60hertz with vsync? Why not?


May 31, 2003
I wanted to know if I am crazy or not. I like gaming at 60hertz with vsync on. I see no tearing. What is the downside to this? I can't tell the difference with anything above 60fps anyways.

I prefer quality over fps any day. I am smoking too much ganj?

AFAIK if you drop below 60fps then you will drop to 30fps, as you are asking to always use a multiple of 60 as the refresh rate, so the game will drop to render at 30fps. Vsync doesn't just stop the maximum fps from exceeding 60.
Well I thought that games would always be pegged at 60 if I have the horsepower...I'm thinking that the game will never drop to below 60 because the fps will always be hovering above it. This is wrong? If so I will never use vsync. I always thought using vsync would eliminate tearing.
Well I thought that games would always be pegged at 60 if I have the horsepower...I'm thinking that the game will never drop to below 60 because the fps will always be hovering above it. This is wrong? If so I will never use vsync. I always thought using vsync would eliminate tearing.
It is the only way to eliminate tearing. Tearing will always happen no matter what FPS without v-sync. You can enable triple buffering to so that it will not halve your FPS when it drop bellow your refresh rate.
AFAIK if you drop below 60fps then you will drop to 30fps, as you are asking to always use a multiple of 60 as the refresh rate, so the game will drop to render at 30fps. Vsync doesn't just stop the maximum fps from exceeding 60.
Hmm.. that's funny, I almost always have Vsync enabled and I have never seen it peg at 30 if I drop below 60.

imo, vsync add way too much mouse lag.

That's only on older games. i.e source based games. With newer games there is no noticeable input lag.
Then I'd imagine u haven't played skyrim with vsync turnd on. It's unplayable if u don't ini edit force vsync off.
Then I'd imagine u haven't played skyrim with vsync turnd on. It's unplayable if u don't ini edit force vsync off.

Nope haven't played it. Kind of lost interest in TES after the huge failure that was Oblivion. It was such a let down after Morrowind.

I'll wait until it's on sale to get it.
I usually turn of Vsync. However for diablo III, I had to turn it on because of tearing/choppiness.
Input lag is the primary problem i believe. It is however not THAT bad if you enable tripple buffering and can set a maximum fps of your refresh rate -1. More than acceptable for non-fps games in most cases at least.
best way to play with v-sync is to disable it in game and force it through d3doverrider as it forces tripple buffering and somehow add less input lag that games natively have with double buffering.
Other utilities I tried that force TB somehow add much more input lag than d3doverrider...
Hmm.. that's funny, I almost always have Vsync enabled and I have never seen it peg at 30 if I drop below 60.

I was only going by what it said here:


Essentially this means that with double-buffered VSync, the framerate can only be equal to a discrete set of values equal to Refresh / N where N is some positive integer. That means if you're talking about 60Hz refresh rate, the only framerates you can get are 60, 30, 20, 15, 12, 10, etc etc. You can see the big gap between 60 and 30 there. Any framerate between 60 and 30 your video card would normally put out would get dropped to 30.

But yes, apparently triple buffering does get round that problem. I personally don't use vsync or triple buffering though.
I always use vsync,the screen tearing really bothers me. As for 120 for 60, I don't see the point because I like to turn up the visual quality and I am happy to sit at 60fps with vsync on. Some games have built in Triple Buffering, such as swToR and Skyrim. I know this because I have vsync on, a 60Hz monitor and run Fraps and my fps don't split when I drop into the 50s or below.

So, for me 60Hz, 60fps, High Quality graphics, Vsync and Triple Buffering is the way to go. The day I can get the same exact results at 120fps, is when I'd have actual use for a 120Hz monitor.
you play Skyrim with v-sync on 60Hz monitor? :eek:
Yeah I guess I'm really sensitive to the screen tearing you get with vsync off, it totally breaks the "immersion" in games for me. Luckily I'm able to hang around 60fps almost all the time in Skyrim and when it drops in the 50s the "built-in" TB kicks in and it's still ok, of course not as responsive but not too bad either.
For Skyrim I should clarify, I set drivers to application and let Skyrim do it's built in Vsyncing, works good with no screen tearing.
The biggest problem is that Vsync lowers frame rates. For instance, if you average 70 FPS with Vsync off, then you probably won't average 60 with Vsync on -- your average and will probably be much lower. However, triple buffering does alleviate this problem to some extent, but average and minimum FPS will always be higher without Vsync on (assuming they go above the refresh rate at times).
best way to play with v-sync is to disable it in game and force it through d3doverrider as it forces tripple buffering and somehow add less input lag that games natively have with double buffering.
Other utilities I tried that force TB somehow add much more input lag than d3doverrider...


D3DOverrider is a godsend.