6600GT - Fan Acting Up...


[H]F Junkie
Mar 5, 2005
OK, It’s a, AGP PNY Verto 6600GT 128MB vRAM card with the stock cooler.

This is what happened; I heard a bit of unusual "chattering", not the normal disk chatter.
My first thought was "Oh crap! A drive just had a head crash :eek: "...Thank god I was wrong.

Turns out that the fan on my 6600GT was making the noise; I used an air duster to blow out what little dust had accumulated inside the cards cooler and plugged it back in, this caused the chattering to go away :)

BUT, should I still be worried about the fan?
yea, the fan on my XFX 6600gt buzz a little at startup the first week i got it, and then it went away.
I think that the grease/oil was not well distrubuted on the ball bearings in the fan, and that it only convered the whole bearing when it warmed up abit.
It the issue persists, get an IceStorm.
Ok, the sound keeps comeing back, and that new IceStorm is starting to look very tempting...but is there anything I can try?
Ermm before you go splashing the cash. You might want to just try spraying a tiny amount of WD40 into the fan joint. I had a GF3 that did this and it cured it perfectly, in fact ran better then before the noise started.
daglesj said:
Ermm before you go splashing the cash. You might want to just try spraying a tiny amount of WD40 into the fan joint. I had a GF3 that did this and it cured it perfectly, in fact ran better then before the noise started.
Give that a try. I did that to a noisy fan before and it worked out fine. ;)