7950X2 Vista drivers?


Limp Gawd
Jul 16, 2004
Is there anything out there except the 88.xx drivers on nvidia.com, which do not support the 7950X2?
Yeah, but the 90 series driver should work......Thats why I want him to be more spesific. Its a decently broad question.
The only Vista drivers on the Nvidia page are
ForceWare Release 85
Version: 88.61
Release Date: May 23, 2006
BETA Driver

and they do not support the 7950X2.

The 90s series drivers are not for Vista. And with the Vista drivers, when I force the card to be a "7900GT" I can use 2D and Aero Glass, but no 3D at all and get a performance rating of 1...
Those are NForce chipset drivers, not Geforce drivers :)

Oh well, I keep searching :)
Vista Pre RC1 has native 7950X2 drivers and they work fine in 3D, tested with World of Warcraft.
Sweet. One of these days I will get off the step-up queue and get one of those bad boys:)