74GB Raptor - 16MB - $119 + shipping @ BB.com

OP, too good to pass up, even tho I gotta pay sales tax cuz they are in my State. In for two & some meaningful RAID 0 fun. :)
Thanks so much, OP(should we just called them Opie?).

Picked up one to match the one I have. C2D build (soon I hope) will now have RAID 0 OS and main programs.
wow.. I just bought these for $150 like 10 days ago from BB.. sale price down from 169... I wonder if I can get a price match??
How does this HD compare to the newer Seagate 7200.10 with 3GBPS and perpindicular recording? I have the Seagate but have not built my new Core 2 build yet...plan on running Vista on it. Would this drive yield better performance for my OS since the Raptor is 1.5gbps? Is 60gb (with 15gb vista headroom) reasonable for Vista plus Photoshop, Steam with HL2 Counterstrike, BF2, 2142, and a few other misc programs?
fatpirate said:
How does this HD compare to the newer Seagate 7200.10 with 3GBPS and perpindicular recording? I have the Seagate but have not built my new Core 2 build yet...plan on running Vista on it. Would this drive yield better performance for my OS since the Raptor is 1.5gbps? Is 60gb (with 15gb vista headroom) reasonable for Vista plus Photoshop, Steam with HL2 Counterstrike, BF2, 2142, and a few other misc programs?
I'm planning to get one of these for my OS and Programs partitions, with my data partitions (and swap file) on my secondary drive. Faster boots, faster program loads, and I wouldn't worry about any spinning platter saturating the 150 MB SATA 1 interface yet. You'll only get near that transfer rate while you empty the 16MB cache (~100msec burst)
Too bad CC doesn't carry these. You could pricematch, then get 40 off of 200 and use the sony card for 150, and pay about $50.
Nice price for the 74GB Raptor. Picked up mine at BB when they had a sale, thanks to the Hardforum. :D
decade146 said:
yes within 30 days from purchase

Sweet.. I am sure I can find something to use a $60 credit on there. ;) (used a giftcard to buy the drives)
went to my BB. They had 3 16mb versions and over 10 8 mb. All were 120. I got 2 of the 16's. So keep an eye out if you buy them.
Just went to BB and picked up 2 replacing my 2 34gb with these =P but im debating about picking up 1 more for VISTA or just throwing vista on a 34gb
You guys are killing me, I gotta stay away from here seriously im buying a house in a few months and sites like this are killing me, May be time to kill the internet connection for 6 months or so :cry:

Just bought one :)
I just got a new 250 and i wanted a Raptor but they werent on sale.

This always happens to me I get what i think is a good deal and then something better comes along
hey I have a $10 best buy coupon that I won't be using
anyone want to buy it for $7?
GreenMonkey said:
I mooched it off fatwallet :D

It was on bensbargains also.. hehe.. between fatwallet and bens you can do pretty well for deal hunting. :)

I am still tempted to get another pair of these drives and go raid0+1 or raid5. hrm..... :)
got one online for 130 shipped!
this will upgrade my 8mb 74gb raptor...
prob rma it or sell it on ebay.... used ones r going for like $80.... 8mb ones that is
so a $50 upgrade :-D after using the old one for like 3 years
Nice, just grabbed a couple of these babies, cant wait!

Ive been only one hdd forever lol.
Got on yesterday. They let me exchange a WD I bought 4 months ago for it. :D