81.85 Driver Causing BF2 Crash to Desktop?


Limp Gawd
Mar 11, 2005
I just wanted to see if anyone else is having a similar problem. I run 2 x 6800GT's in SLI O/Ced to 400/1100 with temps, under heavy load, never exceeding 71c and generally at 68c on the #1 card. After loading the 81.85 drivers, BF2 regularly crashes to desktop. No drama, restart or BSOD, just a sudden return to my desktop and normal operations.

I have the latest NF4 drivers installed 6.70 (crash occurred on 6.66 too) and ran drivercleaner in safe mode prior to installing the 81.85 (also ran before loading 6.70). I didn't see this crash occur in 78.01 with either chipset driver loaded. System is stable in all other endeavors.
Have you tried it without any OC on the cards? I have 2 ultra's and those drivers and no problems at all in BF2 but I don't run overclocked at all.
I haven't yet but neither do I want to as that O/C I run has been very stable on every driver to date. You're right though and I will run without the O/C though just to get another data point as I try and figure out why my system has a problem w/ this driver.
The 81.XX seem to have a few such instabilities. I'm actually getting the blue-screens. I haven't been dumped to the desktop yet though. (haven't played BF2 in a while though) I actually switched back to the 78.01s for now until some of these things get resolved.
I think I'll get back to 78.01 too, after I play w/ no O/C. Just sucks because many have reported higher framerates w/ that driver. Also, I don't like when my system does something that no one else's seems to be doing.
I was also getting a lot more performance out of the 81.XX drivers. It truly sucked to downgrade. There are a significant amount of people having weird issues with them though, so it's not just you, or me.
Well it appears that the crash to desktop doesn't occur if the 6800GT's are running at stock. Unfortunately at the resolutions I play at I need the overclock so back to 78.01.