80% of Television Viewed in SD

I never got 30HD stations for $53.00 but will check with my friend who has Shaw. Shaw does not even provide CBC HD Vancouver and instead gives you Toronto CBC HD. Um, if you are a Canuck's hockey fan that is reason enough to switch to Telus right there. Who wants to watch the Leafs in HD when you live in Vancouver?
It's west coast feed when it needs to be. Never seen a Canucks game without the usual announcers, there is Sportsnet and TSN too
yeah but you can record up to 4 channels at the same time and you don't get awesome channels like...well ok none of the channels are awesome unless you shell out even more money for hbo and showtime.
That's cool, but I can't recall a moment in TV history where 4 good shows were on at the same time. :confused:
This is why I saw America is in no way ready for 3D. I mean when families are still struggling to adjust to HD how in the heck are you going to push 3D?!?!

I say we need to simmer down and let the whole HD thing marinate 1st a few more years only then can we discuss a transition to 3D.
nobody is transitioning anything to 3D. Real 3D can be done with dual cameras or CGI. The fake 3d you see with most movies is done via assisted computer interpolation on a 2D film. so yeah, it doesn't really pop out correctly.
#1. Bless her heart, I could never get my Mom to understand the difference.

My mother was rather surprised when she saw my tv (same model as hers) with an HD signal. "Wish my tv looked that good". I just get basic comcast so only the broadcast channels are in in HD (well and discovery I think but its buried in the channel lineup).

She hasn't bothered with HD because she has direct tv with an older receiver and DTV wants what, $10 extra per month for their HD channels.
Fox (and especially Fox Sports) -- Learn how to broadcast TV. Fox is the only channel that does not properly adjust to my TV. The sports scores are always chopped off, and I always have to guess what the scores are, or what quarter it is.
Fox (and especially Fox Sports) -- Learn how to broadcast TV. Fox is the only channel that does not properly adjust to my TV. The sports scores are always chopped off, and I always have to guess what the scores are, or what quarter it is.

I don't have a problem w/ FOX not displaying the score ticker properly. But mine is OTA HD. :cool:
Fox (and especially Fox Sports) -- Learn how to broadcast TV. Fox is the only channel that does not properly adjust to my TV. The sports scores are always chopped off, and I always have to guess what the scores are, or what quarter it is.

If this is SD then your cable company is center cutting the HD stream either because a non HD version is not available, or they don't want to pay for two streams of video. Comcast does this where some extended family live and it's irritating, especially as they likely won't upgrade to a HD capable set for several more years.
i have 4 hd tv's - all in bedrooms, the living room tv- which we just use for games- is SD

my wife is guilty of not watching hd channels on our tv


because she is so used to the normal stations being 4 5 7 etc

that she does not bother with the hd versions of 804 805 etc

What i would love to see is the ability to REPROGRAM the numbers so that "804 is channel 4 etc)and if you press say channel 4 (for me that is cbs ) it automatically shows the HD version of the channel

We must be married to the same woman.

Every time I walk into the living room and she's watching tv I have to say "you know that channel is in HD right?"
My cable provider only offers the local network affiliates "in the clear."
So if you want ESPN in HD, you have to rent the digital box, get the digital pack and get then get the high def package on top of that. If you want a HD DVR, then they want to add another upcharge.

We must be married to the same woman.

Every time I walk into the living room and she's watching tv I have to say "you know that channel is in HD right?"

Mine gets all pissy because she has to actually go up to the 900's to get to the HD.
I spent the money and effort for HD and my wife still looks at the SD channels first. Comcast now puts a notification that it's available in HD. She complained they didn't tell her what channel it was on. Uhm, just push the button again I say. These things seem trivial to us but apparently they aren't.
I don't use comcast, but Dish lets you customize your onscreen guide. If a channel has both SD and HD versions, we hide the SD version. It's as if it doesn't even exist.

We go one step further and setup several "favorite" lists to use. So the kids have a really short list (5 - 10 channels) and my list is pretty short because I only watch shows on a handful of channels. The favorites lists really simplify things and get rid of the SD channels.
My grandfather has 5 HDTVs in his house, but no matter how many times I try to explain it to him, he never watches anything in HD. I've changed the channel to the HD equivalent on a number of occasions to show him the difference, but no dice... too bad. She just watches really poorly directed, poorly written, and poorly acted indian shows on the indian channels. I swear they're broadcast in 240i or something. And of course anything they watch in SD, they stretch just so it fills the screen *sigh*.

A family friend of mine isn't much better. They subscribe to all the HD channels, and they know how to watch them, but they never do. They'd rather have extra DVR space. I don't udnderstand why they won't upgrade the HDD, but I digress. The settings on that TV are all fucked up anyway... after getting used to my Panasonic VT25, I want to gouge my eyes out whenever I watch a movie on their TV. Not only are the colors and contrast terrible, but they have it on some setting that seems to overscan by 125% or so.
My grandfather has 5 HDTVs in his house, but no matter how many times I try to explain it to him, he never watches anything in HD. I've changed the channel to the HD equivalent on a number of occasions to show him the difference, but no dice... too bad. My grandmother is worse.She just watches really poorly directed, poorly written, and poorly acted indian shows on the indian channels. I swear they're broadcast in 240i or something. And of course anything they watch in SD, they stretch just so it fills the screen *sigh*.

A family friend of mine isn't much better. They subscribe to all the HD channels, and they know how to watch them, but they never do. They'd rather have extra DVR space. I don't udnderstand why they won't upgrade the HDD, but I digress. The settings on that TV are all fucked up anyway... after getting used to my Panasonic VT25, I want to gouge my eyes out whenever I watch a movie on their TV. Not only are the colors and contrast terrible, but they have it on some setting that seems to overscan by 125% or so.

Added back a line that I accidentally deleted.
I've been using Comcast for years, and I've never seen HD channels at 800+. I just cancelled my account last month, and my HD lineup ran from about 160's-300 as I recall. HD quality was usually very good, although TNT always seemed to have major sound and pixellation issues.
Finding HD channels was very easy, as there was an "HD" guide button. Not to mention the HD channels tend to have "HD" in the channel name...
I might be biased about my views on this topic because i'm employed by "THAT" Cable company but i make a point to watch everything i can in HD and our new HD/DVR's have swapped over to MPEG-4 for recording which takes less space and we've put in bigger drives.

I will give i'm not so happy that i can't expand the storage w/ an external source.

But one nice this we've done is when you tune into something on our boxes on a SDTV channel that is avail in HD there's a nice little button that shows up on the info at the bottom of the screen that says "Watch in HD" with a simple press of the OK button on the remote now you're watching in HD.

This has been the only way to get my wife onboard w/the watch it in HD movement.
I still have old style tube-type TVs and I figure why bother to upgrade when I don't even watch television anymore.
I do not bother with a DVR or TiVO to record TV since I don't care for what is passed off as entertainment these days.
I'm in no hurry to rush out to buy the latest, up-to-datest, biggest screen I can find just to impress somebody.

The money I save on new TVs and the cable/satellite bills now goes to fund my "COMmputer Parts Acquisition Disorder" (ComPAD). :D
It's west coast feed when it needs to be. Never seen a Canucks game without the usual announcers, there is Sportsnet and TSN too

There is CBC Vancouver station too but it is SD and not HD. The HD CBC station is Toronto only and they don't switch feeds as needed so it does not show local Canucks games in HD. That's how it is on SHAW where I live anyway.
This headline would probably also be just as true: 80% of television viewed p0rn. :D