680 SLI -> 780 SLI, worth it?

780 sli from 680 sli, worth it?

  • Already did the upgrade and happy

    Votes: 9 16.1%
  • Already did the upgrade and feel like wasted time and money

    Votes: 4 7.1%
  • Will definitely upgrade in future

    Votes: 11 19.6%
  • Will not upgrade since not worth it

    Votes: 32 57.1%

  • Total voters
I've decided to hold off, Mainly there really aren't many games at the moment stressing my system enough to validate $1300. And due to the price of the 780's, I figure I might as well just go Titan SLI if I do upgrade.
I am in the process of doing a step-up with EVGA. So it is only gonna cost me about $100 per card. Worth it imo.
680 SLi to 780 SLi here -- I got the EVGA ACX cards. Based on the review I saw on Guru3d the ACX cooling is actually very good and can't wait to get them and OC a bit :)

I never OC'ed my 680's, so this should be quite a step up once I've dialed the 780's in.
I feel no need to upgrade my SLI'ed 680s to 780s.

The only reason I could see to upgrade is if you can get a good price on your 680s.
I'm thinking very hard about this.

I have two systems, one Crossfired 7970s the other GTX 670 SLi.

Both are watercooled.
Unless AMD can come up with some drivers to improve Crossfire, I think I'm going to jump to the 780s.

The thing that impresses me is the ability to overclock the 780 to near Titan performance.
That and I don't think there are going to be any earth-shattering GPU releases the rest of the year.

I'm waiting until Heatkiller starts selling 780 blocks and then I think I'm there.:D
680 SLi to 780 SLi here -- I got the EVGA ACX cards. Based on the review I saw on Guru3d the ACX cooling is actually very good and can't wait to get them and OC a bit :)

I never OC'ed my 680's, so this should be quite a step up once I've dialed the 780's in.
I am also thinking about upgrading to ACX cards since they outperform stock Titan in all reviews I have seen.
I went from 670s to 780s for 5990 x 1200 but...same difference. I only wish these 780s came out sooner. I scared of Titan.
I've decided to hold off, Mainly there really aren't many games at the moment stressing my system enough to validate $1300. And due to the price of the 780's, I figure I might as well just go Titan SLI if I do upgrade.

780 SLI: $1300
Titan SLI: $2100
Difference $: $800 (+61%)

Increase in performance: +10%
:confused: :confused:
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Honestly, i'd question your sanity if you dropped 1300$ on 1080p, when 680 sli does that more than fine. Hell, i'd stick with a single 660ti or 670 for 1080p but that's just me ;) (I don't use 1080p, just saying - hypothetically)

780 sli makes sense for surround or triple QHD resolution.
780 sli makes sense for surround or triple QHD resolution.

While a single 780 would satisfy most peoples gaming on a single 2560x1600 monitor, SLI may be worthwhile for those who are expecting to run their games at maximum settings.
For example, Cyris 3 and Metro Last Light requires SLI to run at max settings at 2560x1600.
I'm quite aware of what WHD resolutions require. In fact, I run multi monitor with QHD resolution. You can easily make a single card work at 1600p, i've done it - you do have to lower 2-3 settings at times, but the games really don't look any different. A single GTX 780 at WQHD resolution should do the trick just fine, even if there is 1 game out of 500 that may require 1 setting to be lowered - or you can just overclock the card to compensate. Really, I've run crysis 3 between "very high quality" and "high quality" and it looks exactly the same. Exactly-the-same. You'd need such a microscope to spot the difference.

That being said, I also use SLI and I can understand those that want it, but it really is a questionable purchase unless you're using surround. This is just my subjective opinion, I know some people HAVE to have max settings even if it looks no different than it does with 1 setting lowered ;) Whatever, that's fine. I've been there. So to summarize, I play at 2560x1600. I dabble in surround as well, so I hear you. But, I would point out the OP is running 1080p, there is absolutely no way at ALL I would purchase 780sli for 1080p. Just think of how many doughnuts kickasscop could fund by opting for a single 780 instead of 780SLI. I KID I KID, sorry, lol. Just my opinion about SLI - I use it and I know others disagree, and that's cool. :)
im 660TI right now... going to 780's SLI when drop the EVGA GTX780 FTW..
im 660TI right now... going to 780's SLI when drop the EVGA GTX780 FTW..

The FTW is just a glorified vanilla card, maybe OC'd 50 MHz and a fancier (although if you run air only, the reference cooler for these cards is very good) cooler, and some bullshit from EVGA on how cool the card is.
For that privilege they generally charge you 50 dollars more.

Buy two reference cards and overclock them. Save some money unless you are wanting to be a GPU hipster.:eek:
Im sticking with my 670 SLI setup...but im only at 1440p, this bleeding edge stuff just isnt worth my money.
It's [H] - why not get SLI 780s for 1080p?? Upgrade to 780s. Sell your 680s. It works out well to keep upgrading for those that want the best.
im running 120hz 1080. I may drop my 580 lightning for a 780/770. Cant SLI in a prodigy lol
Nope. I try to skip every other GPU generation & more if possible - unless the jump from one to the other is mindbogglingly ridiculous or if I cant run something the way I want. For now, I'll want to see what Maxwell brings to the table.

That being said, I do think the coolers on the 780's are seksy
It's [H] - why not get SLI 780s for 1080p?? Upgrade to 780s. Sell your 680s. It works out well to keep upgrading for those that want the best.

Yeah SLI for 1080p...real smart way to spend your money. What works out well to keep upgrading and staying in that bleeding edge? The only thing that comes of this is your credit card bleeds you dry.

You build you system smart and for a specific need and planned resolution, you can save a lot of cash. Then just overclock to maximize that...My SLI 670's play everything like butter at 1440p. No need for anything else with the current crop of games.
I did the upgrade from 680 SLI to 780 SLI-

However, I was able to sell off my 680's and recoup a good amount of $$$ per card, therefore I basically traded up even though i've had the 680s since just after launch.

From what i've experienced so far, the setup is obviously faster for the resolution I run, so given the cost of the upgrade after selling the 680s, I can't complain. However, had I not sold my 680s I'd probably be waiting on the upgrade.
Yeah SLI for 1080p...real smart way to spend your money. What works out well to keep upgrading and staying in that bleeding edge? The only thing that comes of this is your credit card bleeds you dry.

You build you system smart and for a specific need and planned resolution, you can save a lot of cash. Then just overclock to maximize that...My SLI 670's play everything like butter at 1440p. No need for anything else with the current crop of games.

I would say using credit for hardware purchases wouldn't exactly be real smart either. I can tell you that my 680's, at a lower res than yours, do not run everything like butter. For the most part, they are fine.
Rocking 660 sli ,sold my 680 sc bought a Titan and returned it . It did not inspire or awe me at 1k$ the 660's do just fine for me at 1600p especially since i got a rocking deal for them.