8800 GTS 512 vs. 4870 - opinion...?


Jul 12, 2004
Hello all. I was wondering if anyone has first-hand experience in upgrading from a 8800 GTS 512 (G92) to a 4870? I'm currently running a BFG 8800 GTS OC. I'm thinking of upgrading to the 4870 and was wondering what kind of real-world performance increases we're talking about here. Is it worth spending the cash? Thanks in advance for any and all replies. :D
If you have the money to burn, sure.

Are you selling that GTS 512 ?

But yeah regardless, you'll see a nice real-world performance increase DEPENDING on what resolution you game on. Still though, the FPS meter should still go up considerably.
i did
In Crysis i went from 20 fps on the G92 to 27 on the 4870
1680x1050 [email protected], Haven't Even Oc'd the 4870

i say it was worth it, I'll be trying more games here in a few.
Thanks for the replies. I usually game at 1280x1024 or 1600x1200 (19" CRT), mostly strategy and simulations like World in Conflict and Flight Sim X. (and a little Grid too) I may sell the GTS, or I may keep it for my 2nd machine.... still debating. I've always liked ATI's image quality over Nvidia's but in the end I'm just after the best card for the best price. Thanks again!
i did
In Crysis i went from 20 fps on the G92 to 27 on the 4870
1680x1050 [email protected], Haven't Even Oc'd the 4870

i say it was worth it, I'll be trying more games here in a few.

That's a pretty good increase for Crysis. I have a Q6600 also but my mobo won't let me clock it....:( a new mobo is coming soon also.
You'll see a very nice increase in performance. I grabbed a 4870 last night and after setting it at 790/1000 in the CCC I can't really tell a difference between the 4870 and the GTX 280. I can't wait to see RivaTuner support for the 4870. My GTX 280 has very little overclocking headroom.
i did
In Crysis i went from 20 fps on the G92 to 27 on the 4870
1680x1050 [email protected], Haven't Even Oc'd the 4870

i say it was worth it, I'll be trying more games here in a few.

HMM what settings are you playing at, in dx9 everything high I got around 40 something average in crysis, with my q9450 around the same speed. and I am running at 790/1100, though that should not make such a big difference.

I will post a screeshot in a minute.

edit: here are crysis numbers in dx10. hd 4870 790/1100, q9450 at 3.8 1.25v


1680x1050 very high


here is dx9 at same clocks

HMM what settings are you playing at, in dx9 everything high I got around 40 something average in crysis, with my q9450 around the same speed. and I am running at 790/1100, though that should not make such a big difference.

I will post a screeshot in a minute.

edit: here are crysis numbers in dx10. hd 4870 790/1100, q9450 at 3.8 1.25v


1680x1050 very high


here is dx9 at same clocks


crysis seems to run faster at dx9 and higher min fps.
i should have mentioned everything set to Very High no aa
i think its perfectly playable
Hello all. I was wondering if anyone has first-hand experience in upgrading from a 8800 GTS 512 (G92) to a 4870? I'm currently running a BFG 8800 GTS OC. I'm thinking of upgrading to the 4870 and was wondering what kind of real-world performance increases we're talking about here. Is it worth spending the cash? Thanks in advance for any and all replies. :D

I did exactly that and I was floored by the difference in IQ and performance. Don't play Crysis, but everything else I play now is on Maximum using 8xAA/16xAF.

Also sold my GTS 512MB card on Ebay for $205 the week before the HD 4870 came out so it ended up only costing me $100. Well worth it. ;)
I really dont think the differenc ingame between high and very high is worth the performance hit, yes ofcourse if you take a screenshot you can ofcourse tell the difference, the game looks beautiful enoguh at high.
7/13/2008 12:08:43 AM - XP
Beginning Run #1 on Map-island, Demo-benchmark_gpu
DX9 1680x1050, AA=No AA, Vsync=Disabled, 32 bit test, FullScreen
Demo Loops=3, Time Of Day= 9
Global Game Quality: High
TimeDemo Play Started , (Total Frames: 2000, Recorded Time: 111.86s)
!TimeDemo Run 0 Finished.
Play Time: 48.51s, Average FPS: 41.23
Min FPS: 35.91 at frame 1971, Max FPS: 56.39 at frame 1009
Average Tri/Sec: -40168560, Tri/Frame: -974285
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: -0.94
!TimeDemo Run 1 Finished.
Play Time: 41.40s, Average FPS: 48.31
Min FPS: 35.91 at frame 1971, Max FPS: 56.39 at frame 1009
Average Tri/Sec: -46518088, Tri/Frame: -962977
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: -0.95
!TimeDemo Run 2 Finished.
Play Time: 41.42s, Average FPS: 48.29
Min FPS: 35.47 at frame 1959, Max FPS: 56.39 at frame 1009
Average Tri/Sec: -46489728, Tri/Frame: -962773
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: -0.95
TimeDemo Play Ended, (3 Runs Performed)

Completed All Tests


7/13/2008 12:08:43 AM - XP

Run #1- DX9 1680x1050 AA=No AA, 32 bit test, Quality: High ~~ Overall Average FPS: 48.3
Thanks for all the replies and information. I think I may get the 4870 soon. It definately sounds like a great card for the price! :)
I just saw that Negg has 4850's on sale for $164 after rebate. Which begs the question... 1x 4870 for $274 OR 2x 4850 for $328???? Any thoughts......:confused:
Heck even one 4850 does pretty well in Crysis:

7/17/2008 10:26:39 AM - XP
Beginning Run #1 on Map-island, Demo-benchmark_gpu
DX9 1680x1050, AA=No AA, Vsync=Disabled, 32 bit test, FullScreen
Demo Loops=3, Time Of Day= 9
Global Game Quality: High
TimeDemo Play Started , (Total Frames: 2000, Recorded Time: 111.86s)
!TimeDemo Run 0 Finished.
Play Time: 62.24s, Average FPS: 32.14
Min FPS: 24.44 at frame 140, Max FPS: 46.75 at frame 987
Average Tri/Sec: -31317864, Tri/Frame: -974554
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: -0.94
!TimeDemo Run 1 Finished.
Play Time: 49.77s, Average FPS: 40.18
Min FPS: 24.44 at frame 140, Max FPS: 47.59 at frame 1004
Average Tri/Sec: -38707024, Tri/Frame: -963288
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: -0.95
!TimeDemo Run 2 Finished.
Play Time: 49.75s, Average FPS: 40.21
Min FPS: 24.44 at frame 140, Max FPS: 47.59 at frame 1004
Average Tri/Sec: -38715076, Tri/Frame: -962940
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: -0.95
TimeDemo Play Ended, (3 Runs Performed)

Completed All Tests


7/17/2008 10:26:39 AM - XP

Run #1- DX9 1680x1050 AA=No AA, 32 bit test, Quality: High ~~ Overall Average FPS: 40.195
Heck even one 4850 does pretty well in Crysis:

7/17/2008 10:26:39 AM - XP
Beginning Run #1 on Map-island, Demo-benchmark_gpu
DX9 1680x1050, AA=No AA, Vsync=Disabled, 32 bit test, FullScreen
Demo Loops=3, Time Of Day= 9
Global Game Quality: High
TimeDemo Play Started , (Total Frames: 2000, Recorded Time: 111.86s)
!TimeDemo Run 0 Finished.
Play Time: 62.24s, Average FPS: 32.14
Min FPS: 24.44 at frame 140, Max FPS: 46.75 at frame 987
Average Tri/Sec: -31317864, Tri/Frame: -974554
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: -0.94
!TimeDemo Run 1 Finished.
Play Time: 49.77s, Average FPS: 40.18
Min FPS: 24.44 at frame 140, Max FPS: 47.59 at frame 1004
Average Tri/Sec: -38707024, Tri/Frame: -963288
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: -0.95
!TimeDemo Run 2 Finished.
Play Time: 49.75s, Average FPS: 40.21
Min FPS: 24.44 at frame 140, Max FPS: 47.59 at frame 1004
Average Tri/Sec: -38715076, Tri/Frame: -962940
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: -0.95
TimeDemo Play Ended, (3 Runs Performed)

Completed All Tests


7/17/2008 10:26:39 AM - XP

Run #1- DX9 1680x1050 AA=No AA, 32 bit test, Quality: High ~~ Overall Average FPS: 40.195

Have you tried Cuban-Ultima-Doom-Sword Crysis Tweaking tool ?

It gave my 8800gts 512mb an average of 40fps
Moved from 8800GT SLI to 4870 singlecard and I noticed that the 4870 provided a better gaming experience.
Went from an 8800GTS 512 to a 4870 and was able to turn up COD4 all the way and stay totally smooth. The 8800GTS would choke under heavy smoke scenes but had great frame rates for the rest of the time. The upgrade was well worth it. Slapped on an HR-03GT and overclocked to 865/1100 stable. I have yet to try pushing past this. Max temps are 64C with the HR-03GT.
i too am looking to upgrade from a 8800gts g92 to a 4870. mine upgrade will be for WoW's WotLK though. as of now LK pushes my system to 27 fps @ 1920x1200. be4 LK came out i was idle @ 60 fps and it played great. now, my poor gts is starting to hurt.

any confirmation on the playability of LK @ 1920x1200 with a 4870?