780 Ti on sale now

I don't think any single GPU is strong enough for maxing games (because that's what you're going to do with $700 GPU's) for resolutions at 1440p+. With that said, the 780ti better be amazing considering 2 of them can buy you almost 4x 290's. Think about that.
I don't think any single GPU is strong enough for maxing games (because that's what you're going to do with $700 GPU's) for resolutions at 1440p+. With that said, the 780ti better be amazing considering 2 of them can buy you almost 4x 290's. Think about that.

Nvidia is definitely lucky that mole they have designing AMDs coolers was successful otherwise they'd be on the loosing end of a 290 teabagging
I would assume all of the first round of 780ti's will be the stock design models?
Nvidia is definitely lucky that mole they have designing AMDs coolers was successful otherwise they'd be on the loosing end of a 290 teabagging

It's not mole.
Coolers cost money. Those AMD cards wouldn't be 400/550$ for nice headlines if they haven't saved on coolers.
I know we have heard for a while now these cards would be 3gigs but man wtf $720 and 3 gigs just doesn't sit well with me. /facepalm
I can't wait to see what [H] shows us. My expectation is it will probably be the fastest single cards available. This makes me extremely eager to see [H]'s follow up SLI/Xfire review.

For that price we know it will be the fastest single card but how much faster? Will the price for entry be worth the percentage gain? That's the real million dollar question.
Specs say 1046 boost so actual will probably be about 1084 if u keep it under 80. With the extra cores probably about equivalent to a 780 at 1175-1200. Not bad at all. Price is insane tho. Should be $100 more than 780 max.
Sold my Titan for a fair price which covers the 780ti costs, I only have to pay for the Aquacomputer waterblock which will be available by the end of next week. EVGA's SC version is in stock in stores in Germany as well as the ASUS reference model.
Just stepped up my 1 GTX 780 to a 780 TI through evga. Second 780 TI is being shipped right now from Amazon. Can't wait.
Nvidia needs to do better on the price I think..the 290x is too close for such price difference.
Not like I am upgrading from my tri 660tis but is not a realistic price I think.
$720 for an overclock 780 that can be had for $499? The fuck are Nvidia thinking?
$720 for an overclock 780 that can be had for $499? The fuck are Nvidia thinking?

Erm it's not an overclocked 780?

The price is still silly granted. I wouldn't buy this over a 780.

OC performance of the Ti from TPU:

For $599 this card would have been a great value. $699 is too much considering reviews put in on about the level of a 290x
Still hard to fathom a 3GB card for $720. No way. It'd have to be 4GB/6GB if I'm dropping that kind of cash on 2 cards. They'll come I'm sure, but I think whoever buys the 3GB cards right now is not thinking of the future.
Hmmmm.....I have 2 Titans right now...sell and get 780Ti's or just keep them? hmmmm.......
i currently have the the 780 SC/ACX which is eligble for EVGA step up... but seeing that only the reference, non-SC 780ti is available, why in the world would I want to do that? especially since i have to pay shipping both ways. am i missing something?
Any word on clock speeds for the Gigabyte Windforce OC edition? Or a ship date?

I went ahead and ordered two since I'm assuming it'll be clocked higher than EVGA's with the stock cooler...and I don't have the patience to wait on a Classified or ACX version from EVGA.
Still hard to fathom a 3GB card for $720. No way. It'd have to be 4GB/6GB if I'm dropping that kind of cash on 2 cards. They'll come I'm sure, but I think whoever buys the 3GB cards right now is not thinking of the future.
Doesn't seem to be hurting it much (any?) in [H]'s benchmarks.
Doesn't seem to be hurting it much (any?) in [H]'s benchmarks.

Did you read my post? I said not thinking of the FUTURE. BF4 set the bar, new games will only demand more VRAM. If BF4 uses 2.6GB+ currently @ 2560x1600, 3GB cards may very well be obsolete by new games soon.
If BF4 uses 2.6GB+ currently @ 2560x1600, 3GB cards may very well be obsolete by new games soon.

It's hard to tell how much of that is in active use, and how much is idle cache (similar to an OS putting all system memory to use no matter how much you add). But granted, as we know, memory consumption only seems to go one way ... up!
Did you read my post? I said not thinking of the FUTURE. BF4 set the bar, new games will only demand more VRAM. If BF4 uses 2.6GB+ currently @ 2560x1600, 3GB cards may very well be obsolete by new games soon.

But a year ago people said 2GB cards may very well be obsolete by new games soon, right? And BF4 now using 2.6GB+?? So 680/770 obsolete?

Yet they seems to work just as well as the 7970 w/3GB that was so future proof: