512mb pc3200 RAM for $39.99 AR


Limp Gawd
Dec 9, 2004
Single stick of RAM. It says 'Gaming Power' on it, dont know if that is a manufactorer or not, I've never heard of them. The downfall to this is you only get the price after (2) 30$ MIR :/
I picked up a stick of Centon 512MB PC3200 ram at this price the other day at my local Micro Center. It was $100 up front with two $30 mail in rebates. Its actually not that bad of memory too. It boots at 2-2-2-11 in my 8rda3+ just fine at 2.9v. I might pick up another stick tomorrow, the deal goes through until the end of next week I believe.
where is rebates from? centon or microcenter and does anyone have experience with whomever the rebate is from?