7900 GTX 512mb $319


Mar 1, 2006
I got a 7900gtx for sale it's the one in the sig, I had it up a while back but I couldn't get the price change in the title so I am making a new thread, closing old one. Here's a pic I took with my digi cam, sry if it's blurry my camera sucks.

Still in case because I'm still using it!! :)


Another pic of it in the case

$319 is damn cheap, but rent money is rent money :)
lol. thanks for the bump... these cards arent selling too good atm....
It's hard to sell them because of the GTO coming out I think. GTO is quite a bit cheaper and people claim to be able to clock them and / or flash them to GTXs and they are from EVGA also. So I dunno...
Personally, I would still highly recommend the 7900gtx especially for 319 bux!! I'm really surprised it's not gone yet. I would buy it if I needed one and if I had the money ;)

Is this price OBO or firm? Hell I might buy it anyway if we can work on the price a bit ;)
that's messed up, I hope it breaks and he demands a refund or he kicks your butt :)