56k and UT2k4


Limp Gawd
Oct 19, 2003
Do you all think that ut2k4 is worth it for a 56ker. Is the net code good enough for a 56ker to play? I am happy with 150-200 ping.

I need a new game to play besides warcraft 3 now that valve made steam impossible for 56kers to play.

I get really good pings for my connection (56k), but there are some significant bugs. The team colors often don't show up until several minutes into a match, and sometimes I can't aim vertically at all in a vehicle. The stationary turrets also disappear sometimes. None of this happens when I play on cable or in the Instant Action mode.

Of course this is all coming from a beta code demo, so hopefully the final game will be a bit more polished :)
I'm hearing the net code will be even better with the final release, it's gonna be tweaked some more.

And seeing as how the posters with 56K are getting some very nice pings, you should be able to play fine in most cases.
When I first got UT2k3, I had a 24k connection. Online I was put at a disadvantage, but did fairly well. You definitely have to cope with the faster pc/connection guys as they will have you one upped the whole time.

UT2k4 probably wont be any different, but in the end, If I had known how it would run at that connection I'd have stayed away until I got broadband.
I have noticed that things go away too. This is supposedly related to the use of 56k modems.