5 Free Oink Oink

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careful buddy, oink is very strict about their invites. You can't trade them, or give them to people you don't know personally. I lost all my invites permanently because one guy I invited decided to cheat his ratio. screwed me over. Just be careful. In fact, I invited him from this forum.

Still, I love OiNK, best thing to happen to my PC. besides hdbits.
Freedevil, to complement your kindness, if you want a HDBits/TL invite then PM me your email. :)
Plzzzz invite me if you can.

Not a ratio whore and I seed like a motherfucker.
I'm in for one if you have any left. I have a 100/10 university connection so I can keep my ratio up no problemo :p

PM if u gots!
Sorry guys as it states Hard Gawd + only. Others will get their turn too at a later time of course.
Man I'd love one of these Oink codes. Finally have FiOS so my net is a ton faster.
Invites are off as user: Justintoxicated from this forum decided to leech 1.37gb and got himself banned for leeching. So they took my invites for now, sorry but one douche bag hurt everyone else.
Invites are off as user: Justintoxicated from this forum decided to leech 1.37gb and got himself banned for leeching. So they took my invites for now, sorry but one douche bag hurt everyone else.

Welcome to my world. dont say i didnt warn you.
Invites are off as user: Justintoxicated from this forum decided to leech 1.37gb and got himself banned for leeching. So they took my invites for now, sorry but one douche bag hurt everyone else.

That is to bad. I know I am a new user but I think we should have the decency to seed after we download, not only for yourselves, but for the person who invited you in.
I'll take one if possible. I know I'm not a Hard Gawd but I have been here for a bajillion years. Should count for something! :D

Invites are off as user: Justintoxicated from this forum decided to leech 1.37gb and got himself banned for leeching. So they took my invites for now, sorry but one douche bag hurt everyone else.

Sorry, thats BS.

Quoting from OPP:
Ratio is quite simply the amount you've uploaded divided by the amount you downloaded.

The ratio you must maintain varies depending on how much you've downloaded.

New users normally first experience the ratio requirements when they have both:
  • downloaded 5.00 GB or more and
  • been a member 14 days or longer.
Once the 10.00 GB downloaded level is reached there are no delays or grace periods.

So yes, if you hit 10GB downloaded on your first day here, you're immediately subject to the minimum ratio requirements.

0Less than 5GBNoneNone

Even if you invite someone that gets banned for not keeping a appropriate ratio. YOU WILL NOT LOSE your invites. If you invite a cheater / or reinvite someone that was previously banned, you may lose your invites. Do not spread misinformation. Thanks.
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