
heh balsa wood is a pretty obious solution compared to crimsons 3d plastic hollow logo, and it looks almost as good :)
wow, looks hot

keep up the good work

just wondering, is there a dead line for this?... how long does it normally take you to complete one project like this?
So did the balsa wood stay in the final logo? That's some pretty soft wood, I'd be afraid that something would accidentally bonk it and ruin a lot of hard work :(
Does the epoxy resin protect it?
mashie said:
It is the same piece of material as before just paint added. Epoxy has a nice habit of making porous materials hard.

Good, I was worried that the final piece would be fragile. Not a trait usually present in cases infested by hell, I imagine :)
Once again great mod Mashie. It's nice to have people around who constantly push forward the frontier of moddin like you do. Brings it to a higher level.

This mod and The Y2K bug have inpired me to mess with some milliput. It just looks like to much fun. Do you recommend the standard yellow? Also, does it adhere itself to surfaces or to you usually glue it on after it dries? Thanks. :D
Sheldog23 said:
Once again great mod Mashie. It's nice to have people around who constantly push forward the frontier of moddin like you do. Brings it to a higher level.

This mod and The Y2K bug have inpired me to mess with some milliput. It just looks like to much fun. Do you recommend the standard yellow? Also, does it adhere itself to surfaces or to you usually glue it on after it dries? Thanks. :D
i also got a question about milliput

how hard is it when its dried?... like in comparison such as hard as plastic, steel, aluminum, foam, etc

and is this expensive?
wayne said:
and is this expensive?

its $12 per 4oz stick from micromark as he posted before

but i am also curious... how hard is it when dry (is it like the stick epoxy you can get for plumbing/radiatior repair?) and does it stick like that stuff?
the last peice looks great, however i would paint the doom 3 logo a silver or grey. it doesnt stand out enough from the bloody mass. still looks amazing
that last piece looks real good.however,i think you should go with a grey or silved instead ot the same red on the doom 3 logo, it doeasnt stand out enough. its still looking amazing njnj
Yes! Mashie update!

Looks sweet, the mesh and panels on top give the rig a nice industrial look to offset the pure hellspawn look. Can't wait to see what it will look like all together!

Very nice work! :cool:
Excellent job, Mashie! We can't wait to see it in action.
awesome mashie! when will we get to see a shot of the Doom 3 logo sticking out of the hole on the other side? I wanna see how that part turns out. :)
Wholly crap. That is one cool mod. Where do you plan on putting the pump? I wish I had more money so I could build a watercooled lanparty box...
mashie said:

While i do appreciate all the time and effort you've put into the shuttle, I still think it would have looked better with either less "growth" on the front (because you'd never see it coating an entire wall in the game) or to have it elsewhere on the case to even things out.

Regardless, it's still a VERY nice peice of work.....and it makes most other SFF mods I've seen look sub-par. ;)
cornelious0_0 said:
While i do appreciate all the time and effort you've put into the shuttle, I still think it would have looked better with either less "growth" on the front (because you'd never see it coating an entire wall in the game) or to have it elsewhere on the case to even things out.

Regardless, it's still a VERY nice peice of work.....and it makes most other SFF mods I've seen look sub-par. ;)
i kinda agree with him

too much stuff showing only in the front... maybe add some stuff to the sides to even things out.... and i think u should make it so the red part blends with the rest because it kinda looks like just a bezel with a clear boundary... maybe have blobs that slide down the case or something, i dunno

i am not too sure of what you intend for it to look like so i may be wrong

dont take it the wrong way, i LOVEE how it looks, but im jus saying it kinda looks a lil un-blobbish if the milliput was just a slap only on the front

great work!
Well, that does suck, but thank you for fueling my list of slams against the BIX rads whenever I'm trying to convince ppl NOT to buy them. ;)
Mashie should wait a few days before powering the system back on. This way he can prevent motherboard from getting fried, unless it was already fried.
Wow really nice man - insane amounts of work there.

I do have to say that the growth stuff maybe shouldnt have been the perfect front face of the case since thats isnt very "organic" Maybe if it had covered parts of it and there was still some of the armor plating exposed like I think someone else mentioned. Also maybe it could have grown or spread to other faces of the case? Thats just my 2 cents...

Great work though - love how the pump and radiator are on the outside. BTW I know nothing about water cooling but are you going to color the water somehow? Is that even possible? Maybe some blue food coloring? Or LEDs?
Quick Question for ya Mash Master

Are you using the Stock PSU with this, or did u put in a new one???
you can fix that rad with epoxy mashie I had to fix my BIX2 from the same thing no leaks for over a 1yr
Blackdog said:
so does the computer work after the leakage? :confused:

I'm thinkin' that if it didn't we would have heard cries of agony by now.....as he got right on with his work I'm going to assume for now that everything's A OK.
That is so cool. I've been meaning to ask but what kind of paint is that? It looks really good.

now to get rid of the bright colors around the back panel ;)
megawzrd said:
UV sensitive dye?

To answer your question megawzrd it's food coloring and some water wetter:
mashie said:
It was a bit difficult to see in the previous pics but the water is fairly dyed. Lots of food colouring was used (red and blue).
mashie said:

However, the flesh isn't done until the proper wet look is added with a layer of clear epoxy resin.

So as always, in 24h the work can continue.
I wondered in this pic, are the blue knobs supposed to be the cells for the plasma gun? I saw that pic and thought it looked just like them (it's [h]ard to miss too bright glowing blue things in the middle of a dark, red and grey room).

This rig looks more and more dominant the closer it gets to completion! Very nice job on the whole case!
mashie said:
The blue knobs are the water barbs and got a bit bright when using the camera flash. In the final install they are nearly impossible to spot under the hose clamps.
Oh, okay, I see that.

But I can still pretend they are plasma cells, right? I know your case is fueled by alien plasma technology injected into the water! :rolleyes: :D
mashie - just an idea... and I did some photochop to see how it would look. Just wondering if adding a bit of orange and black to bring out the doom3 logo. I love all the work you have done - simply AWESOME! :D


original side view

modified side view
^^ eh, I agree that maybe the logo could be given something to make it stand out more, but I don't think that just sticking the Doom 3 logo there works very well. The orange doesn't really fit the color scheme he's got going on very well.
mashie said:
No changes will happen to the look of this case now except adding some light. That bit had been completed as well if it wasn't for me breaking a CCFL while trying to get it out of the protective cover...
the best skills at modding but the worst skills at opening packages ;)

:p jk
wayne said:
the best skills at modding but the worst skills at opening packages ;)

:p jk

Haha, good stuff......funny thing is it's true. I know I'm like that with a lot of stuff, so it's only natural that mashie'd break a ccfl here and there. :p
mashie said:
Guess I was a bit unclear, I was trying to get the CCFL tube out of the protective acrylic tube after first cutting the sides clear where it was glued with silicone. Unfortunately, the metal wire running along the tube got caught in something inside the acrylic th elast half inch. I did not break this while opening a paper box ;)
why would u take off the protective acrylic tubes?... they're there for a reason right?