56.64 Geforce drivers....any problems?


Jan 24, 2001
Did anyone have issues after installing 56.64 certified driver? Screwed up my screen big time, color was placed at 8 bit color, Never seen that before. I went back to the 56.56 and all was fine. I know it's not my vid card.
None here... actually tried using 56.56 as was recommended to speed up BF:Vietnam, and that actually gave me some issues. Uninstalled my 56.64's, and then installed 52.xx's... Yeah, really 56.56's. *Sighs* So that messed my icons up and everything, all neatly organized. :(
No problem here. Actually got better numbers in Aquamark and 3DMark. Nice interface too.
gman did you use driver cleaner first?
I'm still having issues with shadows in Splinter Cell. Shadows cast on dynamic objects (characters, doors) and static objects, but not on the BSP. The game demo for Far Cry also has problems with shadows casting on the BSP...you only see them on characters.

The new version of the drivers are better, but still fall short of my expectations. :( I wish nVidia would get their act together and improve game compatability. I'm seriously thinking about switching to ATI.
Originally posted by Jon Rista
I'm still having issues with shadows in Splinter Cell. Shadows cast on dynamic objects (characters, doors) and static objects, but not on the BSP. The game demo for Far Cry also has problems with shadows casting on the BSP...you only see them on characters.

The new version of the drivers are better, but still fall short of my expectations. :( I wish nVidia would get their act together and improve game compatability. I'm seriously thinking about switching to ATI.

There are many good reasons to switch to ATI, unfortunately drivers are NOT one of them.
Hmmm....I don't know anymore man. I've been emailing nVidia for weeks with reports about all the shadow issues in Splinter Cell (and recently Far Cry). I was ecstatic when I read that the 56.64 drivers fixed the shadow problems....but it only fixes them half-way. Its like nVidia did a half-assed attempt to fix the problem to shut me up. (I get my revenge though....I email them twice a day now with reports about driver issues for all the games I have. ;))

I feel like nVidia has forgotten about the customer and is only in it to win the battle with ATI now. And it seems like nVidia thinks the only way to win that battle is by performing at top speed. I don't care if I get 100fps in a game. The thing I care about is sustaining over 30 (I don't care how high the highest is), and I care about IQ and game compatability. I wish nVidia would realize thats what matters.
Originally posted by Jon Rista
I wish nVidia would realize thats what matters.
I do believe thats how they blew this entire FX card line. They used to know what they were doing, but for some reason they just stopped doing what they had over ATi... god too cocky maybe?
no problems on most of the games i played, got high score on 3dmark2001se and aquamark but my score on the 3dmark03 dropped by some margin
Originally posted by pbXassassinX1524
I do believe thats how they blew this entire FX card line. They used to know what they were doing, but for some reason they just stopped doing what they had over ATi... god too cocky maybe?

Yeah, nVidia really DID blow it, and not just a little. They completely screwed up...somehow. I think they WERE too cocky, and thats what lead to the screwup, and now....I think they may have just given up on the 5000 line of cards, and maybe are focusing on the next line? If thats the case, I guess I am ok with that, since I want NV40 to be a competitive chip....a chip worthy of a crown.

But still.....I want to be able to play Splinter Cell at a resolution higher than 800x600, WITH proper shadows, on my 5900. That shouldnt be so hard. ;)
56.xx drivers and SWG don't mix at all. Totally messed up in a major way.

3 FPS outside along with textures all messed up. Dropping doen from pixel/vertex shader 2.0 to 1.4 helps but still messed up in places.
I Installed the 56.64 and suddnly lost the openGL section of the option list and could not run any openGL or Direct3D games(CS, UT2002 :rolleyes: )
Back to 53.03...Is this the best driver for a Geforce2 Ultra?
I know it's old but it cost me $500 and I was the coolest nerd in highschool...for a week :p
gman did you use driver cleaner first?

Didn't use Driver Cleaner, but I did use Ashampoo Uninstaller that works very much the same way.

Now that I remember, I didn't even have an Nvidia Tab in the Video Advanced Properties. Once I reinstalled the 56.56, everything was fine.