86 Year Old Lady Accused Of Pirating Metro 2033

And if I'm not mistaken, wasn't this game given away for FREE for a period of time? Pretty sure that's how I got it.
I've had so many old people with virus and stolen software ridden computers tell me "I have a grandson/daughter but they don't use the computer" or "they use the computer but would never do that". Yeah ok. Everyone's an angel to their grandmother.
And if I'm not mistaken, wasn't this game given away for FREE for a period of time? Pretty sure that's how I got it.

Pretty sure you're right, that's how I got it as well. Maybe the free deal wasn't in Canada though. It was interesting, dunno if I would have paid to play it though.
Canadian here. Allow me to apologize for this one...

I used to work in the ISP world dealing with abuse e-mails, policy and legal issues, and intercepting crazy CRTC requests for change on a daily basis, but this one takes the cake: The changes to the Copyright Modernization act was one of the last massive fuck-ups the Harper government managed to squeeze in before the end of their reign. I think it was at the beginning of 2015 when the changes were finalized and the Copyright Notice-and-Notice System legally forced ISPs to forward copyright infringement letters to whoever held the IP address at the time.

The basic idea is that p2p torrents are peer monitored by copyright enforcement firms who then auto-generate e-mails which are sent en mass to ISPs to be sorted and sent to whoever might have been associated with that date-stamped DHCP pool IP address, as if it were a device-hopping postal code. There are legal limitations to what could be included in these e-mails, like settlement demands, but the ISP must provide a system to handle and send them forward regardless of their content. This is often cited as a "loophole", but it's just plain abuse. The copyright firms know they are not going to get punished for making these demands anyway, and I couldn't imagine how much money they have made in these last two years -- and depending on statute of limitations in American Copyright law, n-number of years.

It wasn't even a month into the new legislation before many potentially highly profitable copyright demand e-mail campaigns were launched. By providing links to quick settlement website (where you basically fill out a form, identify yourself, and pay up). So by all means, monitor torrents, filter by Canadian IP pools, and spam the ISP with demand e-mails as much as possible. Hell, sell everything and buy into this, it works!

While I can't stand Canadian politics, and I think Trudeau is dismissing responsibility of the massive shit-show he has inherited by blaming our problems on "the previous government", at least he recognizes how bad it is on a daily basis through this statement. However, there's no clear sky in sight on this particular topic, especially considering how many absolutely broken trade deals are getting signed each month which open the floodgates for more abuse.

You may recall that the government was forced into this notice & notice crap by the US constantly bitching about Canadian pirates and demanding we "normalize" our copyright system (read: implement a DMCA-style law) This was partially inspired by the then proposed TPP requirements. I think Peter van Loan was the Industry minister presiding over that crap. I don't think this would every survive the SCC if it came to it; they are somewhat infamous for setting aside stupid legislation.
No 5000 is the max you can be charged

That is correct because the Canadian government won't allow their citizens to be raped by BS.

P.S she looks like a scum bag criminal they should throw her in jail and toss the keys in the drain.

We can't have senior citizens like that walking around freely think of the children will ya.
Pretty sure you're right, that's how I got it as well. Maybe the free deal wasn't in Canada though. It was interesting, dunno if I would have paid to play it though.
Nope we got it free up here in Canada as well. It's kinda funny the timing on this because my 66 yr old neighbor lady just got a notice from her isp for copyright infringement yesterday. It's bullshit she does not torrent and probably couldn't figure out how to either. And according to the notice she is supposed to have pirated an Anthony Bourdain episode who the hell pirates that?