfected" as you put it? What is it missing in your opinion?

You made a very blanket statement without any proof to back it up.

You're asking way too much. He obviously has none of those things :) I'm amused that taking over 4 years to develop an architecture is considered rushed. The funny thing is that if R600 launched at the same time G80 would magically have been perfectly on time!
trinibwoy said:
You're asking way too much. He obviously has none of those things :) I'm amused that taking over 4 years to develop an architecture is considered rushed. The funny thing is that if R600 launched at the same time G80 would magically have been perfectly on time!

lol yea. What else is there to make better? They are ungodly powerful, insane looking... Maybe less power consumption or something, but that will be fixed soon enough.

Market-wise, all the people buying 8800 series cards right now, and there are quite a few of them, are not likely to ditch their newly bought card for the R600 unless the R600 shows significant performance gains over the 8800. Launching before the Christmas season is not so other people can buy you the card but rather so that you have an excuse to go out and buy the card for yourself as your Christmas gift to yourself.

As far as I'm concerned, Nvidia picked a great time to launch a new product and ATI's launch in January or February may even be a paper launch (I hope not).
SX2233 said:
There are no DX10 games out yet, nVidia could've perfected the card better instead of rushing it out... and x1900 and 7900 aren't exactly bad for DX9 games yet.

Anyone who plays Oblivion, FEAR, etc on a widescreen would disagree with you wholeheartedly and tell you that the G80 is a friggin godsend...
shoman24v said:
I don't think christmas means you'll sell more $650+ video cards.

Merry Christmas Timmy, and since today is your 12th birthday we got you a new 8800GTX.

Theres a $540 version. And yes, a LOT of people will buy their children (maybe not 12 year olds) up to $1000 presents.

Christmas is the time of year when everybody blows their asses out on buying as many and as expensive of gifts as possible. Loans are taken out, credit cards are maxed, people go into debt like crazy.

Plus, there will be people like me who are getting their second 8800GTX for Christmas. My parents will be taking a hundred or two bucks off it for me and I'm paying the rest.

Ati has generally released their new cards first the last few years. Nvidia is a company making business decisions. Their new cards are fast, they are available Now, they are out performing their primary competition. I fail to see the negative. ATI will respond of course, but who knows how their next gen will handle games.

If Ati does release a faster product, its only a percentage, and to the human eye you would probably not be able to see it. I am all for benchmarks to use for making my decision upon purchase, however with that said Im not throwing away my 8800 just because the ati next gen gives me 10 fps more in (Insert Popular game here)

In all honesty I'm not sure why people are hating on G80. The reasons I've picked up so far boil down to the following:

1. You're an ATI fan and are kinda bummed about all the Nvidia hype right now
2. You would like to upgrade but can't afford to so you shovel shit on people who can (hence the more money than brains comments)
3. You want a bigger monitor but can't afford one so you shovel shit on people who can
4. You don't even like playing games but you enjoy shoveling shit on people!
5. Any combination of the above

Really, if you're happy gaming at your current resolution with your current card why go on some ridiculous crusade to tell OTHER people what they do and do not need and what they can and cannot afford. :confused:

Faster and better solutions can never be "too early". Too late yes, but never too early.
SX2233 said:
There are no DX10 games out yet, nVidia could've perfected the card better instead of rushing it out... and x1900 and 7900 aren't exactly bad for DX9 games yet.

feeling bitter cos you cant afford one?
I see nothing you have said that shows how they rushed it out or that it is too early.
Maybe it is too early, but only for you :)
I just got mine yesterday. All i gotta say is WHOAH. These are some monster cards. Even in World of Warcraft i can see this babies strength's. The image quality moving up from my 7800GTX is outstanding!!! I also ran Oblivion and NWN2 and I was blown away by this cards performance. If you have the dough.............. its well worth it. I just sold my 7800GTX on these forums so my price is roughly $400 for a huge upgrade. I work very hard for my money and this is what makes me tickle. Its all relative to if you are a die hard computer enthusiast or not. Hell im running a 3800X2 at 2.6GHZ and im sure when i upgrade to a higher cpu/motherboard/memory platform that the performance will scale even higher.
If this was a DX9 card, nobody would have an issue with it. But the fact that it also supports DX10, everybody is freaking out. Like OMG people are buying DX10 cards before you can use DX10.

Big friggin deal. Get over it, people buy what they want. Its not really that big of a deal.
I have a 8800gtx, donno if the card is perfect ether... no graphic glitches yet, but I have been able to make it do a randomish half beep kinda noise. It makes the half beep kinda noise every time I turn on my computer, but it starts randomly making the noise if I were to open abit's mobo monitering software. Could be just my card, but its not annoying enough to return it... yet. Also haven't tried to re-create the problem (aka I opened the program once, and it happened) I'm to lazy to send in bug reports. :p
vxspiritxv said:
I have a 8800gtx, donno if the card is perfect ether... no graphic glitches yet, but I have been able to make it do a randomish half beep kinda noise. It makes the half beep kinda noise every time I turn on my computer, but it starts randomly making the noise if I were to open abit's mobo monitering software. Could be just my card, but its not annoying enough to return it... yet. Also haven't tried to re-create the problem (aka I opened the program once, and it happened) I'm to lazy to send in bug reports. :p

That could be an indication that your PSU isn't providing enough power to the card, or is right on the verge...

The GTX cards have an onboard speaker that will screech when the card isn't being supplied enough power.
Blue Falcon said:
That could be an indication that your PSU isn't providing enough power to the card, or is right on the verge...

The GTX cards have an onboard speaker that will screech when the card isn't being supplied enough power.

Doubt that, played few hours in game with no problems. 12v is at 12.05. Only happened after opening up the abit software. Also updated my sig with the new box ;)
I agree with Blue Falcon.

When I overclock my CPU to 2.7GHz I have real trouble booting clocked, it can take 5 attempts!
Reducing the clock to 2.5GHz allows me to boot cleanly every time.
Yet in Windows when running at 2.7GHz, it works flawlessly, no crashes, no issues at all.

This is because I am using an older 430W PSU with a 15 Amp 12V rail.
My system is quoted as needing 23 Amps.

The Abit software may introduce voltage fluctuations onto the power rail which could be enough to trigger the beeps if you are close to the limit.

I really need a more powerful PSU as do you most likely.
The beeps are there to tell you there isnt enough power after all ;)

Unplug any drives you dont need and declock the CPU a bit to test.
If the beeps occur less or go away, you know why.
FlyinBrian said:
Ati has generally released their new cards first the last few years. Nvidia is a company making business decisions. Their new cards are fast, they are available Now, they are out performing their primary competition. I fail to see the negative. ATI will respond of course, but who knows how their next gen will handle games.

If Ati does release a faster product, its only a percentage, and to the human eye you would probably not be able to see it. I am all for benchmarks to use for making my decision upon purchase, however with that said Im not throwing away my 8800 just because the ati next gen gives me 10 fps more in (Insert Popular game here)


its only a percentage? So ur saying that the human eye can't see the difference between a 25fps performance vs 40fps performance? :rolleyes: shows what you know
Chernobyl1 said:
feeling bitter cos you cant afford one?
I see nothing you have said that shows how they rushed it out or that it is too early.
Maybe it is too early, but only for you :)

what make you think I can't afford a 8800 gts little troll? I just bought a 900 dollar 37" 1080P hdtv for computer gaming last month.
One, don't double post.

Two, don't come in here and flaunt how much you spend on computer gaming.

Three... If you have an opinion, that's fine, but at least back it up with some proof. It's great that you think the product was rushed. I also think conroe was rushed. Sure, AMD was ahead, but Intel could have spent longer optimizing their new architecture so that, well you know, it was better. (/sarcasm)

Last, I think you're the troll. Saying things like, "Shows what you know" is just ASKING to be banned.

And don't even think of accusing me of being a fan-boy or something. I respect that you have an opinion. Hell, I'm not even attempting to discredit or bash your theory in any way, but calling people names, after they've questionned your logic is simply immature. Either be more specific, grow up or get out.
Smaller, less heat, more efficient = all good.

By the time ATI releases their R600 the G80 will probably have a refresh/ 8900 series. Competition usually works out in favor of consumers / consumer whores.

Also nVidia knows of the work being done by ATI and will have new plans to counter them.

This war works out for us unlike other wars.
A company could always spend longer..

If ATi would have waited until now to release the 9800 pro, it would of been dx10 and would DESTROY the G80.

It was optimal timing, I believe.
Astrogiblet said:
A company could always spend longer..

If ATi would have waited until now to release the 9800 pro, it would of been dx10 and would DESTROY the G80.

It was optimal timing, I believe.

ATI would have gone out of business by that point. No profit man.

There are MILLION$ that go into initial R&D and retooling of these things-that's one reason why new gen cards are so expensive - they're recovering some costs spent on development.
Brahmzy said:
ATI would have gone out of business by that point. No profit man.

There are MILLION$ that go into initial R&D and retooling of these things-that's one reason why new gen cards are so expensive - they're recovering some costs spent on development.

You took me way too seriously, I was joking! :D

I was just saying, a company can always wait longer, no matter what.
I hope you people realize that the $650, hell even the $300+, video card portion of business for both green and red are EXTREMELY small. ATi isn't crying because R600 didn't make it in time for holidays, in the same way that people at nVidia aren't buying Ferrari's for christmas cause they got their 8800 in time for St. Nick.

It may matter to us (extreme enthusiasts who want the best technology has to offer), but compared to the MILLIONS of normal users, we make up an extremely small segment of business for these two giant companies.
Not perfected? From what I have read so far, it is the perfect video card upgrade. How often can you buy next generation hardware that gives you immediate benifit now?

Dual core processors are only now just beginning to show benifit quite some time after launch

I suspect the instant I install my 8800GTx tommorrow I will get an instant benifit.