6600GT or X-700 Pro...Need Advice

Also...since if i go 6600GT i want to SLi them. when i get a NF4 Ultra SLi board...

as it was mentioned before that i didnt specify the baord i am getting right away...it is the Intel 915PBL


EDIT: the only X-600XT cards i am finding...are 128MB instead of 256...

EDIT2: WTF??? Gameve has tis listed as a 256MB card...but it says 128 on their specs...


and the ABIT one doesnt say how much memory it has...

Moloch said:

Btw, yes I realize with AF the 6600GT is winning, but I wonder why they didn't test with 4AA and atleast 4AF[/QUOTE]

Probabley too taxing for the system. I doubt anyone with a 6600 or X700 can play games at 1600x1200 4xAA 8xAF.

Doesn't change the fact that CSS used to be a ATI friendly game.


And you'd better believe I'd notice the difference between 17 and 26.

BTW you're going to have to edit out the pictures [leave the links]. The mods frown upon hotlinking.
batty said:
Probabley too taxing for the system. I doubt anyone with a 6600 or X700 can play games at 1600x1200 4xAA 8xAF.

Doesn't change the fact that CSS used to be a ATI friendly game.


And you'd better believe I'd notice the difference between 17 and 26.

BTW you're going to have to edit out the pictures [leave the links]. The mods frown upon hotlinking.
Using the highest playable setting, both are playing at the same setting
You mean the tech report ones.. no problem I guess..
oh.. you mean the min frame rate.. not sure what's up with that..
batty said:

FS shows a pretty big difference at 1600x1200 4xAA 8xAF.

6600GT vs X700XT is like a 6800GT vs X800Pro. There's really no competition. Better performence, better featureset.
Excuse me, but the X800 pro is fine competetion for the GT, back on planet earth where we don't exagerate everything, X800 pro has better IQ anyway, and unless you're 3dfx, IQ>fps when the fps is high equally smooth, and since I use vsync, it's even more of a point.
If it was fine competition it wouldn't be getting sweeped.

Back on planet earth we have this thing called MONEY...and people like to get the best bang for their buck. Currently that's the GT [both of 'em]. I don't understand why you so vehemently defend ATI. Does your life depend on it. Would it kill you to admit the GT is the superior card? It's not like you're actually going to convince anyone here...they'll all got GTs or XTPEs. Only people with Pros are pretty much the early adopters or the unfortunate few who had GTs crap out on them.
batty said:
If it was fine competition it wouldn't be getting sweeped.

Back on planet earth we have this thing called MONEY...and people like to get the best bang for their buck. Currently that's the GT [both of 'em]. I don't understand why you so vehemently defend ATI. Does your life depend on it. Would it kill you to admit the GT is the superior card? It's not like you're actually going to convince anyone here...they'll all got GTs or XTPEs. Only people with Pros are pretty much the early adopters or the unfortunate few who had GTs crap out on them.
Would it kill you to believe people have diffrent opinions?
Everyone who has both has said the IQ is much better on the X800.
Btw, I have an X800 pro on the way, oh no I''m the minority :rolleyes:
I'm an ati fan for a reason, obviously not because it's the popular thing to do, because they have traditally offered better IQ, and that still holds true today.
Most websites say that also, but they say something like"the ati has better IQ, but we;re to busy fragging to notice" or something to that extent.
Would it kill you to admit the X800 has better IQ?
How bout that shimmering?
Currently you can get an X800 pro at 329 at outpost, beat that price.
I am kinda of worred though, because outpost has a bad reseller rating, but I either get that, or 6800 vanilla.
Show me the 6800GT owning the pro, show me a game that has the X800pro with an apples to apples comparison running a game at unplayable settings, the 6800GT playing it awesome.
If you can do that(which you can't so don't even bother to show me some stupid 70FPS vs 80FPS) then I will say the 6800 GT is hands down better speed wise.
But you can't, and that's the problem, the pro will run games at the same settings as the GT, and do so with better IQ.
Moloch said:
Would it kill you to believe people have diffrent opinions?

You're right. People have the option of being wrong. I shouldn't take that away from them.

Everyone who has both has said the IQ is much better on the X800.

Maybe in your own deluded world. But back in the real word the IQ between the two is just about the same. Why the fuck do you hang out at hard if you don't believe their reviews. Brent doesn't seem to go on any IQ bitchrants like yourself.

Btw, I have an X800 pro on the way, oh no I''m the minority :rolleyes:

I'm not even going to touch this. The urge to insult and generally be nasty is too great.

I'm an ati fan for a reason, obviously not because it's the popular thing to do, because they have traditally offered better IQ, and that still holds true today.

Spare me and go write a book instead. Seems to be the popular thing to do these days.

Most websites say that also, but they say something like"the ati has better IQ, but we;re to busy fragging to notice" or something to that extent.

Or something to that extent....wow you sure do inspire confidence. So what about these websites...funny how you have no links. Even funnier that none of the hard reviews back this up. Or the people that use forums.

Would it kill you to admit the X800 has better IQ?

No Supersampling. Sorry but no go, you want that crown you implement 4xS/8xS/16xS.

How bout that shimmering?

What about it? Most people don't have the problem and it's not even an Nvidia only thing. Netrat had it on both of his 9800s.

Currently you can get an X800 pro at 329 at outpost, beat that price.

Deal of the week. It happens. GTs have gone for $300 before. Stop PMSing, that shit's acidic.

Show me the 6800GT owning the pro, show me a game that has the X800pro with an apples to apples comparison running a game at unplayable settings, the 6800GT playing it awesome.

D3, 1600x1200 2xAA. KOTOR 1600X1200 8xS. Call of Duty 1600x1200 8xS.

If you can do that(which you can't so don't even bother to show me some stupid 70FPS vs 80FPS) then I will say the 6800 GT is hands down better speed wise.

Ah yes, of course, let me kill my time by appeasing you. I think not. I have better things to do, like watching the elections for starters. PiP + Component Capture Card on Dell 2001FP = sex.

But you can't, and that's the problem, the pro will run games at the same settings as the GT, and do so with better IQ.

Tell that to all the people on hard who picked the GT over the Pro.
but that is the X-800 pro...and im not spending THAT much money on my vid card...as batty said...bang for the buck...if there is marginal performance, or slightly better on the x-800pro than the 6600gt, and more than 100 dollars difference... 100 dollars isnt marginal...

besides...the x-700xt and the 6600gt are same, side to side comparison, but nv does get better performance since most games are pixel shaded, not vertex. But i do have to give props to ati since the x-800 line is all 256mb. and the x700pro. the gt is only 128...but still...if it beats the x700 pro at fsaa and af i will take it. I dont try and squeeze every mhz and bit of performance out of my cards...i havent even oc'd my PNY Verto GF5600Ultra... and most games i play at no higher that 1024x768 res...even tho i have a 19in damn good EnVision CRT...i still play at 1024x768...some yes, like CS and HL i crank to 1600x1200 cuz i can...but still i would rather play at 1024x and have bettar AF and FSAA turned on. And at the 1024x benchmarks, there is a NOTICEABLE difference between the two. where you say there is a marginal diff, that is at 1600x1200 and somewhat at 1280x1024...so if that says anything...and that is the main influence in what i purchase. Again tho...i can get the X-700Pro for 160 and the GF6600GT for 212. i can see paying a little more for that noticable differnce, just not e-nuff more to go to the x-800

EDIT: spending 100 dollars more on a card costing originally 200 dollars...THAT is not marginal...unless you consider a 50 percent markup marginal...and if you do...you are just screwed up in dah head.
batty said:
You're right. People have the option of being wrong. I shouldn't take that away from them.

Maybe in your own deluded world. But back in the real word the IQ between the two is just about the same. Why the fuck do you hang out at hard if you don't believe their reviews. Brent doesn't seem to go on any IQ bitchrants like yourself.

I'm not even going to touch this. The urge to insult and generally be nasty is too great.

Spare me and go write a book instead. Seems to be the popular thing to do these days.

Or something to that extent....wow you sure do inspire confidence. So what about these websites...funny how you have no links. Even funnier that none of the hard reviews back this up. Or the people that use forums.

No Supersampling. Sorry but no go, you want that crown you implement 4xS/8xS/16xS.

What about it? Most people don't have the problem and it's not even an Nvidia only thing. Netrat had it on both of his 9800s.

Deal of the week. It happens. GTs have gone for $300 before. Stop PMSing, that shit's acidic.

D3, 1600x1200 2xAA. KOTOR 1600X1200 8xS. Call of Duty 1600x1200 8xS.

Ah yes, of course, let me kill my time by appeasing you. I think not. I have better things to do, like watching the elections for starters. PiP + Component Capture Card on Dell 2001FP = sex.

Tell that to all the people on hard who picked the GT over the Pro.
You don't have any links either..
And I dont care if more people bought gt, good for them, go nvidia
Sorry but my world isn't deluded, this isn't just 1 guy who has them both, this is the majority of people have have both, sorry if you and all your friends like the GT so much, but if people who've proven to me they know what they're talking about, and know what to look know are consistantly telling me the X800 has better quality, I tend to believe that.
Super sampling= bla.. only good for games with over aggresive texure LOD, therefore tons of aliasing- example- serious sam.
I'm gonna watch x files and goto bed, I hope to resume in the morning.
Moloch said:
You don't have any links either..
And I dont care if more people bought gt, good for them, go nvidia
Sorry but my world isn't deluded, this isn't just 1 guy who has them both, this is the majority of people have have both, sorry if you and all your friends like the GT so much, but if people who've proven to me they know what they're talking about, and know what to look know are consistantly telling me the X800 has better quality, I tend to believe that.
Super sampling= bla.. only good for games with over aggresive texure LOD, therefore tons of aliasing- example- serious sam.
I'm gonna watch x files and goto bed, I hope to resume in the morning.

its not just better image quality...

its Better Image Quality at Faster Speeds :)

EDIT: Which GT are you talking about? the 6800 or 6600? If you are trying to compare the 6600GT to the X-800 you are wasting your time...as def the 6600GT will be overtaken by the X-800. But if you are talking 6800GT and X-800, then depending on which model, the performance will be close. And yes, i believe that the X-800 XTPE will overtake the 6800 GT / Ultra. but still nonetheless, the NV card has a advantage as when adding the AF and FSAA, they start to tend to give better results...I personally dont like ATi, but on not flaming their cards. And i would like to have a X800XTPE...so if you are willing to send me one for Christmas, i thank you very much, and will wash your dishes for you.

Someone said earlier, that the NV cards are too slow for what features they have...thats just like the AMD64. Currently all things 64 bit are still BETA...so not too much can take advantage of that 64 bit processing yet...but i will say the onchip memory controller is nice. If i was willing to spend top dollar for a vid card, i would most likely go ATi, since their OVP works...as the 6800's are "broken" at the moment, and since i like to watch dvd's whilest i game (more like listen to them) i would have to go ATi...since the Nv does nto work AT THE MOMENT...but hopefully will be fixed soon. So there, ati takes the lead, but this dont affect the 6600 series. And since I dont haev TOP DOLLAR...err...i think im starting to repeat myself...so anyway...you got my point. I'm gonna go to bed now, i only repeat myself like that when im past tired...
Moloch said:
And I dont care if more people bought gt, good for them, go nvidia
Sorry but my world isn't deluded, this isn't just 1 guy who has them both, this is the majority of people have have both, sorry if you and all your friends like the GT so much...

Did you just contradict myself or am I just tired from it being 3am? ... No I think you honestly just did completely contradict yourself. So, you are saying that because the majority of the people get teh GT or an NV card that makes you special or something? But then you say that alot of people have ATI as well so that makes you special again? Which is it are you special because you are going against the grain or because you are following other people's path?

GG contradictions all over that.

CleanSlate said:
So, you are saying that because the majority of the people get teh GT or an NV card that makes you special or something? But then you say that alot of people have ATI as well so that makes you special again? Which is it are you special because you are going against the grain or because you are following other people's path?

Maybe he's "special" in the clinical sense of the word.
and a note to my immediate above statement, im not flaming moloch, its just annoying when people get into little hissy fits about things that dont really compare...

EDIT: or have nothing to do with each other / compareing would be rediculiuos. (spelling?)
Moloch said:
You don't have any links either..
And I dont care if more people bought gt, good for them, go nvidia
Sorry but my world isn't deluded, this isn't just 1 guy who has them both, this is the majority of people have have both, sorry if you and all your friends like the GT so much, but if people who've proven to me they know what they're talking about, and know what to look know are consistantly telling me the X800 has better quality, I tend to believe that.
Super sampling= bla.. only good for games with over aggresive texure LOD, therefore tons of aliasing- example- serious sam.
I'm gonna watch x files and goto bed, I hope to resume in the morning.

Well...after replying to that...you dont have any links either...so that makes you no better.

My list of links...




EDIT: Notice the NOTICABLE difference at 1024x768 in that GIF of Doom3? I think i could notice a difference between 48ish and 56ish...
CleanSlate said:
Did you just contradict myself or am I just tired from it being 3am? ... No I think you honestly just did completely contradict yourself. So, you are saying that because the majority of the people get teh GT or an NV card that makes you special or something? But then you say that alot of people have ATI as well so that makes you special again? Which is it are you special because you are going against the grain or because you are following other people's path?

GG contradictions all over that.

How can one contradict "myself"
I'm saying I dont give a rats ass if most people get the GT, good for them, but I prefer the image quality ati cards have, I dont give a rats ass about your super sampling bullshit.
How am I following other peoples path?
It was my choice in early 2002 to get an 8500, because I wanted to play all my games with 16xAF, which wasn't possible then with the GF3, I didn't really care about fsaa, but I could turn on 2X in most games, and it would clear up alot of jaggies.
So now I'm doing the same same thing, it's my choice and I like the X800 better, better fsaa(TAA>supersampling) and it pleanty fast.
As for bran, that's possible, but I beat doom3 on my current system, at low detail 640.. wow best 20 hours ever :D
I dont know of many people who still play doom3, the multiplayer sucks, 4 people?
wow. that sounds exciting.
haha you think im having a hissy fit?
You think you nvidia guys make me mad? I enjoy this :D
And you want some links?
How bout you spot by beyond3d forums and do a search.
Look at my sig, look at my vid card. And you did contradict yourself. Even if it was 3am and I couldn't type well.

I am no !!!!!! for either side.

Just buy a Saphire 9800 Pro from newegg for $160. It's probably cheaper than the X700 unless you need a PCIe card. You'll get way better performance with a 9800 Pro than with either the 6600 or the X700.
Reading his posts gives me a headache. They should make proper grammer and at least decent spelling a prereq for joining the forums. Bleh, move on CS, go and have a conversation with a brick will. He freaking went out and bought a Pro over a GT, there's no reasoning with such a creature. He reminds me of the poor lost souls who defend the FX series.
CleanSlate said:
Look at my sig, look at my vid card. And you did contradict yourself. Even if it was 3am and I couldn't type well.

I am no !!!!!! for either side.

How did I contradict my self?
I I wasn't tired btw, it was like 1 AM when I watched x files, then went to bed.
I stay up will about 3, and wakeup from 11 to 1..
batty said:
Reading his posts gives me a headache. They should make proper grammer and at least decent spelling a prereq for joining the forums. Bleh, move on CS, go and have a conversation with a brick will. He freaking went out and bought a Pro over a GT, there's no reasoning with such a creature. He reminds me of the poor lost souls who defend the FX series.
Too bad a X800 pro and buying a FX is no where near a valid comparison.
an FX can't play DX9 games at decent speed, the X800 pro can, and so can the X700.
Agent_N said:
Just buy a Saphire 9800 Pro from newegg for $160. It's probably cheaper than the X700 unless you need a PCIe card. You'll get way better performance with a 9800 Pro than with either the 6600 or the X700.

as stated before...a pcie card is needed...


and wtf with comparing the 6600gt to the x800...there is no comparison...the x-800 is BETTER...WHY?? ITS IN A HIGHER LINE THAN THE 6600GT...and im not getting a 6800...since i DO like to watch movies whilest i game...and right now the ovp dont work..
bran(d)muffin said:
as stated before...a pcie card is needed...


and wtf with comparing the 6600gt to the x800...there is no comparison...the x-800 is BETTER...WHY?? ITS IN A HIGHER LINE THAN THE 6600GT...and im not getting a 6800...since i DO like to watch movies whilest i game...and right now the ovp dont work..

I must have missed that PCIe card was needed. I assumed so given the cards you were debating. Just pick one or the other, and wait and see how the whole SLI thing shakes out. It may roll over and die just as it did with 3Dfx back in the day.... In fact, got two Voodoo 2 cards sitting right here that I could SLI.... Maybe I'll get good framerates in Half-Life 2, no?

Just go read some reviews and see which card will more likely suit your needs. Do youself a favor and forget about what brand it is and focus on IQ and performance.
I'm completely impressed with my new XFX 6600GT ($179 shipped at monarch). It came with 1.6ns Samsung memory on it!!!

Some benchmarks i've run so far @ 535MHz/1200MHz (will run more later):
1024x768 HQ, 0xAA, 8xAF 72.6fps
1024x768 HQ, 4xAA, 8xAF 46.3fps
1600x1200 HQ, 0xAA, 8xAF 48.4fps

Far Cry 1.3 (default SM2 path, regulator demo)
1024x768 max details 0xAA, trilinear 75.73fps
1024x768 max details 4xAA, 8xAF 54.34fps
1600x1200 max details 0xAA, trilinear 53.29fps

3DMark2001SE 330 16885 http://service.futuremark.com/servl...rojectdetails&projectType=6&projectId=8225124 (P4 3GHz limits the score)
3DMark03 340 8724 http://service.futuremark.com/servl...ojectdetails&projectType=10&projectId=3318451
3DMark05 1.1 3571 http://service.futuremark.com/servl...rojectdetails&projectType=12&projectId=249231

This is the way a mid-range card should run. :D I haven't tried bumping the memory or core higher yet, so I don't know what the max stable speed is.
how do you know you got 1.6ns memory?? (as in when i get mine, how do i find out?)

I plan on going with the 6600gt...gets better performance than the x700 pro...and that i can afford to spend a little more...

EDIT: i thought the 6600GT was 500/1000...is xfx the only one doing 535/1200 or how did you get that deal?
bran(d)muffin said:
how do you know you got 1.6ns memory?? (as in when i get mine, how do i find out?)

I plan on going with the 6600gt...gets better performance than the x700 pro...and that i can afford to spend a little more...

EDIT: i thought the 6600GT was 500/1000...is xfx the only one doing 535/1200 or how did you get that deal?

I bet he OCed it. 535 is a bit low on the core. Try pushing the core further, see if she'll hit 550 at least.
bran(d)muffin said:
how do you know you got 1.6ns memory?? (as in when i get mine, how do i find out?)
The memory part number is clearly visible even without opening the box. -GC16 is 1.6ns memory.
Sweet, I was worried about the XFX, but that OC sounds solid, and he hasnt even pushed it... Still a really tough choice though, cause with a x700pro at 500/1100 ( which I saw on one review) It would be really close in CS Source, as Anandtech shows that the x700xt outperforms the 6600gt at the midrange, and the x700xt runs at 475/1050 I believe, so with a pro with 256mb at higher than xt speeds... I think the x700pro would win for OCed performance in HL2 and Source.