8800 320 or 640? HELP!

Im in the same boat. I really want to upgrade to an 8800GTS but I couldnt figure out if the 640mb was the right choice.

I think the solution is to be narrow minded in decision making(make a decision and stick with it regardless of outward opinion).
do research, apply facts (i.e. how much money do I not have? :p ) then make a decision and stick with it. Letting rumors of future imaginary cards with ideal prices+specs alter your decision will leave you standing there with a runny nose and a handfull of money. I think overthinking a purchase can destroy its purpose..

I decided on the 640mb version. I have 300 to spend, so I can wait for the price to drop a little, and after it does I will have a great videocard (and maybe more choices) that I can enjoy for a long while and not have to worry about the whole circus of buying one.

thats my 5 cents, make change and give me 3 pennies if its incorrect!
anybody know when to expect the price drops on the 8800 640? I'm about to build a new intel system (after finally selling my good old p4 system;) ) And I'm just waiting for a price drop on those 8800 :D
what about 1920 x 1080 gaming? probably should go with the 640 meg card right?

I was considering going with the 320 right now from EVGA, and stepping up in 1.5-2.5 months to either 640 GTS, or 8800GTX unless something better is out.

Currently I only play WoW, but soon I hope to get into BF2142, HL2 engine games, and Company of Heroes.

Will the 320 give me 1920x1080 with 4x AA and 16x FSAA in all these current games?
what about 1920 x 1080 gaming? probably should go with the 640 meg card right?

I was considering going with the 320 right now from EVGA, and stepping up in 1.5-2.5 months to either 640 GTS, or 8800GTX unless something better is out.

Currently I only play WoW, but soon I hope to get into BF2142, HL2 engine games, and Company of Heroes.

Will the 320 give me 1920x1080 with 4x AA and 16x FSAA in all these current games?
This was my concern too, except 1920 x 1200, and after reading some reviews I concluded that the 640MB GTS was the best choice.
QUERY: Can 640mb and 320mb 8800GTS's be put together in SLI?

My guess would be yes, but your total memory size would be limited to 320MB, so you would see improvement in situations demanding more rendering power, but none in situations needing more G-RAM. And if you were starting with a 640 and trying to add a second on the cheap, your memory performance would actually go DOWN!
Don't pay for the Superclocked shit... It's worthless, you can do the same thing in Rivatuner. Get the 640MB version
Don't pay for the Superclocked shit... It's worthless, you can do the same thing in Rivatuner. Get the 640MB version

Actually the superclocked is good if you want to overclock more, because these are usually binned cards that are made to achieve higher clocks guaranteed, thats why they are superclocked...
Nope i didnt say its a different core did? I said OVERCLOCKED. Do you know what binned means? It means they've tested these cards and they are in such a condition that they are better overclockers than the other cards. PERIOD. No need to call bullshit.
Actually the superclocked is good if you want to overclock more, because these are usually binned cards that are made to achieve higher clocks guaranteed, thats why they are superclocked...

Bullshit... Same core in Supercrap and the normal one...
Nope i didnt say its a different core did? I said OVERCLOCKED. Do you know what binned means? It means they've tested these cards and they are in such a condition that they are better overclockers than the other cards. PERIOD. No need to call bullshit.

You didnt say different core but claiming the superclocked ones will overclock better is pure bullshit maybe a hand picked ES will but saying you test each core individually to see thier overclocking potential and save the best ones to sell as superclocked models is a lie and you know it. superclocks XXX OC whatever they are called are the same card occasionally there will be a different HSF but it is the same card nothing special about it besides marketing tactics.
saying you test each core individually to see thier overclocking potential and save the best ones to sell as superclocked models is a lie and you know it.

They wouldn't have to test the cards. The chips are tested when they slice up the wafer, NVidia probably know at that point which ones will be better overclockers. Now does EVGA pay more for those chips that test better, and put those in the Superclocked cards? I don't know, but it's possible.
I own an EVGA 8800GTS 320mb and I play CS:C @ 1900x1080 with everything up full blast with no problems. Mines overclocked to 600/1800 on stock cooling.
I see this question a lot, if you have a large resolution monitor, then you will be much happier with the 640, but if you stuck on a 1280x1024 then the 320 would be just fine. I am also waiting on the price drops, I am leaning towards the 640 because I am waiting for some good deals on 24" lcd's...:D
I own an EVGA 8800GTS 320mb and I play CS:C @ 1900x1080 with everything up full blast with no problems. Mines overclocked to 600/1800 on stock cooling.

Thats not a very good example, CS:S will run at 19X10 max settings on last gen cards. that game is very optimized and runs well on some very shitty hardware.

The 320 just wont cut it on max with 19X10 resolution in most new games.
I have an EVGA 640MB from Nov. 22 and it is running stable at 675/1050 on stock cooling.
My dad has a 320MB and in supreme commander it hitches a little bit at 1920*1200 considering we have the same systems otherwise it must be the video card. Go with the 640MB
Thats not a very good example, CS:S will run at 19X10 max settings on last gen cards. that game is very optimized and runs well on some very shitty hardware.

The 320 just wont cut it on max with 19X10 resolution in most new games.

Good point, then im selling my 320 because u said that. (im serious) Now im waiting for Quake wars to come out, so im either gettting the 640 or 8800GTX.

To the OP, get the 640mb!
Me too, seeing that I'm gonna wait for either 640 MB GTS prices to drop, or for the 512 MB 8900GTS to come out.

The way the memory chips are set I dont think we will ever see 512mb 8900gts unless they change from 64bit x5.