502 Connection Hangup/ is it just me?


Apr 25, 2003
When I click from thread to thread I keep getting every time or second or third( random)

" Web Site Not Responding
The web site you have requested may be experiencing technical difficulties due to a busy or broken server.

Please try again by clicking the Reload icon on your navigation bar or, if that doesn't work, you may want to return to the site at a later time.

502 Connection Hangup "

. I refresh and the post posts!

Doesn't do it at any other sites!

Disabled antvirus ,did ipconfig /flushdns clened cookies did a D & C and it still does it!

Anyone else or is it just me? :confused:
I've not seen it, but a 5xx error code is a server-side error (really, any xxx HTTP error code is server-side) so it's not you personally.
ive been getting the same error, though i have to reload after every link
This only happens in the forums, not in [H]ard OCP pages.
I can surf any where in there and it doesn't happen.
I'm going from just alittle impaired to out right bonkers :eek: s
Technically the 4xx codes are generated by the client. The rest are generated by the server.

And I've been having serious problems with HF today.
This really blows!
So from what your saying this isn't a problem at my end?
Could it be my cable connection?
Still, it only does it in here!
Please O great [H]er's [H]elp!!!
I am getting the same errors I am gonna have to go delete my thread. Missed this one.

Here is the info

Firewall Errors? - Eigtball said:
I am getting a lot of cannot connect errors or 505 errors while trying to browse the forums. I keep getting kicked out.

Cleared the cache, cleared the cookies, flushed the DNS?

At a loss.

i get the same thing, except it' snot a 5xx error, it's a "Cannon display page" error, and it comes up on a refresh as well. This has happened to me before, and a deletion of the temp files and cookies have worked for me (+ a flush dns) but it's too much of a hassle... i just F5 it.
Did all that and still......
I think I'm just gonna go kick the cat!
diredesire said:
i get the same thing, except it' snot a 5xx error, it's a "Cannon display page" error, and it comes up on a refresh as well. This has happened to me before, and a deletion of the temp files and cookies have worked for me (+ a flush dns) but it's too much of a hassle... i just F5 it.

You must be getting the same error as me because I am using Opera. I just tried it in IE for kicks, and it came up as a Firewall Error.

Strang, if I come here through AOL (no flaming please) I just have to refresh once, If I go through IE I can't get here at all! :confused:

Update: since I posted this , IE has worked flawlessly and AOL is the same :confused:

The cat limps :eek:
OPUS1 said:
Strang, if I come here through AOL (no flaming please) I just have to refresh once, If I go through IE I can't get here at all! :confused:

Update: since I posted this , IE has worked flawlessly and AOL is the same :confused:

The cat limps :eek:
if i recall, the newest AOL 9.0 (Optimized my ass) uses a cache at aol to speed up page loads, if any scripts have been changed recently, it would possibly cause a error.

Same goes for any ISP that uses Proxy servers. iirc. :)

Edit: I haven't been having any problems, Firefox, IE.
Ok Neocorteqz
Is there a fix ?
Something along the lines of "ipconfig /flushdns"

Now I'm gonna kick the cat again! (didn't fix the comp but I feel better :D )
OPUS1 said:
Ok Neocorteqz
Is there a fix ?
Something along the lines of "ipconfig /flushdns"

Now I'm gonna kick the cat again! (didn't fix the comp but I feel better :D )
Yeah, stop kicking the cat. :p

hack teh gibson and force them to update their cache? :D

You can try and see if there might be a router along the way thats not responding, other than that, nope I don't know a fix. Email your ISP and bitch till you get results, unless it is on your end.
Are any of you running ad blocking software or firewall software? Have you tried turning this off?
"Are any of you running ad blocking software or firewall software? Have you tried turning this off?"

Yes runnin norton. Turned it off still does it.
Doesn't do it anymore in IE.
Never had this problem till about last week.
Could this be similar to having to enter [to win in [H]ypothermia] in the "enter here if you have problems"?

Ain't nothin left to kick of the cat, I'm gonna kick the kid next :rolleyes:
WaHoo WaHoo WaHoo WaHoo

Yeppie all is as it should be and as it was in the beginning :D
I guess what ever cleaning you did worked

Thankyou O great god of electronic infomation! The great K

There's only one problem......

I gotta get a new cat.

Don't worry about the kid, Tried to kick him and he beat the .....nevermind
