5500's fried???

Sep 4, 2002

Creative x-fi platinum with Logitech 5500's from Newegg. Everything is plugged into an APC UPS w/ line conditioner (system into battery back-up & 5500's into surge suppressor side). UPS sits beside the case, but is 3' away from the sub and 3' away from the 5500's controller. The 5500's are connected to the x-fi via both analog and optical.

edit: The controller is about 2' away from the sub and about 6" away from a 21" IBM P260 monitor.


This morning the 5500's blew the 4amp fuse. I went out and got some new fuses (quick blow vs. the Logitech's slow blow) and replaced the fuse making sure all the switches were off. As soon as I powered the sub the fuse blew again (no light on the controller). I replaced the fuse again and plugged the 5500's into a straight wall outlet. I turned on the sub switch and heard this nasty noise briefly come from the center speaker (my head was under the desk so I don't know if other speakers had the noise or not).

After replacing the fuse again (new fuse #2) everything powers up, but there's no sound what-so-ever coming from the 5500's. I checked all the windows settings as well as changing from analog to optical, but nothing worked. I changed my sound source to onboard audio and still nothing happened. I do have another set of speakers and will try those tomorrow, but I don't have high hopes as I think the 5500's controller is fried.

I bought the 5500's from Newegg and I went back to see that they don't warranty them ... only the manufacturer. So I emailed Logitech with the problem and am very impatiently waiting to hear from them.

Does anyone here have any suggestions and/or possible causes for the speakers to stop working? It makes no sense to me that the new fuse would blow while the 5500's were plugged into the UPS and not the wall outlet. We do experience quite a few brown-outs and spikes here and the UPS's (mine and my wife's) beep and cycle about once a day. Would that have something to do with it?

I am not able to answer y.our question, but I know one thing: emailing Logitech is a big WASTE of time.

You will get a lame form email from "Shradeeb" or "Neerav" in a few days that will have NOTHING to do with the email you sent.

You need to call them at 702.269.3457. That is their line for warranty service, RMAs, etc., and they have been really helpful to me in the past. Just set aside some time, as you may need to "hold" for 20-30 min to talk to someone.

Also, given your fuse knowledge, could you please read the problem I've had here http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=895592&page=2
and tell me if you think replacing a fuse would help? Thanks!