7nm refresh in 2019?


Jul 20, 2015
Some people claim that the reason 2080Ti is coming out so soon is because there will be a 7nm refresh pretty soon.
What do you guys think? Should we really wait on the refresh? I think a jump to 7nm would be more than just a refresh.
always buy whatever it's the best right now. there's always something better coming around the corner, that's called the waiting game and the "waiters" are always the losers.
Can we at least let the 'next gen' release before we start to speculate on the 'next next gen'
always buy whatever it's the best right now. there's always something better coming around the corner, that's called the waiting game and the "waiters" are always the losers.

Not exactly, don`t just buy the best right now , buy the best (that you can afford) when it comes out, no point in buying 2 year old hardware if next month you`ll get something new for that price
i have a rule , i don`t buy hardware (Phones , GPU , CPU etc.) more than 6 months after its release, if needs be - i`ll just wait for the next cycle and buy whatever comes out
these kind of hardware release each year (usually)

hell, i wont even buy 2 hours old bread at the bakery if i know a fresh batch is out in 20 minutes

but waiting for the next next card is dumb , if you are in the business for the highest end GPU buy the 2080ti , no point in waiting another year.
I have 1080Ti. If the 7nm is around the corner then I better wait.
I wouldn't call it a rumor if 2080Ti comes out at the same time as 2080. There's a reason why Nvidia released Ti cards 10 months after the first new gen. But if this time it's different then I promise you it's not because out of the goodness of their hearts.
If anything it’ll just be a 7nm successor to Volta for deeplearning crap in 2019 instead of gaming cards. Turing would most likely last until 2020.

Why did Nvidia rush out the Ti? BFGD is one of the obvious reason due to the sheer amount of power to run 4k at high refresh rate. They also added NVLink to make it more appealing. Nvidia is in a comfortable position to not rush out a 7nm product unlike AMD.
The way nVidia milked the 10xx series doesn't really make sense in a short lived release for the 20xx series, but at the same time I wouldn't be surprised, hence not buying anything over a 2080 until 2020...
Re: Buy now or later

You gotta know your own patterns.

Generally you should be willing to put some thought into the release cycles and if we're only a month or two away from new releases, or if you're paying for something that will depreciate quickly.

But if this leads to you never pulling the trigger, or putting an unhealthy amount of time researching and shopping without actually doing the thing you're buying the card for (like me, and we've probabaly all been there), then just buy, life is too short for that.

It's also helpful for you to know if you're type of person to really enjoy getting a bargain on something (this also affects your perceived satisfaction with the product after you buy it).
there is a 100% chance of a shrunk turing in 2019 because they need to compete with amd's 2019 chips
there is a 100% chance of a shrunk turing in 2019 because they need to compete with amd's 2019 chips
Only if AMD can equal or better Turing. If they can, Nvidia will surely release 7nm. If AMD drag their feet or delay, Nvidia may hold off in tandem. I think Nvidia would prefer 12nm Turing to have as long a run as possible (normal release cycle, ie, 2 years), but will react to what AMD does.
Nvidia wont release a refresh for at least 12 months after this release... why wait?
always buy whatever it's the best right now. there's always something better coming around the corner, that's called the waiting game and the "waiters" are always the losers.

Normally good advice and normally I would agree.

But Nvidia is intentionally gouging us with these prices because there is no competition.

AMD will have 7nm cards out, they are skipping 12nm to put them out faster.
Yes it stands to reason that they're dropping the Ti at the same time because 7nm isn't far away. And 7nm should allow a big jump. Whether Nvidia takes the big jump on the first gen in 7nm or they release smaller 7nm chips than they could to spread it out will likely come down to competition.

Another sound theory for dropping the Ti at the same time is that the traditional rasterized gaming performance isn't going to be the huge leap over Pascal that people are expecting, particularly after a 2 year wait.
I have 1080Ti. If the 7nm is around the corner then I better wait.
I wouldn't call it a rumor if 2080Ti comes out at the same time as 2080. There's a reason why Nvidia released Ti cards 10 months after the first new gen. But if this time it's different then I promise you it's not because out of the goodness of their hearts.

They are releasing Ti now so all Titan buyers nab a Ti today, and then the Titan in few months... simply a marketing game is all. Buy what you want today, worry about next year then, tech is always changing or features improving...
Normally good advice and normally I would agree.

But Nvidia is intentionally gouging us with these prices because there is no competition.

AMD will have 7nm cards out, they are skipping 12nm to put them out faster.

can't be the same said about AMD?. AMD cards are cheaper precisely due Nvidia offerings in the market, otherwise they would be more expensive in each possible segments. historically speaking and taking in consideration dates and launch times you have that:

HD7970 was 550$ at launch 200$ more expensive than the HD 6970 it was replacing, GTX 680 was 500$ at launch same price of the GTX 580 it was replacing, it inmediatelly forced AMD to drop the price of the HD 7970 to 499$ also launching the HD 7970 ghz edition even having a performance advantage it was priced the same as the GTX 680, they could have priced higher as the performance allowed, bad move from AMD, anyway keep going;

AMD R9 290X launched at 550$, same price as the GTX 780 but this time it was outperformed so nvidia launched the 780Ti at 600$ and what happened? it forced to drop the prices not only for the r9 290X but also the r9 290 to 499$ and 400$ respectively, but also the entire line including 280 and 270 series, then nvidia launched GTX 900 series first with no contender, GTX 980 at 550$ and GTX 970 at 329$, what happened to current AMD generation? r9 290X down to 390$ and r9 290 below 299$, damn, those nvidia prices... then the card launched to compete with GTX 900 series, Fury X, AMD thought they had a winner with "da titan killer 2" and was meant to be a 850$ - 900$ due HBM and AIO, however Nvidia launched GTX 980Ti at 650$ couple of weeks before the launch of the Fury X, and guess what? AMD launched at 649$ the Fury X selling at loss!!

And then well, we all know the history of Vega Right?. as it was unable to compete with the 1080Ti, it launched even above GTX 1080 Prices, all have to remember the official GTX 1080 Price down to 499$ with the new 11gbps memory? at the 1080Ti launch.. damn.. those nvidia prices.. so, who it's limitting prices itself due to competition? It's nvidia or AMD?. Nvidia stated LOT of times that they simply doesn't care anymore of AMD since years ago, if they want to sell GPUs they have to compete with themselves launching cards with Enough Performance jump to make people upgrade, at a wortwhile price... so this thing that AMD have Nvidia prices under control it's not true.
can't be the same said about AMD?. AMD cards are cheaper precisely due Nvidia offerings in the market, otherwise they would be more expensive in each possible segments. historically speaking and taking in consideration dates and launch times you have that:

HD7970 was 550$ at launch 200$ more expensive than the HD 6970 it was replacing, GTX 680 was 500$ at launch same price of the GTX 580 it was replacing, it inmediatelly forced AMD to drop the price of the HD 7970 to 499$ also launching the HD 7970 ghz edition even having a performance advantage it was priced the same as the GTX 680, they could have priced higher as the performance allowed, bad move from AMD, anyway keep going;

AMD R9 290X launched at 550$, same price as the GTX 780 but this time it was outperformed so nvidia launched the 780Ti at 600$ and what happened? it forced to drop the prices not only for the r9 290X but also the r9 290 to 499$ and 400$ respectively, but also the entire line including 280 and 270 series, then nvidia launched GTX 900 series first with no contender, GTX 980 at 550$ and GTX 970 at 329$, what happened to current AMD generation? r9 290X down to 390$ and r9 290 below 299$, damn, those nvidia prices... then the card launched to compete with GTX 900 series, Fury X, AMD thought they had a winner with "da titan killer 2" and was meant to be a 850$ - 900$ due HBM and AIO, however Nvidia launched GTX 980Ti at 650$ couple of weeks before the launch of the Fury X, and guess what? AMD launched at 649$ the Fury X selling at loss!!

And then well, we all know the history of Vega Right?. as it was unable to compete with the 1080Ti, it launched even above GTX 1080 Prices, all have to remember the official GTX 1080 Price down to 499$ with the new 11gbps memory? at the 1080Ti launch.. damn.. those nvidia prices.. so, who it's limitting prices itself due to competition? It's nvidia or AMD?. Nvidia stated LOT of times that they simply doesn't care anymore of AMD since years ago, if they want to sell GPUs they have to compete with themselves launching cards with Enough Performance jump to make people upgrade, at a wortwhile price... so this thing that AMD have Nvidia prices under control it's not true.

I am glad you talked about the 7970 and the 680 because the competition during that time was great and even it your post you mention prices changing due to that competition. Thats exactly what I am talking about.

That is non-existant now. There is no competition for the 1080ti let alone a 2080 or 2080ti. They can price them however they want. And they did at 800/1200$.

I am not saying AMD doesnt do shitty things, they never sold cards directly to consumers at MSRP during mining. But you know what Nvidia is doing right now is because they have a monopoly and they are gouging us intentionally.

Not sure why you are trying so hard to defend Nvidia or shit on AMD.. not sure which.
I am glad you talked about the 7970 and the 680 because the competition during that time was great and even it your post you mention prices changing due to that competition. Thats exactly what I am talking about.

That is non-existant now. There is no competition for the 1080ti let alone a 2080 or 2080ti. They can price them however they want. And they did at 800/1200$.

I am not saying AMD doesnt do shitty things, they never sold cards directly to consumers at MSRP during mining. But you know what Nvidia is doing right now is because they have a monopoly and they are gouging us intentionally.

Not sure why you are trying so hard to defend Nvidia or shit on AMD.. not sure which.

I don't think gouging is the word to use here. They can increase prices because people will pay them and like you say due to lack of competition. That's why we need AMD to stay in the GPU market and hopefully get intel in. If you want to buy the best it makes sense you probably gotta pay more for it.