50% off of everything at Belkin.com


Nov 3, 2003
They seem to be having their coupon sale again. Put in 12345 for the coupon code and you should get half off of all your items in your cart.
Yay, now belkin products are merely expensive!

hehe, /me goes off to browse their site.
darn there Wireless Pre-N Router isn't yet on there site i was going to grab it for 50% off ow well .. lol dare to dream
thanks.... i saved a few bucks at least over in-store. keep in mind the webstore prices are high to begin with and they are pricey for shipping.
warmace said:
anyone know the duration of the sale? How much time do i got?

I've been using this coupon code for as long as I can remember now. As far as I can tell, it's a continuously running thing, and even if it's not there is always another Belkin code floating around somewhere. There's no need to rush.
Where do you enter the coupon code if you can't buy directly from their site?
dajet24 said:
belkins gear is pure trash though.

QFT, i bought $300 of Belkin shit a couple of months ago, and none if it worked properly. I sent it back and they told me they never recieved the shipment. So I was out the $300! I always ship insured now :mad:
CodeWaste said:
QFT, i bought $300 of Belkin shit a couple of months ago, and none if it worked properly. I sent it back and they told me they never recieved the shipment. So I was out the $300! I always ship insured now :mad:

Did you get at least a tracking number?
I hope you aren't talking badly of their UPS line, as those are very nice and work great.
vbrtrmn said:
Did you get at least a tracking number?

Yeah and the USPS said they are looking for it.... :( I have already written the money off, i learned my lesson.
CodeWaste said:
Yeah and the USPS said they are looking for it.... :( I have already written the money off, i learned my lesson.
Sorry man, I prefer to use FedEx for more expensive stuff. The USPS tends to f* stuff up more... FedEx is also running a promo for 10% off: https://www.fedex.com/signup/OADRSplash.jsp

Just an FYI for future ref, sorry about your $$ :(

I got the enterprise 900 ups off that site with the coupon and it works great so far. USPS is trash... I never ship with them and am reluctant to have stuff sent to me through them.
vbrtrmn said:
Sorry man, I prefer to use FedEx for more expensive stuff. The USPS tends to f* stuff up more... FedEx is also running a promo for 10% off: https://www.fedex.com/signup/OADRSplash.jsp

Just an FYI for future ref, sorry about your $$ :(


I ship stuff USPS all the time. I primarily use 2-day Priority Mail though. I also choose Priority Mail USPS when i order from places like SVC and Xoxide.

They almost always get it there within the 2 days and its alot cheaper then FedEx or UPS. Just make sure you get Delivery Confirmation on the more expensive items. I usually get it on anything over $20 or so. You can also get Insurance on it if you are worried about it being damaged.

Usually if something is damaged through USPS its because the person that sent it doesn't know how to package worth a shit.

The 50% off special at Belkin.com is a good deal. I just wish they offered free shipping as well.
atomicnacho said:
Lots of stuff out of stock (nostrom n52, and some ipod stuff i've been wanting)

Nostromo n52 is pretty cool, I picked one up earlier this year off of ebay and am very happy with it, couldn't go back to using a keyboard to play.
can someone recommend a UPS that'll support my computer in my sig with a 17" CRT? (not including speakers)

Thank You :p
there is a reason why you can get 50% off of belkin (BTW, this coupon has worked for atleast a year now)... is because belkin products suck. Even with 50% off, I couldn't find anything worthwhile.
KuJaX said:
there is a reason why you can get 50% off of belkin (BTW, this coupon has worked for atleast a year now)... is because belkin products suck. Even with 50% off, I couldn't find anything worthwhile.

Belkin has some of the best UPS's out there. They are as good and better then APC counterparts of like size. I've seen a few reviews for the top model Belkin 1200VA vs an APC model of equal size and the Belkin UPS kept the system running for a longer period of time.

The Belkin KVM switches are very nice as well.

If nothing else you could pick up a Belkin Anti-Static wrist strap which is something no custom builder should ever be without. It will only be like $3.50 after the 50% off.
very nice. i thought the coupon code was invalid for a month, because i tried to use it and it would not accept it for me. i had to use a different code to get the 50% off.
maybe there is a limit a single person can use that code?

I bought their highest-end non-rackmount UPS last year...and I've got money to spend for this year....time to see what $50 gets me...
Puma said:
I've been looking for a good deal on a UPS lately, anyone know if this model is any good?


The computer it will be powering isn't a beast: AXP 3200, 2 x 512mb, 80 gb HD, 9600 pro, 2 optical drives. Thanks.

The basic UPS should do you, if you're planning on expanding to a couple machines, later, get a beefier one. I use my current UPS, mainly, for power spikes and short failures. The power in my neighborhood is kinda crappy sometimes.
Puma said:
I've been looking for a good deal on a UPS lately, anyone know if this model is any good?


The computer it will be powering isn't a beast: AXP 3200, 2 x 512mb, 80 gb HD, 9600 pro, 2 optical drives. Thanks.

Not too sure about that one as I have not used it. I do have *this* one http://catalog.belkin.com/IWCatProd...t_Id=&Section_Id=76&pcount=&Product_Id=123024 that I got with the 50% code a while back. It works great. I have an A64 3200+ running at 2.2Ghz with a 6800GT at 380/1000, a Dell 2001FP, and my wireless router plugged into it. Last deep-cycle test gave me 37 minutes of power before shutdown started. That certainly takes care of my needs.
Ive boughten TWO UPS and both have gone bad within 6 months.

I also bought a wired Router and it was bad. I never buy Belkin no more.

Rad777 said:
Ive boughten TWO UPS and both have gone bad within 6 months.

I also bought a wired Router and it was bad. I never buy Belkin no more.


You couldn't cash in the warranty and just get a new one?

There isn't a hardware manufacturer out there with a 0% failure rate.

Belkin has good UPS's and surge protectors.
Rad777 said:
Ive boughten TWO UPS and both have gone bad within 6 months.

I also bought a wired Router and it was bad. I never buy Belkin no more.


I've had my Belkin 550VA for nearly 3 years now ... and had no problems ... also have a KVM ...
How much is their shipping? I can't seem to find any info?
I bought a Belkin Bluetooth handsfree for my cell phone from Fry's... it was like $85 or something.

piece of crap started dying about a month later.
bump, hey this is still good! those people sure are stupid for leaving the 50% coupon for months
I am not exceedingly happy with my belkin router. It has to be reset every couple of days once it just stops working. That is not very download-friendly.
Bugalaman said:
bump, hey this is still good! those people sure are stupid for leaving the 50% coupon for months

Not really because the prices on Belkin's site is alot more then what you pay for the products from other vendors.
I bet there's a guy sitting in an office staring at a computer that laughs heartily everytime some uninformed person buys something at full Belkin price.
that coupon has been around ever since belkin has been around. :)

even with 50% off, I will probably never buy anything from that terrible company.
burningrave101 said:
Belkin has some of the best UPS's out there. They are as good and better then APC counterparts of like size. I've seen a few reviews for the top model Belkin 1200VA vs an APC model of equal size and the Belkin UPS kept the system running for a longer period of time.
Really? I have a 500va Belkin UPS and a 500va APC UPS. I had to buy the APC unit because the Belkin unit would overload every time I turned on or degaused my 19" crt. The APC doesn't have a problem with the monitor. This is when the only thing pluged into the UPS was my monitor.