720BE, 955BE, or 965BE?


Limp Gawd
Aug 19, 2009
I am going to upgrade my CPU here in about a month, and I would like advice on which CPU to order. I am mostly going to be playing games with it, and I am planning to overclock whichever one I get. Thanks!
If you don't mind used parts I'm sure there will be lots of those 3 in the FS/FT channel from people upgrading to Thuban. I plan to try and sell my 720 and get a Thuban in the next few months.
the 955 or 965 C3 stepping are the best choices.. but like flogge said.. you might want to wait til the thuban cores come out because you will most likely see a bunch of phenom II x3 and x4's showing up in the F/S section of the forum..
In like a month the Thuban 1090T BE will start being available, that's what I'm jumping on.

It'll only be like 300 bucks, which is not bad for a lineup's top performing model.

However if my 945 blew up today I would get the 965BE in a heartbeat. You can find it for under 200 bucks now, which is insane. So if you can afford it, get the best! But if you can wait, and want all the power you can get, Thuban is looking pretty good.
AMD also put the 740BE (presumably a C3) back on their roadmap yet again...for Q1 so who knows if that will ever arrive.