6 Tubes of Arctic Silver Ceramique Thermal Compound - $23.94 Shipped

I bought a large 22 gram tube of Arctic Silver Ceramique from here for around $8 shipped after my initial 2.5 gram tube ran out.

Newegg currently sells it for $9 + shipping.

Although I did not have problems with BestByte Computers for the 2-3 times I ordered things from them (smaller, accessory type items), I have not ordered from them in a few years.

I think it's their best deal per unit volume on thermal paste, even compared to tiher 80 gram tube of Arctic Silver 3 for $55 + shipping.

If you don't need such a high volume, stores like Jab-tech and SVC typically have similar high-end thermal compounds for decent prices with free or cheap shipping.

(Note: This is not meant as a thread crap. I just wanted to share some info that may be useful to folks looking for quality thermal paste in large volumes)
why you need so much thermal paste? are u building rigs or constantly swaping and benching cpus? if so there are better stuff than artic silver...
Unless you have a business building systems I cannot see any reason to purchase so much of this in bulk.
x2 on this.

Hard as balls to apply in comparison to AS5 or Ceramique...

I picked up a 22g tube from bestbyte it arrived fast, also got the arctic cleaning solution which works surprisingly well.
I got it mainly for chipsets and other misc stuff I don't care as much about.

22grams for $5 or 15 grams for $24? heh. I hope OP didn't go for that deal...
Hard as balls to apply in comparison to AS5 or Ceramique...

I picked up a 22g tube from bestbyte it arrived fast, also got the arctic cleaning solution which works surprisingly well.
I got it mainly for chipsets and other misc stuff I don't care as much about.

22grams for $5 or 15 grams for $24? heh. I hope OP didn't go for that deal...

Just heat it up in hot water for a few minutes. I think a couple degrees celcius justify the application difficulty.
I still have my original tube of AS from 6 years ago, built 6 systems so far