7800GTX in an SN25P

I recommend uninstalling the nForce IDE drivers just from a stability point of view and use the default microsoft ones. People had trouble with them (in windows) but it's odd that your bios doesn't even detect the drive. Are you using the SATA cables that came with the shuttle? If you are, switch them right away. Those are major trouble makers because they are so thin and over in sudhian, there is a giant thread on it.

So far, my system uptime is 1day, 8hours and I ran just basic applications. I've played games, burned DVD's while keeping bittorrent running and it's been pretty stable so I'll see if I get anything similar in a few days. I also have my raptor mounted below my optical drive.

Well, the thing is... that supposedly bad Patriot 2GB kit was fine when I had it installed, with the FX-55 in my DFI SLI-DR. So, even though I have a clawhammer FX, I don't think it is a matter of the CPU alone here. Since my SN25P appears to be FUBAR, I will try a few more things, but if unsuccessful, I will go back to the DFI and see how things work out on that box.
I just found out about those nvidia sw ide drivers, they were f'ing my brothers new system which had a foxconn matx board. I never had problems myself.

I'm not using the shuttle sata cables. I added my own in, but I will try replacing the cable in order to rule it out.
canislupy said:
is the lens a 28-70 2.8? or is it some other lens

and that camera didn't focus too well :/
DaCoOlNeSs said:
is the lens a 28-70 2.8? or is it some other lens

and that camera didn't focus too well :/

Yes, 28-70 f2.8L. Sorry, can't please all of the people all of the time. :p

Back focus has actually been a documented problem with this lens on some of Canon's DSLR's, but I have not tested mine specifically for this. Most likely though, what you are referring to as focus is actually just a shallow depth of field (DOF). If I had spent just a little more time I could have gotten you some better pictures in that more of the target would have been in focus, but of course as you increase DOF, you increase shutter time then potentially have motion blur... and I wasn't about to break out the tripod.

Anyway... to try to get this post back on subject. My SN25P is not fried, I got it working... I think I just cooked a SATA cable there. I can't however seem to get 2GB running in the shuttle though. 1GB runs just fine. Ah well... I've gone and switched my parts back to my full size rig now anyway....
ah, didn't know that. pictures are nice in small ones though ;)

anyways, how come you can't get 2GB of memory anyway? I seen to be able to with my SN45G2...
Not sure why. I really didn't play around with it too much as I was just getting too frustrated. Besides, if losening the memory timings would have gotten the 2GB kit to work without crashing the system on me, it would have defeated the purpose of forking out the money for a 2-3-2-5 kit.