50% off of everything at Belkin.com

burningrave101 said:
Usually if something is damaged through USPS its because the person that sent it doesn't know how to package worth a shit.
Probably true but it's only part of the story. I have a large UPS center about a mile from where i grew up. My buddies related some horror stories of mishandling when they worked there. Whilst they claim they were never involved they mentioned stories of kids having package punting contests, opening them to play with stuff, theft etc etc etc.

I tend to believe all the UPS horror stories i read now :(

Moral of the story: if sending or recieving via UPS, try to ensure the package is packed extremely well and never write anything on the box that makes it a target such as "fragile" or "photos: do not bend". I've personally recieved more than one delivery from UPS that had been previously opened :mad:

Crap, just thought of something, I'm waiting on an LCD monitor thats currently in UPS's hands :( :eek: man o man o man
bump, just bought some PDA accessories. jan-17-05

code is still good, or good again


and just so people know. the pda acessories are still their msrp or circuit city asking price. so it is a good deal if you apply it correctly.
Alright, so are Belkin products shitty or are they about on par with other brands? I am looking for a descent PCI wireless card for my desktop to go along with a Linksys router I have...you think it's worth it?
belkin is horrible
i cant think of anything that i have from them that did not crap out
one day at Comp usa there were 5 people in line returning belkin routers
kleptophobiac said:
Yay, now belkin products are merely expensive!

hehe, /me goes off to browse their site.
When I worked at CompScrewUSA, I looked up the cost on some Belkin adapter for us:

Price: $9.99
Cost: $0.97

...and you thought CompScrewUSA made their money on computers... ( for the record, their markup is only around 15-20% on PCs, software is around 50%, and cables are apparently 1000%.)
pat_tuxent said:
Just tried to order the Pre-N router and the code did.......nothing. :(

Same think, does it work with other stuff?
EDIT:Found out its everything but Pre-N :-(
I was about to order a 2-port KVM using the code because it was lower than any froogle price until I saw the insane shipping. $13 to ship a relatively small item ground? Thats insane
Same think, does it work with other stuff?

Ok, for those that haven't figured it out:

This code, and a few others that do the EXACT same thing, has been floating around for at least a year to my knowledge and possibly longer. The code is good for 50% off of most of their merchandise, which basically brings their prices down the being reasonable instead of grosely overpriced. For the most part, the newest technologies are not subject to the 50% discount, however. Then again, if you're looking for the newest technologies and you're shopping at Belkin, you have other issues that need to be dealt with (just my two cents).

Buy a Post-It, write the code down, put it on your monitor. This isn't a sale, but it is useful should you ever find the need to buy Belkin.

Do you think we could convince a mod to create a pinned, locked thread for recording running deals like this? Unless Belkin actually decides to stop this code, which I doubt, there's no need to continue a thread for it.
Bizzump for a still working coupon. I tried it on a number of different things and it worked, although I did not buy anything, so I dont know if they catch it at checkout.
After seeing this coupon working for a few months, I think it's finally time I order two nice Enterprise 900VA UPS's- one for my fileserver and one for my desktop.