8.7 on what's all those options ? and refresh problems


Apr 25, 2008
i have a problem ! i'm stuck on 60 refresh no matter what i do !
i use VSINC on BUT i use also tripple buffering and lock my games to 70 REFRESH instead of 60 on 1680 RES cos i know :
1)my computer can handle 70 fps .
2)i know my 22 monitor can handle 70+ ..refresh in 1680 res WITHOUGHT droping frames ..(lg 2252TQ)

so ....
why i'm stuck on 60 and not 70 ? :mad:


- what is (8.7) "LCD OVERDRIVE" ?
- what's that HDTV SUPPORT ? ....if i see HDTV in my monitor will it make it sharper ?
- shold i enable triple buffering if i use VSINC ON ? (if i know i'm getting always 100% more than 70 FPS steady ...)
- what is "catalist AI" should it be enable - standart or off ?
- if i'm using already AA on 4X (forcing) ...do i need that ADAPTIE AA also or not ?

too much options !!:D:D
need help !

ofcourse NOT....i use 70 in games ....(that support it) and still it's 60 ...
The LG 2252TQ has a refresh rate of 60hz, hence the 60fps cap when VSYNC is on. Setting another refresh rate won't do anything, as the monitor doesn't support it. So no, your monitor cannot handle more than 60fps. HDTV means that the card can output HDTV signal - this only applies to TVs, as DVI exceeds the HDTV spec. Triple buffering only helps if you have VSYNC on and get less than the refresh rate. If you are positive you are getting 60fps+ always, then you don't need triple buffering.