512MB 6800U

while browsing on this thread and clicking the link gave me a heart attack.
hehe, let's wait and see what the first buyer says about the card at the Egg..
Well, I bought both my eVGA 6800GT's and OC'ed them to Ultra speeds and I am using them in SLi. Which BTW will rape that thing performance wise.

What's the point? That card is overpriced. You can do better things to gain performance with your money than getting that. Although two 512's would be sweet in SLi for bragging rights.
for $884.00 you get a t-shirt too! I thought $400.00 was alot of money for a video card guess i was wrong.
The worst part is that benchmarks with the 512 mb Radeon X800XL has demonstrated that there is little or no gain from 512 mb in most games.
So there's not much to brag about, other than the price :)
Scali said:
The worst part is that benchmarks with the 512 mb Radeon X800XL has demonstrated that there is little or no gain from 512 mb in most games.
So there's not much to brag about, other than the price :)

Why ATI put 512mb on the XL is beyond me, as it is not their high end card that could possibly have benefited much more from the increased memory.
yeah - I also bought both of my MSI GTs for less and run them in SLI @ ultra... too funny.

I think the 512mb U will come in handy for those folks who run with 30" LCDs... and if you are using one of those, you cam most likely afford one, or two 6800U 512meggers... :)
Pete84 said:
Why ATI put 512mb on the XL is beyond me, as it is not their high end card that could possibly have benefited much more from the increased memory.

My guess is that they either couldn't get 512 mb on the fastest cards yet (availability, heat, power issues, who knows?), or if they would, the price would become way too high. Then again, the price of the XL is already quite excessive.
BFG 512 MB OC available at MonarchPC, saw it yesterday and just about swallowed my tongue.899 i think??? This may be commonplace in the future but really it is the same card speed-wise. It looks like thre are no performance benefits. :mad:
Night_Hawk-19 said:
Its a waste of money no performance gains over 2x256mb Ultra.

I agree. It benchmarks the same as a 256MB card. You can get two 256MB cards for that price and rape that single card in performance.

The technology does need to be in place for the industry to start using it. Honestly though I think they should have waited unit the next generation of video cards to start pushing it. It obviously doesn't do a damn thing other than raise the price of the cards right now.
I think ATi and nVidia where are just pulling publicity stunts, who has the 'fastest meanest' card.
/Homer Simpson Doughnut Drool

Ummm this is why we cant solve cancer, if you got that much money donate it to a good cuase cancer/me/cancer ya know