7600 GS + Dell 2405FPW = only one choice for widscreen?


Limp Gawd
Feb 21, 2006
Lo gents,

i have been letting it slide for a little bit, but now i am starting to get aggravated, i upgraded from a 9800 Pro to a 7600 GS OC ( Not much of an upgrade i know ) And since then i only have the Choice of all of the 4:3 res's, and widescreen one being the native ( 1920X1200 )

The real issue lies within games, ( BF2, Any Steam based game, etc ) if i tell it/select it to go to widescreen my only option is 1920X1200, also, when i try to add a res to the NVIDIA panel, it always tells me that its unable to add them with no explanation. what gives here?

When i was running my 9800, i could select a Whole Slew of Widescreen as well as standard resolutions.

Anyone have a clue what could be wrong here?
p.s. Latest drivers for the Video card, Win XP sp2, tried with and with out dell drivers for the monitor.