5770 in XP VS Win7


Limp Gawd
Jun 14, 2004
My specs are below;
So far I have spent 45min gaming in Win7 playing L4D, my settings were 1600x1200 everything max however only using 2XMSSA and I just realized I was only using trilinear filtering. I was getting around 35-100FPS and averaging 50FPS. I was really disappointed with these numbers, I am glad I made the PC dual boot so I loaded up XP and was able to run 1600x1200 8xMSSA, trillinear filtering, and everything max and never dropped below 40FPS and I would say average was 80FPS, this is more along the performance that I was expecting and played for roughly 45 min. I still have lots and lots of testing and tweaking to be done but this is my first time gaming in Win7 environment and thus far I am really disappointed.

Tonight I plan to try Crisis Warhead if I can find the time, both in XP and Win7, shouldn’t DX10.x run better then DX9.x codebase? Well I will test and find out..

Anyone having similar experiences? One item to note is that I run dual screens, AERO was still running on my secondary screen and I wonder if this was enough to drop performance?
DirectX 10.+ can only run "better" if you use the same effects only. If you use more, it will most likely be slower...
Thats all you got with that card? Must be a driver issue. My 4770 is doing fine at 1680x1050 with 8XMSAA
Thats all you got with that card? Must be a driver issue. My 4770 is doing fine at 1680x1050 with 8XMSAA

I d/l the latest drivers for Win7 right from AMD's site.
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Any other drivers anyone can suggest?
You have an athlon FX60 and 2 GB of ram on a 4 year old motherboard, and you think throwing a new video card into it is going to make it into a screamster?

The only drivers you need to try are ones for your new motherboard.
You have an athlon FX60 and 2 GB of ram on a 4 year old motherboard, and you think throwing a new video card into it is going to make it into a screamster?

The only drivers you need to try are ones for your new motherboard.

Please don’t waste my time, when did I say my PC will become a screamster? If you don’t have something to contribute then please keep it to your self. If you would read my post you would see my differences are between XP and Win7, the card runs as expected in XP but not under Win7, why?
FX60... there's your problem. It's seriously holding your GPU back. Plus XP is still faster in some things.
While Win7 is better than Vista on older/limited hardware, with your current rig it wont run faster than XP unfortunately. You really need to upgrade the rest of your rig. Its going to hold your video card back quite a bit (obviously).
You are CPU and RAM limited guy...
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Source games are pretty CPU sensitive, and your CPU is pretty old. Furthermore you are running a really low amount of RAM. I think you would see gaming performance improve considerably in Windows 7 if you had a better CPU and RAM.

XP has a lower resource overhead than Windows 7 since it is an 8 year old operating system. I have a similar card to you (the 5750), once I am more settled in with my new PC I can setup a dual boot XP install to compare numbers. I am running the latest cat drivers from AMDs website as well in Win 7.
Thanks for the responses,

Please understand I am comparing one OS to another NOT my performance in general as I think my performance is good under XP. I also don’t believe my hardware is getting pushed to the point where its causing this slow performance under Source, therefore my next step is looking at the software(Drivers and or Settings). Hasn’t anyone else tested a
5770 in XP and Win7 using L4D to find a performance difference?

I know the simple answer would be “my hardware” and that may very well be true, however I believe there is more to it, we are not talking about a brand new engine, source has been around well before my hardware was brand new four years ago, granted source has evolved through the years.In some cases we are talking 30FPS slower on average with the settings being lowered for L4D under Win7. If DX10.x is being used I couldn’t see a visual difference however I didn’t check the API to see if it was using DX10.x, maybe it’s as simple as that. The sucky part is that NVDIA doesn’t have an updated NFORCE4 driver for Win7 only Vista which can’t hurt to try.
Please don’t waste my time, when did I say my PC will become a screamster? If you don’t have something to contribute then please keep it to your self. If you would read my post you would see my differences are between XP and Win7, the card runs as expected in XP but not under Win7, why?

Well sorry to have offended a man who's time is apparently more important than everyone elses on this board.

Here's your answer. Windows 7 is using more ram than XP.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Its your hardware, sorry. Win7 requires a lot more beef to run and your hardware is dated and inadequate. Its time to upgrade or stick with XP. At the very least add 2GB to your rig.
Source games are pretty CPU sensitive, and your CPU is pretty old. Furthermore you are running a really low amount of RAM. I think you would see gaming performance improve considerably in Windows 7 if you had a better CPU and RAM.

XP has a lower resource overhead than Windows 7 since it is an 8 year old operating system. I have a similar card to you (the 5750), once I am more settled in with my new PC I can setup a dual boot XP install to compare numbers. I am running the latest cat drivers from AMDs website as well in Win 7.

That would be great!! I am interested to see if it is indeed a driver issue or is the overhead that much greater in Win7. After Running Win7 RC for months in many workstation environments the overhead exists but only to a small degree, I assumed that this would be the case in Gaming, 10FPS difference I expected to see but 30FPS that’s a bit much and at much lower settings.

I need to run at a higher res but I am curious as to how my older hardware scores.

Did you happen to run Unigine?
Heaven Demo v1.0
FPS: 29.3
Scores: 739

Binary: Windows 32bit Visual C++ 1500 Release Oct 22 2009
Operating system: Windows 7 (build 7600) 32bit
CPU model: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 FX-60 Dual Core Processor
CPU flags: 2812MHz MMX+ 3DNow!+ SSE SSE2 SSE3 HTT
GPU model: ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series 8.660.6.0 1024Mb

Render: direct3d11
Mode: 1280x1024 fullscreen
Shaders: high
Textures: high
Filter: trilinear
Anisotropy: 4x
Occlusion: enabled
Refraction: enabled
Volumetric: enabled
Look at it this way, you have 2 of the same size bowls, ones halfway full with water (XP) the second is 3/4 full (Vista/7). Throw in 1/2 gallon more water (the game) one holds it all, one overflows and makes a sad, sad mess.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Well sorry to have offended a man who's time is apparently more important than everyone elses on this board.

Here's your answer. Windows 7 is using more ram than XP.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

I specifically directed the post at you for wasting my time and you keep doing so, why?

I am nowhere near maxing out my memory in L4D, have you check L4D memory usage using my settings in Win7? My issue is NOT choppy framerates because I am not doing any file swapping because I am NOT USING ALL MY AVAILBLE MEMORY, hence my 2gigs of ram is not the reason for lower FPS under Win7. Speaking of which check the recommended system specs for L4D I am sure my system easily meets the requirements.

Again your comments are not helping me with ideas and or results under XP vs Win7, so if more RAM is all you have then save it for the next persons thread looking for help.

And my idle memory usage in XP is HIGHER then it is in Win7(clean build), my mem usages is around the same in XP/L4D due to my settings being run, so please stop with the hardware upgrades.
Well, why don't you go rage some more on mount ragemore? The general consensus is exactly what I've been saying. Maybe XP is better optimized for such low end systems, maybe W7 doesn't include optimized drivers for your system. I know you're in denial that your computer isn't exactly fast enough, and I apologize for that, but its time to upgrade, friend.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
I specifically directed the post at you for wasting my time and you keep doing so, why?

I am nowhere near maxing out my memory in L4D, have you check L4D memory usage using my settings in Win7? My issue is NOT choppy framerates because I am not doing any file swapping because I am NOT USING ALL MY AVAILBLE MEMORY, hence my 2gigs of ram is not the reason for lower FPS under Win7. Speaking of which check the recommended system specs for L4D I am sure my system easily meets the requirements.

Again your comments are not helping me with ideas and or results under XP vs Win7, so if more RAM is all you have then save it for the next persons thread looking for help.

And my idle memory usage in XP is HIGHER then it is in Win7(clean build), my mem usages is around the same in XP/L4D due to my settings being run, so please stop with the hardware upgrades.

I think you need to upgrade your hardware.
Faster RAM and CPU... That is what you need. An FX60 was a great CPU back in the day, but it is only natural that it is starting to show it's age.
These ram/cpu comments are strangely familiar...

And GabooN, did you ever think that maybe windows 7 is using more of your CPU to run, too?
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The problem was simple, I run DUAL screens and AERO was still running on the second screen, typically when you launch a game AERO is disabled, in this case AERO wasn’t being disabled since it was still being used. Another item to note is that Win7/AERO is using WDM1.1 which I have read uses VIDEO MEMORY and thus would explain why lowering AA/AF would help with performance since lowering these two settings frees up VIDEO MEMORY. One could argue faster hardware would fix this, however that isn’t the solution I was looking for as I don’t believe throwing money at a problem is always the fix.

Anyway thanks for the responses!
wow this guy is really hardheaded. why even bother asking for our opinions if youre not gonna acept the facts mentioned.. XP is very matured, solid OS grealy optimized through out the years with SP releases and it uses half the resources when compared to win7. win7 just came out..its basically vista sp2 atm with a newer taskbar and more eye candy. win7 isn't optimized yet for everything/ anything else yet, so youll have to wait for SP releases for win7 until - more of these resrouce hogging services are being fixed. but agian, your fx 60 is holding you back NO MATTER HOW you look at it..with a 5700 series card.. so why youre doing great in XP, because XP HAS been greatly optimized since its launch and win7 is still fresh, the drivers for 5700 are still fresh, the 5800 has even more supporting/ updated drivers when compared to the 5700 series. remember, xp and win7 uses/ handles system resources differently. win7 retailed -7600 will cache all availible memory. while XP does not.. and besides, if what youre saying - "you don't believe in throwing money is always the fix" - but in IT world, thats usually the case when it comes to aging hardware. i mean by all means, your fx60 will do things just as snappy as any new dual cores atm, but when put in benchmarking, your cpu will get ramped. it fools the eye, but not in statistics.
GabooN, talking about it and arguing a string of very valid points is going to fix the problem? And SPENDING money, not throwing, on newer updated hardware is 100 percent of the time the cure.

When I run out of milk in my fridge or the milk curdles, do I keep adding water to the milk jug? No. I "throw" money at buying more milk.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
The problem was simple, I run DUAL screens and AERO was still running on the second screen, typically when you launch a game AERO is disabled, in this case AERO wasn’t being disabled since it was still being used. Another item to note is that Win7/AERO is using WDM1.1 which I have read uses VIDEO MEMORY and thus would explain why lowering AA/AF would help with performance since lowering these two settings frees up VIDEO MEMORY. One could argue faster hardware would fix this, however that isn’t the solution I was looking for as I don’t believe throwing money at a problem is always the fix.

Anyway thanks for the responses!

I think you might want to look into upgrading your hardware. Mmmkay?


wow this guy is really hardheaded. why even bother asking for our opinions if youre not gonna acept the facts mentioned.. XP is very matured, solid OS grealy optimized through out the years with SP releases and it uses half the resources when compared to win7. win7 just came out..its basically vista sp2 atm with a newer taskbar and more eye candy. win7 isn't optimized yet for everything/ anything else yet, so youll have to wait for SP releases for win7 until - more of these resrouce hogging services are being fixed. but agian, your fx 60 is holding you back NO MATTER HOW you look at it..with a 5700 series card.. so why youre doing great in XP, because XP HAS been greatly optimized since its launch and win7 is still fresh, the drivers for 5700 are still fresh, the 5800 has even more supporting/ updated drivers when compared to the 5700 series. remember, xp and win7 uses/ handles system resources differently. win7 retailed -7600 will cache all availible memory. while XP does not.. and besides, if what youre saying - "you don't believe in throwing money is always the fix" - but in IT world, thats usually the case when it comes to aging hardware. i mean by all means, your fx60 will do things just as snappy as any new dual cores atm, but when put in benchmarking, your cpu will get ramped. it fools the eye, but not in statistics.

What facts? My issue has been fixed and that’s a fact. Of course my hardware is old, of course it needs to be upgraded and of course I know this, but that ISNT an option for me right now and games are now running fine for me. Holy Sh!t has this forum changed :(
What facts? My issue has been fixed and that’s a fact. Of course my hardware is old, of course it needs to be upgraded and of course I know this, but that ISNT an option for me right now and games are now running fine for me. Holy Sh!t has this forum changed :(

Pretty sure the reason why everyone is LOL'ing at you is because someone offered you advise and you reacted like he just said your mother was a whore.
Pretty sure the reason why everyone is LOL'ing at you is because someone offered you advise and you reacted like he just said your mother was a whore.

L M F A O!!

I wouldn't go that far. Sometimes there's a difference between the truth and what people want to hear.