5700U for $120 at Best Buy - No MIR!


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 14, 2002
I was at Best Buy last night and saw they had 5700 Ultra cards for ~$120 after a $100 instant rebate. No clue if this is all Best Buys or not.
I plan on waiting until the Phantom comes out for $199. I plan to rip the 5700U out along with any other components and spit into it's vile carcass. :D But since it will remain vaporware in my mind, this is a pretty good deal.
The one on Clark just north of Fullerton (60614, Lincoln Park area of Chicago). They had plenty in stock last night.
i know a guy that works on the one on touhy on central so i might have a talk with him :D
anyway i noticed u have fibre channel scsi. Would u want a 9.1 gig seagate barracuda?
there's not even a space on the shelf anymore at my local bb. :(