7800gtx pic

karl76 said:
Doesn´t require, but to get the most performance benefits you need to attach the bridge connector.

According to the documentation that came with my motherboard it is required. There can be no communication between the cards over the PCI-Express bus, as they aren't designed to do that. At least I don't believe they are. You can run them as a quad monitor setup, but not in SLi mode.
Sir-Fragalot said:
According to the documentation that came with my motherboard it is required. There can be no communication between the cards over the PCI-Express bus, as they aren't designed to do that. At least I don't believe they are. You can run them as a quad monitor setup, but not in SLi mode.
take the connector off and see if you can enable SLI mode :p
uh - yeah - you need that on for SLi to work... I don't think the machine will even boot with that bridge off, unless you have SLi disabled in hardware... meaning, turning the "terminator" card between the PCI-E slots around, thus directing all 16 lanes of bandwidth back to the primary slot, aka: true single card mode. er, yeah... something like that :)

the bridge is a must though, for SLi... this little doo-dad

Sir-Fragalot said:
According to the documentation that came with my motherboard it is required. There can be no communication between the cards over the PCI-Express bus, as they aren't designed to do that. At least I don't believe they are. You can run them as a quad monitor setup, but not in SLi mode.

I could swear I read a Tomshardware article months ago where they ran SLIed cards with and without the bridge (and an obvious performance difference) but I guess I was wrong. Sorry guys. :-P BTW, the 7800GTX will be a hot biach! :D
karl76 said:
I could swear I read a Tomshardware article months ago where they ran SLIed cards with and without the bridge (and an obvious performance difference) but I guess I was wrong. Sorry guys. :-P BTW, the 7800GTX will be a hot biach! :D

Who knows? It might not be any worse than the current cards.
Yeah, until we get actual reviews *cough*[H]*cough*, nobody really knows what's in store for us. This is all pure speculation. And FYI, many graphics cards pop, break, burn up and exhibit unexpected behavior in alpha/beta hardware testing, so it's not uncommon to see a couple with burn marks. It's all part of the GPU company's testing. :)
do u think the 7 series will have the same Memory/GPU locations that way i can use my 6800 water block on it?
lemmy said:
do u think the 7 series will have the same Memory/GPU locations that way i can use my 6800 water block on it?


Looks a lot like the NV40, so I say your waterblock should fit. :)

@Sir-Fragalot: I wasn´t talking about it being a "Hot Biach" card temperature-wise, but rather that it will be very good card. Definitly can´t wait to see it in action! :D I´m also not worried about that broken pre-production sample. I trust NV, their video cards never let me down. ;)
how long is that? I need to fit one in to my Shuttle...

If I estimated the lenght right (about 9") it should fit inside Shuttle G5...
What's that three pin connector on the bottom rear of the card?

It's missing on the other pics in this thread.
It looks to either be a RPM monitor(for the mobo bios to monitor), or power for the fan, but I am not sure.

Ps. Thanks for the HQ pics :)

Am in correct in saying that the pcb is burnt around the core?

I also wonder why the fan has a 4 pin connector?!

Im surprised how FEW traces there are! Where the heck are they all at? Its better to have them concealed because they reduce the risk of damage.
Any shots of the back of the card by chance?

Looks like http://imagestore.ugbox.net/aview/1...68d09a1a0fd849b sustained some severe heat damage on the bottom left of the card, where it plugs into the PCI-E slot. :eek:
CrimandEvil said:
Not yet, but thanks for the link. ;)

Bit-Tech.net said:
While we can't give any details on G70's specification at the moment, we can reveal that the chips on XFX's stand are possibly the only two running cards at the show.

This shows the strength of XFX's close relationship with NVIDIA, with the graphics giant giving away its only working silicon to one of its board partners.
The emphasis is mine. This sure makes me glad to be running an XFX GPU... :D
I think the fan is PWM-controlled. Shuttle uses also 4prin fans on XPC's and ithose are PWM controlled.
1c3d0g said:
Not yet, but thanks for the link. ;)

The emphasis is mine. This sure makes me glad to be running an XFX GPU... :D

Huh - interesting... you'd think it would be like PNY... I see them sponsor many Nvidia events... Or even MSI... They're giving cards away @ slizone..

Oh - and BTW - you're running an Nvidia GPU on an XFX board. :)
(er, maybe you were refering to the whole card as a GPU?)
DaRkF0g said:
Looks like http://imagestore.ugbox.net/aview/1...68d09a1a0fd849b sustained some severe heat damage on the bottom left of the card, where it plugs into the PCI-E slot. :eek:

holy crap... yeah - looks like it got toasty. whew... Well, it's no great shock to us that these cards run hot, but that is an odd place... perhaps it was trying to draw too much current through the PCI-E slot? bizarre.
revenant said:
(er, maybe you were refering to the whole card as a GPU?)
Errr... oops, I meant that I was glad to be running an XFX graphics card. :eek:
revenant said:
Huh - interesting... you'd think it would be like PNY... I see them sponsor many Nvidia events... Or even MSI... They're giving cards away @ slizone..
I would have thought EVGA since they are the ones that make NV's reference boards.
CrimandEvil said:
I would have thought EVGA since they are the ones that make NV's reference boards.

huh - I did not know that... I had an eVGA board once and really liked it. I came || close to buying eVGA GTs instead of MSI. :)
CrimandEvil said:
I would have thought EVGA since they are the ones that make NV's reference boards.

Link, I've never heard that before. I didn't even think they were that close of a partner?
Dr. X said:
Link, I've never heard that before. I didn't even think they were that close of a partner?
I'll have to look around for one, it's been brought up here before and I've read a few reviews that noted that some (or certain recent cards) which were reference boards where marked as from EVGA (or something like that) but yeah I'm going to have to look around for a link but I'm lazy so I probably won't get around to it.
It's true what CrimandEvil said. I also heard that eVGA made most of the reference nVidia boards.

Edit: here it is (bold is my emphasis):
eVGA.com said:
The EVGA e-GeForce 6800 Ultra 512MB PCI-Express graphics card, one of the first 512MB cards in the market, was built with the high standards of the recently announced EVGA Genuine Spec, which provides assurance to consumers that the video card they buy is accurately and correctly designed to meet NVIDIA's actual and original design specification. This means that the video card is built with the very best materials and components and performs exactly as NVIDIA's engineers envisioned. Proven Design, Symbol of Quality, Reliability and Performance are exactly the qualities expected by Alienware.

IGN.com said:
eVGA was one of the first OEMs I saw offering NVDVD to their customers and they've consistently been quick to market with new NVIDIA-based hardware. It is only fitting, then, that the first retail 6800 Ultra we review is one of theirs.

eVGA's GeForce 6800 Ultra does not boast a fancy cooling system (such as they used to differentiate some of their cards in 2002) or any other unique design elements. In fact, it is a reference board.

GDHardware said:
Borrowing its design straight from the reference halls of NVIDIA, eVGA’s solution is a no-holds-barred card that looks as menacing as it performs. This “stock” design is no slouch – in fact some of the better-performing cards use it – and it allows for a bit of overclocking as well.
i thought evga was the definition for nvidia graphics cards, if u wanted an overclock then go bfg. I've now had a pci-e 5750 evga card and i used the step up program to get my 6600gt (they were the first on the net to come out with a 6600gt as well) flawless transaction. They will be the manufactor of my 7800 i buy.
Re: The new "mascot"--those images were created by NVidia's marketing department as illustrations of what kind of branding is considered appropriate for the new cards when they are released, as guidance to the OEMs. That is, the picture is properly interpreted thusly: it is NOT okay to brand your card with the old mascot Nalu, that will confuse customers as to whether your card is 6xxx series or 7xxx series. It is NOT okay to pirate a mascot from our demos, like the pic of Dawn. We own Dawn--hands off. It is NOT okay to create your own branding that is obviously ripped off from our demos, mascots, etc, like the pseudo-dawn in the 4th pic. But it IS okay to create your own mascot for branding of your cards, like the fat biker dude. Aopen, Gigabyte, and others have created their own branding mascots for the 6xxx series instead of just copying Nalu, and NVidia is fine with that--they just wanted to show examples of what will work/not work for doing the same on the 7xxx series. All that to say, Fat Biker Dude is NOT the new mascot from NVidia--he's just an example.

Re: eVGA making the reference cards--maybe they do, maybe they don't but all those quotes that were linked don't say that--they say that eVGA followed--that is, COPIED--the reference design when they made their own retail cards. Most card makers do this, especially with the first versions of a new card. COPYING the reference card does not mean they BUILT the reference card. Maybe they did, but it's not the same thing.

Gainward is an nVIDIA OEM company and when checking out their website noticed the following splash screen at the top of their main page:

"Prepare to be enlightened" Along with two nVIDIA logo's that rotate with 11 days.

What do you think that this card maker is trying to tell us? :D
I must be retarded, because I just noticed that the heatsink is in the shape of the nvidia logo. durrr.