8800 320 or 640? HELP!


Jun 27, 2003
a 80 dollar price difference for 2x as much memory...but do I need it? I've got 2 19" monitors that run at 1280x1024 and I probably won't be getting new ones anytime soon.

I do plan on using AA and anisotropic filtering ect. to the max, would the Xtra memory make a difference at this resolution? I know its' a hard question with no games out but here's the card I'm thinking about biting on..what a deal (compared to the prices of the others):

I have the same question. Single 19 inch crt for me. Want to run at max details but in that "low" resolution. Thinking the 320 might be best for my needs. Any input would be great.
I think that the 320 will be ok, however I'd recommend the 640 for at least some minimal future proofing...
I guess I'm leaning toward the evga superclocked 640 card; as I want to use at least 4x AA in all my games.

The notion I have still is...to wait. :(
Looking at the recent reviews, it appears that the 320 version is sufficient for those kinds of resolutions, even with high AA and AF - the real difference shows up at higher resolutions. I just picked up a 640MB version for my 20" monitor because I was worried about future games like Crysis and STALKER but if I still had my 17" I'd have gone with the 320.
i have a 1280x1024 lcd screen. if i was to choose between the 320 and the 640 i would go with the 640MB version. why? because I'm not worried about todays games on either versions of the card, I am worried about tomorrows games on the card. an additional $80 for an extra 320MB of video ram is definitely worth it.
I went 640 just because that extra $100 -$150 translates into more future profing for the next couple years. LCD prices are dropin like its hot. I wouldnt say you are stuck at 17inches for long if you are eyeballing a 8800. Very soon a 1900x1200 24-27 inch lcd will be right about the same price point as the 17 and 19s. Yes you can just buy another card and go SLI however if you go 320 now you will be stuck with a max of 640 memory and have alot more to make up system side. Also dont be too reliant on SLI to give you the boost considering the state of SLI development and adoption. I think its more probable that you will outgrow the 320 before SLI is solid and widely adopted. I like knowing that this card smokes all games now and will cover the new stuff for a while.
I guess I'm leaning toward the evga superclocked 640 card; as I want to use at least 4x AA in all my games.

The notion I have still is...to wait. :(

Just buy it. Theres ALWAYS something better coming out.
I picked up the 320 as my lcd is a 17 inc, and i will only getting another when this monitor goes. I never had an option to use aa or af in anygames till this baby (had 850xtpe before). for me this card cost me $424 where as the gs starts at $599 and goes up. The GTX starts at 899 here in australia. I am happy, tho i must say the 8800gts is a long ass card and it gets hot too.
I picked up the 320 as my lcd is a 17 inc, and i will only getting another when this monitor goes. I never had an option to use aa or af in anygames till this baby (had 850xtpe before). for me this card cost me $424 where as the gs starts at $599 and goes up. The GTX starts at 899 here in australia. I am happy, tho i must say the 8800gts is a long ass card and it gets hot too.

What model do you have? I'm thinking evga because I've heard it's surprisingly quiet (my case is nearly silent) and of course it's superclocked. If I had a choice based on noise alone, I'd go for the quietest card even without the superclock.

btw, I like the sound of the 640 card now...the difference on newegg is so small it's about the same as going out for dinner at a nice resturaunt. I'm almost ready to pull the trigger; gonna do some more thinking and I'd really like more info on whatever ATI is doing, if only because it will probably result in an immediate price drop on nvidia hardware.
I have the msi edition, yes the 8800gts are quit, heck they are quiter than my system fans even at full speed. if the price difference was small i would of too gone for the 640 version. but alas newegg does not ship to australia or overseas from my understanding. I chose to bite the bullet and pull the trigger i was tired of waiting.
I have the msi edition, yes the 8800gts are quit, heck they are quiter than my system fans even at full speed...

There you have it folks. The 8800gts are quitters! They throw in the towel!


Sorry...seriously though, they are OK for noise. I've dealt with quieter, and I've dealt with louder. So if noise annoys you, these won't make you too angry. But if you're looking for whisper quiet, you've already got water cooling and this won't be an issue :)
I have the msi edition, yes the 8800gts are quit, heck they are quiter than my system fans even at full speed. if the price difference was small i would of too gone for the 640 version. but alas newegg does not ship to australia or overseas from my understanding. I chose to bite the bullet and pull the trigger i was tired of waiting.

Right on man, I'm sick of waiting too...sick of my crappy graphics card I bought as a placeholder anyway...waiting for dx10 cards (I built this system almost as soon as the conroe/allendales were ready).
Let us know how that 4xaa works out at 1280x1024! :D

Well i run at maxed settings so far, bf2 runs sweet and man the image quality, as for oblivian well i dont play rpgs so i dont know. as for my grammer earlier sorry, trilingual here and constantly get certain english words mixed up, and my spelling sucks ( i don't use a spell checker btw.
Well i run at maxed settings so far, bf2 runs sweet and man the image quality, as for oblivian well i dont play rpgs so i dont know. as for my grammer earlier sorry, trilingual here and constantly get certain english words mixed up, and my spelling sucks ( i don't use a spell checker btw.

don't worry about that, I appreciate your contribution to the thread. And anyway, it was kinda funny but no big deal. That's cool you speak 3 languages? What the! Nice!
i also speak 3 languages::D

but yeah i will let you guys know

this is my system specs:
Geforce 8800 GTS 320 576/850
1GB DDR2 667- Need more dont have money
E6400 oc to 2.5 GHz ill try and make it close to what no oc rigs would be like

games i have right now are:
Company of Heroes
Just Cause

and will get Oblivion and Supreme Commander
my monitor though is 1440x900
i can also test at 1440x900 and 1x 1280x1024 or 1x 1024x768 since i have my main monitor my old 1280 monitor the older 1024 monitor and the 1280x800

if you guys want me too
if not then thats fine

i am dual booting windows xp mce and vista ultimate.
I've got an eVGA 8800 GTS 320MB, and it runs BF2142 beautifully at 1680x1050 (for 21" LCD) with 4X TR MSAA and 8X AF on
As a side note, seeing how well G80 cards overclock, I don't think a factory-OC'd model like the various Superclocks is worth the extra money... That might change the price decision, especially on getting a 640MB GTS
As a side note, seeing how well G80 cards overclock, I don't think a factory-OC'd model like the various Superclocks is worth the extra money... That might change the price decision, especially on getting a 640MB GTS

eVGA's superclocked version is $299
i can also test at 1440x900 and 1x 1280x1024 or 1x 1024x768 since i have my main monitor my old 1280 monitor the older 1024 monitor and the 1280x800

if you guys want me too
if not then thats fine

i am dual booting windows xp mce and vista ultimate.

yes, please! That would be nice of ya...
As a side note, seeing how well G80 cards overclock, I don't think a factory-OC'd model like the various Superclocks is worth the extra money... That might change the price decision, especially on getting a 640MB GTS

I've been thinking about this too, but it might be nice to have a overclock hardwired in to the card (no tweaking needed)...I don't know, it's only 20 bucks...I'm leaning toward the evga superclocked GTS 640
illl post things when i get the card. Sometime tomorrow or thursday.
Just a FYI, I decided for the EVGA 8800GTS 640: Lifetime warranty with overclocking (why get the superclocked, really?). There ya go, a good decision made, I think, thanks to all who helped!

The Ooze
I have a 1680x1050 LCD will the 320MB which I can get for $270 or the 640MB which will cost $50 more at $320 be better for me? Thanks! I cant decide on how long to keep this card. With the 320MB I will have the benefit of EVGA step up however the $50 more for 2x the Vram is very tempting. ALso how much performance difference will be between a X1900XT 512MB and a 8800GTS 320MB? Thanks!
I have a 1680x1050 LCD will the 320MB which I can get for $270 or the 640MB which will cost $50 more at $320 be better for me? Thanks! I cant decide on how long to keep this card. With the 320MB I will have the benefit of EVGA step up however the $50 more for 2x the Vram is very tempting. ALso how much performance difference will be between a X1900XT 512MB and a 8800GTS 320MB? Thanks!

your lucky for that small price difference get the 640mb, will help with shader intensive games at that res.
my Geforce comes today

if anyone still wants me to test it post here
There you have it folks. The 8800gts are quitters! They throw in the towel!


Sorry...seriously though, they are OK for noise. I've dealt with quieter, and I've dealt with louder. So if noise annoys you, these won't make you too angry. But if you're looking for whisper quiet, you've already got water cooling and this won't be an issue :)

Lol, ok maybe it's just me but I don't get why everyone cares so much about loud video cards, if a card ever came out that could play Crysis lets say at 2550x1920 with full AA and AF, but it sounded like 747 on take off I'd but it:D ... So what if it's loud, it can churn out FPS. I guess all I'm trying to say is go for the GTS, I have two of them and they are awesome!:p
I have a 1680x1050 LCD will the 320MB which I can get for $270 or the 640MB which will cost $50 more at $320 be better for me? Thanks! I cant decide on how long to keep this card. With the 320MB I will have the benefit of EVGA step up however the $50 more for 2x the Vram is very tempting. ALso how much performance difference will be between a X1900XT 512MB and a 8800GTS 320MB? Thanks!
Where do you see the EVGA 8800GTS 640MB for $320?
I'm thinking about going to microcenter tonight and picking something up, they have the 8800gts 320mb superclocked for $329, and the 8800gts 640mb regular clocked for $399 with a $30 mail in rebate. I'm running 1280x1024 and don't have plans to get a new monitor, but it's sort of worrying me what kind of memory will be needed for new directx 10 games. The max texture size is a lot more for dx10:

Resources DirectX 9 DirectX 10
Temporary registers 32 4,096
Constant registers 256 16 x 4,096*
Textures 16 128
Render targets 4 8
Maximum texture size 4,048 x 4,048 8,096 x 8,096
i went with the 320
maybe should have gone with the 640 but didnt have money. You do. Spend it wisely and may the force be with you.
I just think the extra 320mb ram is worth $40, without any real DX10 games, no one really knows if 320 will cut it. After reading a review that showed how much of a difference there was in splinter cell, I personally would caution against the 320mb.