7850 Overclock results thread

Mad Lion

Mar 14, 2011
Just wanted to see what kind of overclocks people are getting with this GPU. I just purchased a HIS 7850 2GB card from another forums user. The ASIC quality is 85% and it has normal wimpy cooler. I haven't used a third party utility yet, but just using the AMD overdrive built into the driver I was able to get 1050 core (maxed out) and 1375 on the memory.

This card is an incredible value, and even though I'm running it on an old Q6600 @ 3.06, this card screams! I'm able to play Metro 2033 on very high, I just can't go nuts with the AA or AF settings.

Also, I never go higher than 67 degrees C in Heaven, and my case isn't exactly high end.

Post results here!
Going higher than 1050 no matter what utility I use seems to result in a lockup. Going higher than 1375 on ram seems to result in lower performance. I guess this is my ideal overclock. 1050/1375 is pretty damn decent though.
I have seen some people hit 1250+ on the core. Pretty freaking fast at that speed!
Going higher than 1050 no matter what utility I use seems to result in a lockup. Going higher than 1375 on ram seems to result in lower performance. I guess this is my ideal overclock. 1050/1375 is pretty damn decent though.

Can you overvolt? Adding more voltage allows you to be stable at higher speeds. It adds more heat, though. Plus, you don't want to be much higher than stock voltage. So add a bit of voltage (if you can - some card are voltage locked) and see if you can overclock the core a bit higher. Add voltage in 20mV increments.
I know I'm pretty late to the party on this one, but I picked up a Sapphire HD 7850 2gb edition recently. I know its not too impressive, but I was able to push it to 980mhz on the core and 1250mhz on the RAM pretty easily. I could probably push harder, but I'd probably have to take it out of my project box and drop it into something with a little more horsepower to keep going. I'll report back if I do.

Great little card might I add. Handles a lot more than I expected it to. I was pretty disappointed with the HD 6870s, so I was quite surprised to see this little guy performing as well as it has so far.
I had the Asus 7850 2gb and after flashing the bios I was able to push the voltage to 1.3v and had a stable card clacked at 1200 on the core and 1500(I think) on memory. couldnt push it any further though it would artifact and lock up when trying to bench it