7800 reviews = screw you futuremark?

Apr 13, 2004
I noticed in all the preview/reviews that no one has shown 3DMark 03/05 results. Not that they reflect real world performance anyway but I found it somewhat odd. Anyone know why?
Probably cause it's already known that it does roughly 8,000 marks. ;)
If you are reading this review and laughing at the people who spend money like water on bleeding edge technology, this card is not for you. The Intel IGP is in the next aisle... it will do you just fine.

Well I loved that quote from Tom's :p
Intel_Hydralisk said:
Well I loved that quote from Tom's :p

Well what do you need a good GPU if all you ever do is surf the internet, work on Wordpad, Mspaint, play solitare and watch the occasional dvd. (thats all my dad does on his machine, it has a Geforce 2 in it) :D